The Sword of Antietam: A Story of the Nation's Crisis. Altsheler Joseph Alexander. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Altsheler Joseph Alexander
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Книги о войне
Год издания: 0
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      The Sword of Antietam


      The first youth rode to the crest of the hill, and, still sitting on his horse, examined the country in the south with minute care through a pair of powerful glasses. The other two dismounted and waited patiently. All three were thin and their faces were darkened by sun and wind. But they were strong alike of body and soul. Beneath the faded blue uniforms brave hearts beat and powerful muscles responded at once to every command of the will.

      “What do you see, Dick?” asked Warner, who leaned easily against his horse, with one arm over the pommel of his saddle.

      “Hills, valleys, mountains, the August heat shimmering over all, but no human being.”

      “A fine country,” said young Pennington, “and I like to look at it, but just now my Nebraska prairie would be better for us. We could at least see the advance of Stonewall Jackson before he was right on top of us.”

      Dick took another long look, searching every point in the half circle of the south with his glasses. Although burned by summer the country was beautiful, and neither heat nor cold could take away its picturesqueness. He saw valleys in which the grass grew thick and strong, clusters of hills dotted with trees, and then the blue loom of mountains clothed heavily with foliage. Over everything bent a dazzling sky of blue and gold.

      The light was so intense that with his glasses he could pick out individual trees and rocks on the far slopes. He saw an occasional roof, but nowhere did he see man. He knew the reason, but he had become so used to his trade that at the moment, he felt no sadness. All this region had been swept by great armies. Here the tide of battle in the mightiest of all wars had rolled back and forth, and here it was destined to surge again in a volume increasing always.

      “I don’t find anything,” repeated Dick, “but three pairs of eyes are better than none. George, you take the glasses and see what you can see and Frank will follow.”

      He dismounted and stood holding the reins of his horse while the young Vermonter looked. He noticed that the mathematical turn of Warner’s mind showed in every emergency. He swept the glasses back and forth in a regular curve, not looking here and now there, but taking his time and missing nothing. It occurred to Dick that he was a type of his region, slow but thorough, and sure to win after defeat.

      “What’s the result of your examination?” asked Dick as Warner passed the glasses in turn to Pennington.

      “Let x equal what I saw, which is nothing. Let y equal the result I draw, which is nothing. Hence we have x + y which still equals nothing.”

      Pennington was swifter in his examination. The blood in his veins flowed a little faster than Warner’s.

      “I find nothing but land and water,” he said without waiting to be asked, “and I’m disappointed. I had a hope, Dick, that I’d see Stonewall Jackson himself riding along a slope.”

      “Even if you saw him, how would you know it was Stonewall?”

      “I hadn’t thought of that. We’ve heard so much of him that it just seemed to me I’d know him anywhere.”

      “Same here,” said Warner. “Remember all the tales we’ve heard about his whiskers, his old slouch hat and his sorrel horse.”

      “I’d like to see him myself,” confessed Dick. “From all we hear he’s the man who kept McClellan from taking Richmond. He certainly played hob with the plans of our generals. You know, I’ve got a cousin, Harry Kenton, with him. I had a letter from him a week ago—passing through the lines, and coming in a round-about way. Writes as if he thought Stonewall Jackson was a demigod. Says we’d better quit and go home, as we haven’t any earthly chance to win this war.”

      “He fights best who wins last,” said Warner. “I’m thinking I won’t see the green hills of Vermont for a long time yet, because I mean to pay a visit to Richmond first. Have you got your cousin’s letter with you, Dick?”

      “No, I destroyed it. I didn’t want it bobbing up some time or other to cause either of us trouble. A man I know at home says he’s kept out of a lot of trouble by ‘never writin’ nothin’ to nobody.’ And if you do write a letter the next best thing is to burn it as quick as you can.”

      “If my eyes tell the truth, and they do,” said Pennington, “here comes a short, thick man riding a long, thick horse and he—the man, not the horse—bears a startling resemblance to our friend, ally, guide and sometime mentor, Sergeant Daniel Whitley.”

      “Yes, it’s the sergeant,” said Dick, looking down into the valley, “and I’m glad he’s joining us. Do you know, boys, I often think these veteran sergeants know more than some of our generals.”

      “It’s not an opinion. It’s a fact,” said Warner. “Hi, there, sergeant! Here are your friends! Come up and make the same empty report that we’ve got ready for the colonel.”

      Sergeant Daniel Whitley looked at the three lads, and his face brightened. He had a good intellect under his thatch of hair, and a warm heart within his strong body. The boys, although lieutenants, and he only a sergeant in the ranks, treated him usually as an equal and often as a superior.

      Colonel Winchester’s regiment and the remains of Colonel Newcomb’s Pennsylvanians had been sent east after the defeat of the Union army at the Seven Days, and were now with Pope’s Army of Virginia, which was to hold the valley and also protect Washington. Grant’s success at Shiloh had been offset by McClellan’s failure before Richmond, and the President and his Cabinet at Washington were filled with justifiable alarm. Pope was a western man, a Kentuckian, and he had insisted upon having some of the western troops with him.

      The sergeant rode his horse slowly up the slope, and joined the lads over whom he watched like a father.

      “And what have the hundred eyes of Argus beheld?” asked Warner.

      “Argus?” said the sergeant. “I don’t know any such man. Name sounds queer, too.”

      “He belongs to a distant and mythical past, sergeant, but he’d be mighty useful if we had him here. If even a single one of his hundred eyes were to light on Stonewall Jackson, it would be a great service.”

      The sergeant shook his head and looked reprovingly at Warner.

      “It ain’t no time for jokin’,” he said.

      “I was never further from it. It seems to me that we need a lot of Arguses more than anything else. This is the enemy’s country, and we hear that Stonewall Jackson is advancing. Advancing where, from what and when? There is no Argus to tell. The country supports a fairly numerous population, but it hasn’t a single kind or informing word for us. Is Stonewall Jackson going to drop from the sky, which rumor says is his favorite method of approach?”

      “He’s usin’ the solid ground this time, anyway,” said Sergeant Daniel Whitley. “I’ve been eight miles farther south, an’ if I didn’t see cavalry comin’ along the skirt of a ridge, then my eyes ain’t any friends of mine. Then I came through a little place of not more’n five houses. No men there, just women an’ children, but when I looked back I saw them women an’ children, too, grinnin’ at me. That means somethin’, as shore as we’re livin’ an’ breathin’. I’m bettin’ that we new fellows from the west will get acquainted with Stonewall Jackson inside of twenty-four hours.”

      “You don’t mean that? It’s not possible!” exclaimed Dick, startled. “Why, when we last heard of Jackson he was so far south we can’t expect him in a week!”

      “You’ve heard that they call his men the foot cavalry,” said the sergeant gravely, “an’ I reckon from all I’ve learned since I come east that they’ve won the name fair an’ true. See them woods off to the south there. See the black line they make ag’inst the sky. I know, the same as if I had seen him, that Stonewall Jackson is down in them forests, comin’ an’ comin’ fast.”

      The sergeant’s tone was ominous, and Dick felt a tingling at the roots of his hair. The western troops were eager to meet this new Southern phenomenon who had suddenly shot like a burning star across the sky, but for the first time there was apprehension in his soul. He had seen but little of the new general, Pope, but he had read his proclamations and he had thought them bombastic. He talked lightly of