Unlimited. Darina Grotto. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Darina Grotto
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 2017
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mum, but can I choose a man for me from my personal perspective? Can I like him, not you?’

      ‘What the hell are you talking? That’s disgraceful! This is his influence, isn’t it? Daniel was a good man for you… But you’re not interested in him. Of course, you look for freaks and peasants. What do you know about him?’

      ‘I know about him enough!’ Vic shouted, having grabbed her beg. ‘I’m not interested in Daniel because you like him not me! Let me go!’

      ‘What’s there on your blade?’ Olga Vladimirovna stayed in the doorway, blocking her daughter’s way.

      ‘Nothing.’ Vic answered with a snarl.

      ‘Vic!’ an austere voice sounded.


      ‘Tattoo…what? Are you out of your mind?’ the woman asked in a low voice, being worried. ‘I’m asking you, aren’t you quite right in the head?’

      ‘That’s all, mum. I’ll call you tomorrow.’

      ‘No, not tomorrow. I forbid you to go with that bastard anywhere!’

      ‘Mum!’ Vic smirked. ‘I’m not a child. I’ll go with him. Tomorrow I’ll pack other stuff I need. I’m begging you don’t be upset with me and try, just once in my damned life, to understand me and my feelings. I love him. Do you understand it?’

      ‘I do, Vic, I clearly do, moreover I can see! You know what I see? He doesn’t care about you and your feelings. I don’t want him to break your heart.’

      ‘You’re the person who’s breaking my heart now. Stop it, mum. Everything’s gonna be ok. You can trust me. Is that too much to ask?’

      Olga Vladimirovna sighed and let the girl in the heat of rage go.

      ‘This door is always opened for you.’


      Victoria came to the well hole and found Kharon smiling. He defiantly took her bag, instantly looking at her eyes.

      ‘Your mother doesn’t like me at all.’

      ‘Yeah, that’s true.’

      ‘That’s true? I think it’s called hatred. Certainly, I’m not used to hear women hate me, but you know, this is a funny feeling. She’s selfish. Is that what you call it?’

      ‘What it?’ Victoria smiled.

      ‘When people hear and listen to only themselves. When they are sure that the sun goes around only for them. When they think that all the world will be waiting. From here,’ the demon took the girl’s hands and out them on his chest, ‘Yes? The heart, and then into the mind, yes? Is selfishness here?’ Kharon pointed at the girl’s temple. ‘Yes, it is. It’s not in your hearts. Come to me. Closer. Closer. I wanna our bodies adjoin…’

      There was a fillip and then it was darkness. A second. Another one. Bright light. Kharon’s kitchen.

      ‘How did you…?’ Vic looked around.

      ‘How did I do this? You’ve been preoccupied with this question for a long time…’ Kharon took off his jacket to hang. ‘Do you remember, dear, I told you that we don’t surprise with space and time. But space and time are surprised with us. We subject them, not they. Why are you so surprised?’

      ‘Why? There are many things in the world you can be surprised with having no stop. You’re surprised with people, but you shouldn’t.’

      ‘Oh, dear, I’m in the human world for the first time ever.’

      ‘Oh, I do, obviously, spend every day with incubi and know everything about them!’

      Kharon smirked, studying the girl before him.

      ‘Then surprise me with the joint living…’ The demon came up closer to her and unbuttoned her jacket. ‘Your mother’s seen Lucifer mark. Why didn’t she like, how you call, tattoo on you? What’s the deal with it? I saw millions of people have tattoos.’

      ‘True, but there are millions of people who think tattoo abnormity and ugliness for the entire life. You see, Kharon, the war between “good” and “bad” will never be finished. The only one problem is that in fact nobody knows what good and bad is. It doesn’t exist but your attitude does, and it can be good or bad. My mum thinks tattoo bad and ugliness…’

      ‘It’s only for two years.’ He said with a touch of sadness.

      ‘You’re so strange sometimes!’ Victoria smiled. ‘I know Lucifer to be your boss, you know him personally, you can call and meet him. But if I say to my mum that Lucifer left his mark on my blade who was a guest at our home and we concluded the deal, she will send me in an asylum. It’s not bad already, it’s impudent overkill!’

      ‘Stupid people,’ the demon whispered, pulling the unbuttoned jacket with his two fingers from the girl. ‘You know almost nothing indeed…’

      His mouth greedily came down on her and without stopping, went to the bedroom.

      ‘Kharon…’ the girl closed her eyes when she felt gravity-free and then the soft bed.

      ‘You know nothing about the light that gives life to you every second.’ The demon’s pressure drew Vic crazy as she was drunk with the feelings. ‘You don’t know how much strengths and wishes it has to have to give life to the light… How much energy it gives you!’

      ‘No, no, Kharon, please, stop…’ the girl hugged the hot man too who had deftly relieved her tender body from clothes and there were only her panties left to be put off from the girl magnified with magic whisper.

      ‘Then what can you know about the darkness? Ugh, dear, what?’ in the semi-dark the demon with a wolf-grin looked at the white cloth, meanly hanging on his index finger.

      That’s all. There was no defence on Victoria left and her mind was about to betray her. The man was too pertinacious, too strong and handsome. She couldn’t help wanting him… She couldn’t help rejecting him…

      ‘…None of you know,’ his hot lips came down on her body, on her belly.

      Vic gave a shake. She wanted to open her eyes, to stop charming and making craze touches. But she couldn’t move. She was too much ashamed. But her enjoyment didn’t doze. It penetrated her muscles, forged them with its resilient body. Oh, what an enjoyment! How was it possible not to love it? How to reject it? What a hard-hearted piece of iron you need to be to wipe away this omnibus enjoyment?

      ‘You part everything into bad and good,’ Kharon was coming down, making her heart almost jump out of her chest, ‘You do it so blindly because you’re injudicious barbarians…’

      Teeth. It was a gentle, pleasant bite on her inner part of the thigh. The girl sighed and warped like a snake. His hot breath nibbled her gentle skin, bringing Vic above.

      ‘What can you know about the truth?’ Kharon hanged over the girl again. ‘Tell me, Victoria. Tell me!’

      She couldn’t speak anymore. Her heart was about to stop because of the bliss of touches and kisses. The girl had lack of air to keep on living in that mad stream of emotions.

      ‘I’m ready to show you the truth… It’s not bad not good. It’s faultlessly pure, spacious and all-consuming. I’m ready to immerse into it with you… right now. Vic, dear… Only one move separates us from the truth…’ Kharon was whispering in her eat, tenderly biting her earlap, burning with his hot breath.

      ‘Kharon,’ Vic gasped, having wrapped around his body with her legs, ‘I can’t… I can’t reject you anymore.’

      ‘Ask me then!’ he smiled. ‘I can hear your mind speaking, screaming, begging me to do this move! But I can’t hear your voice! Will you let me show you the absolute?’

      ‘I will…’ Vic breathed out. ‘Thousand times yes!’

      The demon smiled and did that move which Vic had been dreaming about and waiting for several months. She held