The Jerusalem Sinner Saved; or, Good News for the Vilest of Men. John Bunyan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Bunyan
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
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this is not all; these Jerusalem sinners must have this offer again and again; every one of them must be offered it over and over.  Christ would not take their first rejection for a denial, nor their second repulse for a denial; but he will have grace offered once, and twice, and thrice, to these Jerusalem sinners.  Is not this amazing grace?  Christ will not be put off.  These are the sinners that are sinners indeed.  They are sinners of the biggest sort; consequently such as Christ can, if they convert and be saved, best serve his ends and designs upon.  Of which more anon.

      But what a pitch of grace is this!  Christ is minded to amaze the world, and to shew, that he acteth not like the children of men.  This is that which he said of old.  “I will not execute the fierceness of my wrath, I will not return to destroy Ephraim; for I am God and not man;” Hos. xi. 9.  This is not the manner of men; men are shorter winded; men are soon moved to take vengeance, and to right themselves in a way of wrath and indignation.  But God is full of grace, full of patience, ready to forgive, and one that delights in mercy.  All this is seen in our text.  The biggest sinners must first be offered mercy; they must, I say, have the cream of the gospel offered unto them.

      But we will a little proceed.  In the third chapter we find, that they who escaped converting by the first sermon, are called upon again, to accept of grace and forgiveness, for their murder committed upon the Son of God.  You have killed, yea, “you have denied, the holy one and the just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; and killed the Prince of life.”  Mark, he falls again upon the very men that actually were, as you have it in the chapters following, his very betrayers and murderers, Acts iii. 14, 15; as being loath that they should escape the mercy of forgiveness; and exhorts them again to repent, that their sins might “be blotted out;” verses 19, 20.

      Again, in the fourth chapter, he charges them afresh with this murder, ver. 10; but withal tells them, salvation is in no other.  Then, like a heavenly decoy, he puts himself also among them, to draw them the better under the net of the gospel; saying, “There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved;” ver. 12.

      In the fifth chapter you find them railing at him, because he continued preaching among them salvation in the name of Jesus.  But he tells them, that that very Jesus whom they had slain and hanged on a tree, him God had raised up, and exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins: ver. 29–31.  Still insinuating, that though they had killed him, and to this day rejected him, yet his business was to bestow upon them repentance and forgiveness of sins.

      ’Tis true, after they began to kill again, and when nothing but killing would serve their turn, then they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.  Yet even some of them so hankered after the conversion of the Jews, that they preached the gospel only to them.  Also the apostles still made their abode at Jerusalem, in hopes that they might yet let down their net for another draught of these Jerusalem sinners.  Neither did Paul and Barnabas, who were the ministers of God to the Gentiles, but offer the gospel, in the first place, to those of them that for their wickedness were scattered like vagabonds among the nations; yea, and when they rendered rebellion and blasphemy for their service and love, they replied, it was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to them; Acts i. 8; chap. xiii. 46, 47.

      Nor was this their preaching unsuccessful among these people: but the Lord Jesus so wrought with the word thus spoken, that thousands of them came flocking to him for mercy.  Three thousand of them closed with him at the first; and afterwards two thousand more; for now they were in number about five thousand; whereas before sermons were preached to these murderers, the number of the disciples was not above “a hundred and twenty;” Acts i. 15; chap. ii. 41; chap. iv. 4.

      Also among these people that thus flocked to him for mercy, there was a “great company of the priests;” chap. vi. 7.  Now the priests were they that were the greatest of these biggest sinners; they were the ringleaders, they were the inventors and ringleaders in the mischief.  It was they that set the people against the Lord Jesus, and that were the cause why the uproar increased, until Pilate had given sentence upon him.  “The chief priests and elders,” says the text, “persuaded (the people) the multitude,” that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus; Matt. xxvii. 20.  And yet behold the priests, yea, a great company of the priests, became obedient to the faith.

      Oh the greatness of the grace of Christ, that he should be thus in love with the souls of Jerusalem sinners! that he should be thus delighted with the salvation of the Jerusalem sinners! that he should not only will that his gospel should be offered them, but that it should be offered unto them first, and before other sinners were admitted to a hearing of it.  “Begin at Jerusalem.”

      Were this doctrine well believed, where would there be a place for a doubt, or a fear of the damnation of the soul, if the sinner be penitent, how bad a life soever he has lived, how many soever in number are his sins?

      But this grace is hid from the eyes of men; the devil hides it from them; for he knows it is alluring, he knows it has an attracting virtue in it: for this is it that above all arguments can draw the soul to God.

      I cannot help it, but must let drop another word.  The first church, the Jerusalem church, from whence the gospel was to be sent into all the world, was a church made up of Jerusalem sinners.  These great sinners were here the most shining monuments of the exceeding grace of God.

      Thus you see I have proved the doctrine; and that not only by showing you that this was the practice of the Lord Jesus Christ in his lifetime, but his last will when he went up to God; saying, Begin to preach at Jerusalem.

      Yea, it is yet further manifested, in that when his ministers first began to preach there, he joined his power to the word, to the converting of thousands of his betrayers and murderers, and also many of the ringleading priests to the faith.

      I shall now proceed, and shall show you,

      1.  The reasons of the point:

      2.  And then make some application of the whole.

      The observation, you know, is this: Jesus Christ would have mercy offered, in the first place, to the biggest sinners, to the Jerusalem sinners: “Preach repentance, and remission of sins, in my name, among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”

      The reasons of the point are:

      First, Because the biggest sinners have most need thereof.  He that has most need, reason says, should be helped first.  I mean, when a helping hand is offered, and now it is: for the gospel of the grace of God is sent to help the world; Acts xvi. 9.  But the biggest sinner has most need.  Therefore, in reason, when mercy is sent down from heaven to men, the worst of men should have the first offer of it.  “Begin at Jerusalem.”  This is the reason which the Lord Christ himself renders, why in his lifetime he left the best, and turned him to the worst; why he sat so loose from the righteous, and stuck so close to the wicked.  “The whole,” saith he, “have no need of the physician, but the sick.  I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance;” Mark ii. 15–47.

      Above you read, that the scribes and pharisees said to his disciples, “How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?”  Alas! they did not know the reason: but the Lord renders them one, and such an one as is both natural and cogent, saying, These have need, most need.  Their great necessity requires that I should be most friendly, and show my grace first to them.

      Not that the other were sinless, and so had no need of a Saviour; but the publicans and their companions were the biggest sinners; they were, as to view, worse than the scribes; and therefore in reason should be helped first, because they had most need of a Saviour.

      Men that are at the point to die have more need of the physician than they that are but now and then troubled with an heart-fainting qualm.  The publicans and sinners were, as it were, in the mouth of death; death was swallowing of them down: and therefore the Lord Jesus receives them first, offers them mercy first.  “The whole have no need of the physician, but the sick.  I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”  The sick, as I said, is the biggest sinner, whether he sees his disease or not.  He is stained from head to foot, from heart to life and conversation.  This man, in every man’s judgment, has the most