Gradually, I found out that the ladies who were with him before me didn’t really like sex at all. Of course, I will not call them frigid, as frigidity, what is called “sexual dysfunction” in modern sexology, is an extremely complex phenomenon. This is an intricate interweaving of many physical and psychological factors: here there are diseases of the urogenital system, psychological traumas, actions of various drugs, etc., etc. But there was something “fish” in these ladies, judging according to the stories of my lover.
I must say that with all my obvious desire to know what ONE sexual intercourse lasts for four hours, I had to “rock” my lover for a long time to a state of complete trust. Trust – in the sense of creating complete confidence in him that I will not alienate him when it comes to such a time. And the hour has come! When, finally, we reached a fairly stable psychological comfort and unity of bodies and souls, the result exceeded all expectations! And now I can say with full confidence: this experience brings the consciousness to a completely new, higher, unexplored and very, very attractive level. Moreover, tempting prospects loomed ahead! And our meetings would last for another three or four months, we would go into absolutely fantastic areas! But… As is often the case in life, our flight was interrupted. We broke up. Ask why? His official wife, for reasons completely incomprehensible to me, was against our meetings.
There was a clear connection between the two men – my former lover and the client at the consultation. And you can formulate it like this:
Even having such a gift – to prolong ONE sexual intercourse for several hours – it is difficult for a man to find a partner who would like it or who could withstand such a marathon physically and psychologically!
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