Seven secrets of long sex. Mari Gerr. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mari Gerr
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449644091
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Seven secrets of long sex

      Mari Gerr

      Editor Gerr

      Cover designer Mari Gerr

      © Mari Gerr, 2019

      © Mari Gerr, cover design, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-4496-4409-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      The author of the book – Mari Gerr (Maria Gerasimova), a Russian psychologist, historian, journalist, writer, gave 25 years of professional life to print media and psychological research. Now she collaborates with online publications, specialized websites and book publishers.

      For many years the author has been collecting materials for a wide variety of research articles and books. And the author has been collecting materials for this book for almost 15 years.

      Years of reportage journalism and psychological consulting practice, thousands of human lives, with which the author came into contact, created a single fusion – a unique and unique experience. And this book is the quintessence of thematic interviews, official surveys, personal observations and conclusions made on the basis of numerous psychological consultations.

      In the book, the author presents his unconventional view on a topic of interest to many men and women: long sex.

      The book is written easily and readable in one breath.

      Mari Gerr – author of the book


      I’m not a feminist,

      not a masochist,

      not an exhibitionist,

      not a communist, not…

      I just sometimes thought comes to mind.

      And then I think of her.

      I do not remember where I read this phrase, but I remember it a long time ago:

      “Orgasm – is the moment when you let go of your Self, separate from the body and dissolve in absolute bliss. At first it can be scary because it is light, pure energy. But at that very moment you are a Buddha”

      Sometimes you do not even notice how some particular situations are combined into a single whole, in a certain general direction. And then an interesting story begins to unfold.

      So with this book turned out the same. Scattered, seemingly unrelated events suddenly began to form an interesting mosaic, which amazed me with its originality and colorfulness.

      Since I started practicing psychological practice, helping to solve the problems that arose with my friends, then with friends of my friends and their friends, but I’m not at all familiar with me, one interesting tendency emerged: people are interested in long sex or lack of it. Do not misunderstand me: not a few sex acts in 2—3 hours, but ONE sexual intercourse for 2—4 hours.

      And when another man came to me on the recommendation, about which I will talk further in one of the chapters, and at first, as usual hesitating, but gradually liberating himself, outlined his throwings and longing, I realized that it was time to collect all my experience, knowledge and theory together and write this book.

      I also interviewed many men and women, sometimes officially interviewing, sometimes just in private conversations, trying to get their opinion on this issue. All together: consultations, surveys and personal experience – and formed the basis of this book.

      And although everything that I will talk about here relates directly to men, women will also be interested. A peek on the other side of the mirror is always useful: maybe you will see yourself?

      In the book there is no demagogy and empty reasoning. I will not give you the anatomical details of the structure of a man and a woman. This information is known to everyone, and if you still have some secrets – open the medical encyclopedia or the Internet. My book is not about that. It is about WHAT you should do in order to prolong ONE sexual intercourse to two, three or even four hours. As is known, the average rate of this process, recognized by official medicine, ranges from 10 to 20 minutes.

      I also allowed myself to sometimes use profanity, but only where it gives an extra charm.

      From the book you will learn what kind of sex you need to engage in, to prolong one sexual intercourse for several hours, how to achieve this, what psychological mood a man should have, whether size matters, what is the relationship between sex and longevity of a man and much more, what is possible, forever change your view on sex. What you read may be unexpected for you, maybe intriguing, maybe you will get scared. But you can know yourself better. Or just find out!

      I also broke the book into seven main chapters and, without hesitation, called them “First Secret”, “Second…», etc. In each of the chapters I reveal one of the seven topics that make up a general view of the problem I describe.

      My book is not fiction and not a dry textbook. This is a literary statement of many years of experience, research and conclusions, reworked, rethought and fused into a single concept.

      And I think it’s time to start already!

      FOR WHAT?

      To begin, answer yourself the question: WHY do you have sex? You may have smiled? In vain. The answer to this question, in fact, is not as simple as it seems. You know about the direct use of this process – the instinct of procreation. But sex is also used as a means to achieve some goals. Here is a modest and far from complete list of these goals.

      1. The manifestation of love – no comment! And so everything is clear.

      2. Reproduction – not so much the process as the final result, erotica is not important, only the social or natural qualities of the participants are important.

      3. Discharge of sexual arousal – the quality of the partner is not important, and in general you can get by with masturbation.

      4. Recreation – sex is seen as an exercise that restores power. Partner satisfaction – as an addition to your own pleasure.

      5. Communication and communication – establishing intimacy between partners.

      6. Self-assertion – in the first plan the need of the individual, mostly men, to test or prove to himself or others that he can attract, like, sexually satisfy.

      7. Cognition – the knowledge of women, the satisfaction of sexual curiosity peculiar to all people. The famous biblical phrase “to know a woman” is this “aria” just from this “opera”.

      8. Ritual – maintaining a certain ritual or habit, proof of the stability of existing relations between partners, occurs mainly in marriage.

      9. Improvement of the state – physical and emotional; the achievement of this goal in general can become a kind of “drug addiction”.

      10. Religious or mystical practices – in many nations in different historical times, customs of ritual intercourse were common in the fields during the seeding period.

      In ancient Greece there was a cult of Demeter – the goddess of fertility and agriculture. The holiday lasted for several days, and in one of them the young Greek women were given to men on the newly plowed fields.

      Eastern and Western Slavs on the night of Ivan Kupala – initially the holiday was associated with the summer solstice – marriage rites were performed, and according to some sources, mass free copulation.

      On one of the Moluccas, if a bad harvest was expected at the carnation, naked men came to the plantation at night and shouted “More carnations!” And sowed the seed on the carnations.

      In some