Mediterranean Tycoons. JACQUELINE BAIRD. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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She grabbed his arm. ‘You can’t make a statement like that and walk away.’

      ‘Why not? It is no worse than you declaring you want a divorce and walking away.’

      ‘But… But…’ she stammered.

      Lean fingers enclosed the hand she had laid on his arm. ‘Not so nice, is it, Lisa? When the shoe is on the other foot? No?’ And he actually laughed.

      ‘You don’t mean it,’ she said uncertainly, as he slipped an arm around her waist, drawing her inexorably closer into the heat of his hard body. She was not sure if he was teasing or torturing her.

      ‘Neither do you.’ Folding both arms around her, his dark gaze steady on her troubled face, he added, ‘Think about it from my point of view Lisa. Last night I fell asleep with my wife in my arms. You get up in the middle of the night, and another woman attempts to climb into our bed. Do you really think I am stupid enough to go to bed with one woman while waiting for another?’

      She had trouble holding his gaze. His dark eyes bored into hers, and her own innate honesty forced her to admit that, if it had not been for the knowledge she had gained earlier about Nigel’s involvement with Alex she probably would have stopped Margot at the door. ‘I don’t know,’ she mumbled.

      ‘Of course I am suspicious of the circumstances. But is your scenario any more valid? I think not,’ he declared firmly.

      ‘No,’ Lisa conceded in defeat; she had to, unless she told him she knew about his plan to take over her company, and she was not ready to do that. She needed to make some investigations of her own first.

      ‘Good, then let us make a pact, you and I. We will forget last night ever happened.’

      ‘Very convenient for you,’ Lisa could not help sniping.

      ‘Come on, Lisa. Do you really want to go back and face your family and friends after a few short weeks, declaring your marriage to be over? Our wedding was reported in the press. Do you want to look a failure in the eyes of the world? More importantly, do you think for one minute I would allow you to make a failure out of me?’ he demanded, with silken emphasis on the last question.

      Lisa tensed, her slender frame taut as a bowstring, as she searched his darkly handsome face for any sign of weakness. There was none. Did she dare take a chance and defy him? More importantly, did she really want to?

      ‘You are wise not to argue. This was our first fight, probably the first of many; you are a very feisty lady, which is why I adore you. But enough is enough, Lisa. Forget last night, and we start again from today,’ he urged softly.

      ‘Just like that?’ Lisa shook her head at his arrogant conceit.

      His dark head bent and he brought his mouth gently down on hers. ‘No, just like this.’ He mouthed the words against her lips and then parted her lips to the seductive invasion of his tongue.

      Heat coursed through her, and even as she knew she should resist a muffled whimper escaped her, and the familiar ache of longing arrowed through her body.

      Alex only broke the kiss when she was utterly relaxed in his arms. ‘If only I had time,’ he murmured throatily, and raised his head to study her lovely face. His hand slid down to her buttocks and pressed her hard against his thighs, leaving her in no doubt about the potency of his masculine arousal.

      Lisa was completely mesmerised by the desire in his dark eyes. She dragged in a ragged breath, fighting the pull of his attraction, but she did not need to. He flung his arms wide and stepped back.

      ‘No more foolish talk of leaving, Lisa. You want me. I could have you now on the floor, and we both know it.’ His dark eyes met and held hers, mutinously blue. ‘And before you take off in another tantrum, know it is the same for me, Lisa.’ His huskily voiced confession stopped the expletive she had been about to throw at him.

      ‘It’s just sex,’ she muttered instead.

      ‘Sex, love—call it what you will. But consider you may already be carrying our child.’

      ‘I am not,’ she shot back curtly. She had discovered the fact after her shower. ‘I found that out as well.’ To her utter astonishment Alex burst out laughing, his dark head thrown back, the morning sun streaming through the window glinting in the blue-black of his hair.

      ‘Ah Lisa, now I understand. The wrong time of the month,’ he chuckled, straightening his shoulders, his firm lips curving back over brilliant white teeth in a broad grin. ‘Forget the foolishness of last night, sweetheart; I have. You were not thinking logically; it is perfectly understandable in your condition.’

      ‘My condition?’ She spluttered, almost incandescent with rage. He actually thought her outburst was all down to PMT, the chauvinist. She could see it in his tender, patronising smile.

      ‘Come, I can hear Mrs Blaydon arriving. She and her husband look after this place for me. I will introduce you, and then you go back to bed, rest. Leave everything to me.’ With his hand at her elbow he urged her along towards the kitchen, and she was so speechless at his high-handed arrogance she let him!


      ‘IT IS a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Solomos.’ The smiling, plump woman extended her hand to Lisa. ‘I am so happy for you both, and if there is anything you want me to do for you, you only have to ask.’ Smiling at Alex, she added, ‘The coffee is fresh; what would you like to eat?’

      ‘Just coffee, Mrs B; I have to dash. But I trust you to look after Lisa for me, and make sure she eats. She is feeling a bit tired today.’ After downing the cup of coffee Mrs Blaydon had handed him he settled his dark gaze on Lisa. ‘Come, walk me to the door. Mrs B understands. We are newlyweds,’ he invited, his voice laced with a cynicism that only Lisa recognised as Mrs Blaydon chuckled with delight.

      Alex’s hand on the small of her back created a disturbing sensation that held a hidden warning; it also succeeded in fuelling her anger. ‘I can walk,’ she breathed in an undertone as they exited to the hall.

      ‘So long as you know that you cannot walk out on me.’ Alex’s lazy reply only served to infuriate her further.

      ‘You’ve made your point. I wouldn’t dare.’ Her head tilted fractionally and she met his dark gaze with clear control. ‘Can I go and eat now?’

      He lifted a hand and caught hold of her chin. ‘Eat, yes. Go, no.’ He stressed silkily, and his thumb traced a semicircle up her chin, over her full lips and back down to slide to where the pulse beat heavily in her throat. ‘Forget last night. Forget our fight. And remember only this appetite.’ Alex tapped the pulse-beat in her throat, his head lowered and his lips brushed her cheek and the edge of her mouth. ‘This appetite you and I will always share, Lisa.’ She looked at him, the tug of sexual awareness impossible to deny. ‘But do not underestimate me, Lisa. If I find you have betrayed my trust I can be a ruthless enemy, your worst nightmare.’ It was the very softness of his tone that was enough to convince Lisa he was speaking the truth.

      ‘And what of your betrayal?’ she managed to retaliate.

      Alex’s eyes hardened fractionally. ‘The question will not arise; you can trust me absolutely.’ He caught hold of her hand and raised it to his lips. ‘With this ring I thee wed’ he repeated softly, and kissed the ring on her finger. ‘I keep my promises. Be sure to keep yours, and we will have no more problems.’ Dropping her hand, he also dropped a swift kiss on the top of her head. ‘Rest. You look tired.’

      ‘Thanks for the compliment.’

      ‘Sarcasm does not become you, Lisa,’ Alex opined dryly. ‘See you tonight, and remember we are dining with my father.’ Turning he opened the door and left.

      Deprived of any chance to retaliate, she stood for a moment staring at the closed door. Alex was right