The ideological foundations of technological singularity. Boris Shulitski. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Boris Shulitski
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Компьютеры: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449633286
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information”, and the dialectical methodology has been adopted as the main method of analysis. Only from the standpoint of dialectics can one understand the complex, full of contradictions, path of the objective truth formation, connection of the elements of absolute and relative, stable and changeable at each stage of the science development, transitions from one form of generalization to another, deeper forms of cognition of the surrounding world. Chapter considered the general provisions of the dialectical methodology. The suggested hypothetical view of the world allows the separate areas of scientific knowledge to be integrated into a single system, adequately explaining the actual vital processes of the surrounding world in their integrity, dynamism and inseparable interconnection, as well as heuristically prognosticate the evolutionary processes development. Chapter II considers the possible structure of the surrounding world in the framework of the energy-information concept of the world from the standpoint of universal cosmocentrism.

      The universal concept of the dialectic theory is the principle of development. According to the generally accepted definition, development refers to “the endless process of regular self-renewal, self-organization of matter and the generation of qualitatively new, including the rational forms of its being and movement”. It is appropriate to raise the question: if development is an endless process of generating qualitatively new forms, then can be organic life and homo sapiens, as its highest form, the final, finite stage of the evolution of being in itsrational forms of being, as well as the movement of matter? Or is it still transitional, suggesting the possibility of the further generation of qualitatively new, more highly organized rational forms of matter, continuing the endless regular process of its self-renewal and selforganization? The answer to this question, perhaps, will determine the development of philosophical thought of the third millennium and will lead to the division of thinkers into two camps – anthropocentrists and cosmocentrists.

      The analysis of scientific information of the beginning of the third millennium is evidence in favor of the cosmocentric approach and makes possible to reveal the undeniable signs of continuing the process of qualitatively added complexity of the thinking matter organization forms, and its endless regular self-renewal. The conceptual and informational basis for this is new scientific disciplines born in the 20th century. First of all, cybernetics, which showed the unity of control and communication in the animal and the machine. As a consequence, the fundamental possibilities of inorganic devices self-organization can be the considered, which effectively reproduce rational anti-entropic productive activity of man in the course of transforming and structuring the surrounding world.

      Another scientific discipline is psychoanalysis, which discovered the energetic sources of human mental activity. “If it were not for Freud, – said N. Wiener, the founder of cybernetics, – there would be no cybernetics”. The very fact of the existence of dialectic patterns of human functioning, the dialectic of homo sapiens, follows naturally from the universality of the dialectical method of cognition and the inseparable interconnection between the surrounding world and man as an element of one of the related and interdependent structural levels in its hierarchical organization. Chapter III is devoted to the analysis of the dialectic patterns of human functioning and the principle of universal cosmocentrism arising from them.

      As it was already mentioned, the correspondence betweenthe constructed hypothetical worldview and the real one should be tested based on feedback concerning its ability to serve as a scientific search matrix for special scientific disciplines in terms of searching for the fundamentally new phenomena, processes and practical technologies. Chapter IV considers examples of the constructive use of a hypothetical energoinformational worldview as a matrix for scientific search.

      First, in the applied aspect, the energoinformational worldview requested as the ideological basis of the AppliedInternetics, which is the new direction of science that studies the properties, patterns and ways of using the global Internet in various spheres of human activity. At a certain stage in the network information formations development, it is completely unexpected for homo sapiens (but predictably and regularly in a dialectical evolutionary scenario) a spontaneous jump-like transformation of IT systems into a fundamentally new quality may occur. The prospects are fantastic, but from the point of view of the energoinformational picture of the world, they are inevitable in the scenario of the dialectical evolution of the surrounding world. How to carry out (and whether it is necessary to carry out?) practical counteraction to the development of such a scenario?

      Another significant applied moment is the fact that within the framework of the new view of the world there is a categorical apparatus for analyzing fundamentally new formations of actual reality that can change our daily life in the near future, that is, informational-productive"smart dust” Internet complexes (smart-dust formations). Prototypes of the latter are already being produced by research laboratories. Essentially, we have to deal with mobile local Internet complexes “scattered” in a certain space, unregistered by organs of human senses, but capable of intelligent dynamic interaction with the environment (including human one), and in the future, aimed at targeted transformation of this environment. How to classify such objects of the IT-industry in the context of traditional orthodox ideological views?

      In chapter V, the fundamentally new innovative technology of information-controlled self-assembly of nanostructured materials is seen on the horizon. It can be designated as one of the priority areas of applied research in the framework of a new picture of the world. The technology of information-driven processes assumes the ability to control the processes of self-assembly and self-organization of physicochemical systems using super-weak energy (informational) signals and is characterized by the transfer of information between objects, leading to the excitation and development of energy interchange processes that alter the state of objects in accordance with the specified initial requirements. One of the key aspects here is the ability of physicochemical systems to perceive external information with a recorded change in the physicochemical properties (the so-called “informational behavior” systems). Research work in this direction will open the way to fundamentally new innovative technologies, primarily in the field of opto-, nano- and microelectronics, nanostructures replication, recording, storing and reading of the information, and will also be indisputable evidence of the hypothetical worldview the correspondence to the real structure of the surrounding world.

      Further, the energoinformational view of the world can become a philosophical basis for new, rapidly developing theories, such as trans-, post-humanism and the theory of technological singularity. Transhumanism (from lat. trans – across, through, and homo – a human) is an international movement that supports the use of science and technology to improve the mental and physical capabilities of a person in order to increase the efficiency of human existence. The question is to what extent the ideas of transhumanism are grounded? Then followsposthumanism – a rational worldview based on the idea that human evolution is not complete and can be radically continued in the future. Supporters of posthumanism believe that if the mind (posthuman) is created, which is fundamentally different from the human, then the future fate of society and civilization cannot be predicted. In this aspect, the energoinformational picture of the world is the only one that currently exists, in which, using scientifically based methods of dialectical methodology, it is possible to predict the further fate of civilization and man, to give logically intelligible correct answers to fundamental questions.

      Technological singularity in futurology is a hypothetical explosion-like increase in the speed of scientific and technological progress, presumably following the creation of artificial intelligence, self-replicating automated devices and human integration with IT systems. According to the forecasts of the well-known futurologist R. Kurzweil, the technological singularity may occur already around 2045. One of the fundamental open questions about singularity is whether it will come, when it comes, how fast the technological changes will occur and what awaits us beyond the stage of singularity? Adequate answers to these questions are currently missing.
