The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 102, April, 1866. Various. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Various
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Журналы
Год издания: 0
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to many questions asked concerning this delightful man and writer. "Lamb sent word by Southey" (I think it was Southey) "that he would be very happy to see me, whereupon we made him a visit. He had then retired from the India House, and lived at Enfield. He was most charming in conversation, and his smile impressed me as being particularly genial. His sister also was a very agreeable person. During my visit, Lamb rose, went to a table in the centre of the room, and took up a book, out of which he read aloud. Soon shutting it, he turned to me, saying: 'Is not what I have been reading exceedingly good?' 'Very good,' I replied. Thereupon Lamb burst out laughing, and exclaimed: 'Did one ever know so conceited a man as Mr. Landor? He has actually praised his own ideas!' It was now my turn to laugh, as I had not the slightest remembrance of having written what Lamb had read."

      Are there many to whom the following lines will not be better than new?

      "Once, and only once, have I seen thy face,

      Elia! once only has thy tripping tongue

      Run o'er my breast, yet never has been left

      Impression on it stronger or more sweet.

      Cordial old man! what youth was in thy years,

      What wisdom in thy levity! what truth

      In every utterance of that purest soul!

      Few are the spirits of the glorified

      I'd spring to earlier at the gate of Heaven."

      Being asked if he had met Byron, Landor replied: "I never saw Byron but once, and then accidentally. I went into a perfumery shop in London to purchase a pot of the ottar of roses, which at that time was very rare and expensive. As I entered the shop a handsome young man, with a slight limp in his walk, passed me and went out. The shopkeeper directed my attention to him, saying: 'Do you know who that is, sir?' 'No,' I answered. 'That is the young Lord Byron.' He had been purchasing some fancy soaps, and at that time was the fashion. I never desired to meet him."

      As all the world knows, there was little love lost between these two great writers; but it was the man, not the poet, that Landor so cordially disliked.


      FOR THE "BOYS OF '29."

      How long will this harp which you once loved to hear

      Cheat your lips of a smile or your eyes of a tear?

      How long stir the echoes it wakened of old,

      While its strings were unbroken, untarnished its gold?

      Dear friends of my boyhood, my words do you wrong;

      The heart, the heart only, shall throb in my song;

      It reads the kind answer that looks from your eyes,—

      "We will bid our old harper play on till he dies."

      Though Youth, the fair angel that looked o'er the strings,

      Has lost the bright glory that gleamed on his wings,

      Though the freshness of morning has passed from its tone,

      It is still the old harp that was always your own.

      I claim not its music,—each note it affords

      I strike from your heart-strings, that lend me its chords;

      I know you will listen and love to the last,

      For it trembles and thrills with the voice of your past.

      Ah, brothers! dear brothers! the harp that I hold

      No craftsman could string and no artisan mould;

      He shaped it, He strung it, who fashioned the lyres

      That ring with the hymns of the seraphim choirs.

      Not mine are the visions of beauty it brings,

      Not mine the faint fragrance around it that clings;

      Those shapes are the phantoms of years that have fled,

      Those sweets breathe from roses your summers have shed.

      Each hour of the past lends its tribute to this,

      Till it blooms like a bower in the Garden of Bliss;

      The thorn and the thistle may grow as they will,

      Where Friendship unfolds there is Paradise still.

      The bird wanders careless while Summer is green,

      The leaf-hidden cradle that rocked him unseen;

      When Autumn's rude fingers the woods have undressed,

      The boughs may look bare, but they show him his nest.

      Too precious these moments! the lustre they fling

      Is the light of our year, is the gem in its ring,

      So brimming with sunshine, we almost forget

      The rays it has lost, and its border of jet.

      While round us the many-hued halo is shed,

      How dear are the living, how near are the dead!

      One circle, scarce broken, these waiting below,

      Those walking the shores where the asphodels blow!

      Not life shall enlarge it, nor death shall divide,—

      No brother new-born finds his place at my side;

      No titles shall freeze us, no grandeurs infest,—

      His Honor, His Worship, are boys like the rest.

      Some won the world's homage,—their names we hold dear,—

      But Friendship, not Fame, is the countersign here;

      Make room by the conqueror crowned in the strife

      For the comrade that limps from the battle of life!

      What tongue talks of battle? Too long we have heard

      In sorrow, in anguish, that terrible word;

      It reddened the sunshine, it crimsoned the wave,

      It sprinkled our doors with the blood of our brave.

      Peace, Peace, comes at last, with her garland of white;

      Peace broods in all hearts as we gather to-night;

      The blazon of Union spreads full in the sun;

      We echo its words,—We are One! We are One!


      About seven years ago, (it is possible that some of my readers may recall it,) the following paragraph appeared in the New York daily papers;—

      "Mysterious Disappearance.—A young man named George Snyder left the residence of his parents in Thirty-Third Street, last Friday evening without his hat and taking nothing with him but the suit which he was wearing (dark doeskin pants, and invisible-green coat), and has not yet been heard from. It is feared that he has wandered, in some sudden mental derangement, off the wharves. Any information which may lead to his discovery will be gratefully received by the distressed parents."

      No information was ever received until the 1st of April last, when the missing man himself returned to his father's house, as mysteriously as he went, and was welcomed as one risen from the dead. I am that George Snyder, and propose to give now a brief account of that strange going and coming. Since April last I have been engaged, as well as the excitement of listening to the narrative of the great events which had taken place in my native land during my absence would allow me, in preparing for publication a history of my observations, made during the six years' absence; but of this history I can now give merely an outline.

      On the night of my departure, November 5, 1858, I was sitting in my own room, studying Gauss's "Theoria Motus"; and, as was often the case with me, I grew so absorbed in the study as to lose all consciousness of outward things beyond the limits