When a sense of self-importance is hurt, internal uncalm builds up like a snowball. One restless action entails another, often ending in exhaustion. Along the way, a person clings others. In an attempt to ignore (unwillingness to be aware, often, for reasons I do not want to strain, I do not want to be aware, attentive, responsible to myself and others, in general, what I want, then I do and I do not care about the consequences) internal uncalm (tension, excitement in the lower abdomen, where the will is located; general anxiety, concern without good reason) appear and support bad habits (smoking and alcohol, as a means of appeasement of internal uncalm, leaving from it, unwillingness to aware self unrest and deal with it, pulling self together, which can be caused by fear, anger or sadness in connection with some life problems, general dissatisfaction with life, some person, situation, event in the past or future, etc.; game addiction as a psychological discharge and then provoking excitement, as internal excitation, giving a strong focus on process and a distraction from thoughts and problems, and a temporary feeling of fullness of life or youth because of a sense of lightness and fun before defeat as exhaustion and self-pity, or winning with cherishing self pride and justify self addiction; drug addiction, as an attempt to experience new sensations, as insatiability, or to escape from reality, as the fear of real life or discontent with it, unrest because of the state of things, the state of affairs). The same origin, which outwardly takes the form of a sense of self-importance in the form of instruction, impudence, desire to dominate, rule, etc. has many personal conflicts. All habits and other repetitive actions (action-pattern) support something inside (some thought, idea, feeling) and represent a kind of neurotic symptom, having with it a similar origin: in some situation in the past there was an internal uncalm (such as fear, anger, desire, attraction, required satisfaction, discharge, exit in the form of action), which was not awared and resulted in a highly distorted action to the detriment of yourself and/or others. The origins must be sought in child or school age with the help of psychoanalysis or of the recapitulation.
When the sense of self-importance is revealed, the endless self-defense of the ego begins by all means (distortion of the truth, leading the conversation to another direction, accusing another). When self-defense is broken, self-incrimination begins. Sometimes to transfer a sense of self-importance in its true nature in the form of self-pity is extremely difficult, and it can require an enormous effort and several days of struggle, even with assistance, especially if you are a stalker and you tend of life gently and quietly to fix the image of yourself (yourself ego). In fact, the stronger a person is, the more personal power (free energy) he has, the stronger usually his sense of self-importance. If you reveal someone’s sense of self-importance, and you manage during a long conversation to break all the drunken (biased) and untrue arguments and accusations, to overcome inadequate feelings and antics in the form of irritation, discontent, anger, gloating, irony, sarcasm, etc., that accompany the conversation, to remain unaffected and translate a sense of self-importance in self-pity, it is a great success. And ideally you need to get to the point when at a person will wake up adequate feelings or pour tears (he’ll stop protecting the ego), when the cold mind will be defeated and will thaw his heart, he will attract to you or trust you, in general, will not afraid of the truth and be ready go to contact. Then we can assume that at this time the sense of self-importance has defeated, but it is only a battle, although not unimportant. If you break your or someone’s sense of self-importance, it is necessary to know that overcoming self-defense and then self-pity begins with the recognition of the truth to yourself, sober (objective) assessment of your feeling, habit, weakness, obsession and elimination of the problem by understanding what serious importance you (or someone) attached to this action, zealously protecting it, then it is best to laugh at yourself and then remove the importance of this action by ruthless attitude. The best cure for a sense of self-importance and the sadness that accompanies exposing the action associated with it is laughing at yourself.
Overcoming the ego in everyday actions should begin with the establishment that you have more dominates – a sense of self-importance (optimism; a tendency to haste; impatience; synthesis, as a kind of thinking and as impulsive actions without thinking; overestimation of self-esteem) or a sense of self-worthlessness (pessimism, a tendency to slowness; excessive patience or expectation; analysis, as a kind of thinking and thinking actions; underestimation of self-esteem). Next, you need to soberly adjust your behavior: whether you make too many actions in the environment (you are too much) and then you should focus on internal calm, whether you prefer inaction (you are lacking in the surrounding environment) and then you should drag yourself by the ears, overcome your laziness, secrecy, fears and act whenever the surrounding touches you, requires your intervention or participation, challenges you, focusing on increasing intensity of awareness (attention, perception, see below). You also need to determine to whom you are more demanding (ruthless), to yourself or others, and change the attitude to yourself and to others, to everywhere there will be harmony without excessive softness and without excessive hardness. In the process of overcoming the sense of self-importance (worthlessness), your attitude may change over time, so you need to be constantly alert to yourself (hunt down yourself).
The complete overcoming of the ego in any action leads to the displacement of the assemblage point in a place without pity, in which the mirror of self-reflection (the pattern of self-importance) is broken, which leads to a deep revision of the person’s attitude to himself and the world around him. In this position, the assemblage point a person acquires (temporarily, if not supports), pitilessness (sobriety, concentration), as the lack of pity to self and other people`s weaknesses, habits, loops, connection with the spirit through a sense of pressure in the field of the connecting link (will, lower abdomen) and the