His New Nanny. Carla Cassidy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Carla Cassidy
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные детективы
Год издания: 0
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him up the stairs, trying to absorb the first impressions that filled her head.

      The house was silent except for their footsteps whispering against the plush beige carpeting, but there was a simmering energy that pulsed in the air, and she wasn’t sure if it radiated from the house itself or the man in front of her.

      Please don’t let this be a mistake. The mantra repeated itself in her head as she stared at his stiff, unyielding back. They reached the top of the stairs and passed a closed door. He stepped into the next room and gestured her inside.

      It was a pleasant bedroom decorated in various shades of yellow. “You can stay in here or you’re welcome to one of the other guest bedrooms. Melanie’s room is right next door to this one and the only drawback is that you’ll share a bathroom with her.”

      As Amanda looked through the bathroom she saw Melanie peeking around the corner. Her little gamin face was there only a moment, then gone. “I certainly don’t mind if Melanie doesn’t. This will be just fine.”

      He nodded. “I assume you have suitcases in your car? If you’ll give me the key I’ll see that they’re brought up to you.”

      “I’d like to go over the particulars,” she began as she handed him her keys, but he held up a hand to stop her.

      “We’ll talk later. I know you’ve had a long trip. Dinner is at six. We’ll talk after that.” He didn’t wait for her response, but instead turned on his heels and left her alone in the room.

      She heard the murmur of his deep voice and when she looked into the hallway she saw Sawyer and his daughter, her little hand in his, going back down the stairs. She watched until they disappeared from sight, then she walked to the mirror above the dresser to see if the apprehension that fluttered in her chest showed on her face.

      Her blue eyes reflected none of the turmoil, and her dark brown hair remained pulled back away from her features in a low ponytail that went to the middle of her shoulders. She’d worn no makeup, hoping that without it she would look older than her twenty-seven years.

      She knew that Sawyer was thirty-three, the same age as her brother, and she hadn’t wanted him to think of her as Johnny’s baby sister.

      She turned away from the mirror with a small sigh and instead walked over to the bedroom window and peered outside.

      From this vantage point she saw the backyard. There was an area of lush lawn, then the faint dark sparkle of swamp water surrounded by tangled vegetation and gnarled, twisted cypress trees.

      A narrow wooden dock with side rails extended out over the water, appearing to her as an invitation to an inhospitable wildness.

      This was not a place of warmth and safety, but rather one of uncertainty with the potential for imminent danger. With an eight-year-old living here, there should be laughter and chatter. The house should teem with noise, but instead the utter silence pressed in around her. And if she listened to idle gossip it was possible that the man was as dangerous as the place.

      She couldn’t think that way. She refused to let the words of a stranger in a café override her brother’s characterization of Sawyer Bennett. Still, she wished she’d done a little research before jumping at the job opportunity.

      She knew Sawyer Bennett was an architect, but surely he had people who worked for him here in the house. A cook, a housekeeper, some people to work the grounds. She couldn’t imagine living in a place this size without having a staff of some sort. So, where was everyone?

      She didn’t know how long she’d been standing at the window, staring out and wondering what she’d gotten herself into, when a loud thump resounded from behind her.

      She whirled around to see a burly blond man just inside her room. He’d dropped her large suitcase on the floor and still held her smaller overnight bag. “Name is George. I work for Mr. Bennett.” He placed the overnight bag on the floor and when he straightened, his gaze swept her from head to toe. “Be nice to have something pretty to look at again.”

      Something about his gaze made her feel like she needed a shower, but before she could say anything he turned and left. She rubbed the center of her forehead where the tension headache had renewed its acquaintance with her.

      What in the heck had she gotten herself into?


      AT QUARTER TO SIX Amanda left her bedroom and headed down the stairs in search of the dining room or kitchen. In the two hours she’d been in her room she’d unpacked her things, taken a shower and changed her clothes. In that time she’d heard nothing, seen nobody.

      As she descended, the scent of something savory cooking made her stomach rumble in response, reminding her she hadn’t eaten since that morning.

      But more than appease her hunger, she was eager to spend some time with Melanie, anxious to learn more about what, exactly, her nanny job entailed.

      She ran her hands down the sides of her navy dress, hoping she was dressed appropriately. When he’d indicated that dinner was at six, she’d had the feeling that jeans and a T-shirt were not appropriate attire.

      She found Melanie seated next to her father on the sofa in the living room. Sawyer rose to his feet as she entered. “Good evening, Ms. Rockport.” She was grateful she’d decided to wear the dress, as he was clad in a pair of dress slacks and a crisp white shirt.

      “Please, make it Amanda,” she replied and smiled at Melanie.

      “This is my daughter,” Sawyer said. “Melanie, this is the woman I told you about. She’s going to take care of you.”

      “I hope we’ll be friends,” Amanda said.

      Melanie stared at her warily, then gave a curt nod of her head. This was a child who would not trust easily, Amanda thought. It was going to take time and patience to earn her trust.

      “I’ve invited some friends to join us for dinner,” Sawyer said. “James and Lillian Cordell. Lillian went to high school with my wife and they’re Melanie’s godparents and good friends. They should be arriving anytime. They live in the house closest to us.” He gestured her toward a chair across from the sofa.

      Again she noticed the seething, just-below-the-surface energy that emanated from him, which slightly repelled and attracted her. She had so many questions for him about her position here, but it seemed as if none of them would be answered until after dinner.

      Before any conversation could continue, the doorbell rang and Sawyer got up to answer, leaving Melanie and Amanda alone. Melanie stared at her folded hands in her lap. A sadness about her made Amanda want to join Melanie on the sofa and wrap her in a tight, loving embrace.

      Instead she softly spoke her name, and Melanie looked up at her. “I know it’s kind of scary to meet new people,” Amanda said. “But I think we’re going to get along just fine. I don’t know about you, but I like to do all kinds of things.” Melanie tilted her head quizzically and Amanda continued. “I like to draw and I love to color. I like to tell stories and play dress up. I like to have tea parties and sometimes I even like to collect bugs.”

      One corner of Melanie’s lips twitched upward in a faint smile. It’s a start, Amanda told herself. Now if she could just get even a half smile out of Sawyer Bennett she might feel a little bit at ease.

      He returned to the living room with an attractive couple. “James, Lillian, I’d like to introduce you to my new nanny, Amanda Rockport.”

      Amanda stood and smiled. “Nice to meet you both,” she said.

      “It’s wonderful to meet you,” Lillian exclaimed and took Amanda’s hand in hers. “It will be so nice to have woman conversation again.” She released Amanda’s hand and went directly to Melanie. “And there’s my girl,” she said, and pulled Melanie into a tight embrace. Melanie returned the embrace, then stepped back.

      “Dinner is ready, so we can go on into the dining room,” Sawyer said.
