The Man Next Door. Ellen James. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ellen James
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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new tenant,” finished the man, shaking hands solemnly with Michael. The family resemblance was once again unmistakable; it seemed that Sophie had imprinted herself irrevocably on each of her children. Thad Bennett, however, possessed a preoccupied manner, as if too many important concerns filled his mind.

      “How’s the house?” he asked Michael.


      Apparently even this brief answer gave Thad Bennett something to ruminate on. He had the air of a man weighed down by the significance of his own thoughts. While he was busy thinking up his next approach, his wife, Norie, jumped in.

      “How nice you could come tonight, Mr. Turner. These family gatherings can be so tedious. Sophie hardly ever allows any outsiders, and—” She stopped herself once more, looking dismayed. “I mean—”

      “Don’t worry. I don’t mind being an outsider,” Michael said.

      She gave him an embarrassed smile. “Believe it or not, Mr. Turner, I’m usually not such a blatherer. It’s just my mother-in-law’s proximity that. throws me off.”

      “Norie,” said her husband on a warning note.

      This, however, only seemed to inspire her. “Well, why try to hide it? None of us enjoys coming here, but we all put up a front. We ought to admit it for once.” She glanced at Kim for confirmation.

      Kim shrugged. “You wouldn’t be offending Sophie. She loves to keep everyone off balance.”

      “That’s it exactly,” said Norie. “She orchestrates these command performances and she won’t tell anyone what they’re about. It’s very disconcerting.”

      “Norie,” her husband said with exaggerated patience.

      She glanced defiantly at him. “I don’t see you standing up to her, do I?”

      Kim looked beleaguered, as if she had been through scenes of this kind often before. Michael surmised that Norie and Thad Bennett were the type who had been married so long and quibbled so frequently they forgot to be restrained in the presence of other people.

      “Well,” Norie said, “who knows why Sophie’s dragged us all out here tonight? I’ve been guessing, but I don’t have a clue.” When no one responded, she glanced at Kim. “Any ideas?” she asked brightly. She behaved as if it was her duty to keep the conversational ball rolling. Something about the woman seemed just a little off to Michael. One minute she gave the impression of being overly timid, the next she was on the verge of arguing with her husband—and the next she was forcing the conversation. She appeared to be trying on different roles, different attitudes, to see which one fit.

      “Sophie will let us know soon enough what she wants,” Kim said after another awkward pause.

      “That’s just it,” Norie said, speaking too quickly. “Sophie always wants something from us. Something that usually leaves bad feelings afterward. You’d think at least now and then she could invite us over to enjoy some family togetherness, nothing else.”

      “Norie,” said her husband in a long—suffering tone, “I don’t think Mr. Turner wants to know about our family squabbles.”

      “I’m sure he can speak for himself.” Norie turned her attention fully on Michael. “Mr. Turner, we could use an objective opinion. Do you find us Bennetts dull. or interesting?”

      The woman had taken on yet another pose. All of a sudden she appeared subtly provocative, but with a hint of anxiety underneath. She seemed to be asking for reassurance of some type—as if she wanted Michael to tell her she wasn’t ordinary. In a way he supposed she was flirting with him. Her husband seemed to have the same impression, and he was beginning to look vaguely disturbed. As for Kim, she had arranged her features in a carefully neutral expression, and she seemed to find it necessary to check her watch again. Michael would have given a great deal to know what she was thinking at this moment.

      “I’m just along for the ride tonight,” he said finally.

      Norie Bennett seemed disappointed. “That’s a nonanswer, Mr. Turner. Very diplomatic, I’m sure, but I expected something more from you.”

      The woman had just met him—what could she have expected? But already she was glancing about discontentedly as if seeking another audience. She no longer seemed to care whether or not the conversation kept going. And meanwhile, Thad Bennett seemed to retreat once more into the protection of his own ponderous thoughts.

      Michael caught Kim’s eye and smiled a little. She didn’t smile back, although he saw that hint of turbulence in her gaze. Was she more disgusted with him or with the Bennetts? It was difficult to tell.

      Just then Sophie appeared beside them—somewhat eerily, because she hadn’t made any noise, seeming to materialize out of nowhere. She proceeded to commandeer the group.

      “Thad, please go call Roger and find out what’s holding him up. Kim, Norie, I’d appreciate your popping ping into the kitchen to reassure Yolanda about her soufflé. You know how she is when I have her try a new recipe. Go alóng—I’ll take care of Mr. Turner.” Sophie had deployed her troops. Thad Bennett went off toward the phone, and Norie hurried in the opposite direction. Only Kim refused to budge.

      “Michael is my guest,” she said firmly. “I’ll keep him entertained.”

      “No doubt,” Sophie said with the slightest hint of irony. “But he also lives in one of my houses. I have a few matters I wish to discuss with him.”

      Kim waited another second or two, studying Michael doubtfully. Perhaps she decided he could handle Sophie on his own, for she gave a shrug, turned and walked away. Michael watched her. As always she moved proudly, taking her time crossing the large room, refusing to rush for anyone—even her motherin—law.

      “Mr. Turner,” said Sophie, “I hadn’t expected you here tonight. Nonetheless, I commend you for working so quickly with. her.”

      Michael didn’t care for Sophie Bennett’s so—called approval. She made it sound as if he’d done something slick to be here with Kim.

      “Don’t rush to any conclusions,” he said.

      She raised her eyebrows just a fraction. “Mr. Turner, however you choose to…get close to her is no concern of mine. Just so long as you learn what is necessary.”

      Michael disliked this case more and more. He also disliked Sophie Bennett and her unsavorý implications. If he was getting close to Kim Bennett, it was against all his better judgment.

      “There’s a lot I need to find out,” he said grimly.

      “No, Mr. Turner,” Sophie returned. “You need to find out only one thing. How she did it. How she…killed my son.” The words were stark, more so because they were spoken so dispassionately. Michael noted that she couldn’t even seem to say Kim’s name.

      But Sophie couldn’t disguise the pain that flashed in her eyes for just a moment. That she had genuinely loved her dead son there could be no doubt. Michael had sensed as much from the first time he’d met her. But Sophie was tough. She’d already made it clear that no amount of pain or sorrow would get in the way of anything she intended to do.

      “What if Kim didn’t kill your son?” he asked quietly. “What if it was someone else—or no one? What if it was just one too many and a winding road?”

      This time she betrayed no emotion at all. She might have been a statue of mourning, her grief so deep that it had turned her face to stone.

      “My son was murdered, Mr. Turner, and no one else had a motive to kill him,” she said with absolute control. “No one else profited by Stan’s death. Now, I hired you because you came highly recommended. I assume you will live up to my expectations.”

      It seemed he was hearing a lot tonight about expectations. “I’ll do my job with an open mind,” he said. “That’s the