Legacy Of The Past. Anne Mather. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Anne Mather
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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like one of his pupils, I’m afraid.’

      Madeline laughed merrily. ‘Rather an old pupil, wouldn’t you say?’ she said cheerfully.

      After they left the Crown they drove back to Madeline’s flat. It was only about ten o’clock, so she invited Adrian in for more coffee. Diana was not in when they arrived, but she came in soon after.

      She was flushed and not as full of daydreams as the previous evening and Madeline felt rather relieved, if a trifle apprehensive about her rather dejected expression. She had not known how to deal with her the previous evening and it was obvious that she did not know how to deal with her tonight either. She decided to play the game as it was played to her and refused to start worrying again after such a pleasant and relaxing evening.

      ‘Have you had a nice evening?’ Diana asked, looking across at Adrian.

      Adrian sank down into the comfort of the couch. ‘Very nice, thank you, Diana. Come and tell me about that boy-friend of yours. Did he give you a good time?’

      ‘Yes, thank you,’ said Diana politely. She pulled off the anorak and sat down beside him. ‘We had tea at his mother’s and then we went to the pictures. We saw a Western epic at the Odeon.’

      ‘I see. Was it good?’

      Diana wrinkled her nose. ‘It was all right,’ she conceded. ‘We don’t always see a lot of the film,’ she remarked, watching idly for Adrian’s shocked expression.

      She was not disappointed. Adrian raised his eyebrows in disapproval. Her outspoken words had shocked him. She was certainly changing this elf-like daughter of Madeline’s. Madeline was right. She was becoming a handful.

      ‘How was the tea?’ asked Madeline herself, coming through from the kitchen, with a tray of coffee. ‘Did you get on all right with his parents?’

      Diana shrugged her slim shoulders eloquently. ‘I suppose so. His mother made some rather barbed comments about Jeff neglecting his studies recently, as though I was the entire cause, and that he would have to pick himself up if he was expecting them to send him to university in the autumn. Poor Jeff!’ Diana sighed in remembrance. ‘He looked positively furious and told her rather rudely that it was his affair whether or not he went to the university. I think he’s having second thoughts.’

      ‘I see.’ Madeline ran a tongue over her lips. ‘But of course, you told him he must go to the university, didn’t you, Diana? He’s quite a clever boy. His headmaster says so. You mustn’t come between him and his work.’

      Diana looked mutinous, but remained silent, and Adrian and Madeline exchanged glances.

      ‘What did you have for supper?’ asked Diana suddenly, changing the subject, and shrugging, Madeline related the events of their evening, describing their meeting with Hetherington and his subsequent invitation to visit the Mastersons.

      ‘Gosh!’ Diana sounded envious. ‘Do you think I could come?’

      Adrian frowned. ‘I’m afraid not, Diana. This is a grown-up affair. It would probably bore you to tears.’ Diana compressed her lips. ‘Grown-up,’ she muttered. “What am I?’

      Adrian reached for his cigarette case. ‘Little more than a schoolgirl,’ he replied smoothly. ‘Diana, you have years and years ahead of you. Enjoy what’s yours today. Don’t hanker over the future before it arrives.’

      Diana sighed. ‘Uncle Adrian, I don’t want a lecture. Anyway, I think it will be jolly exciting. Who will be there?’

      ‘Oh, the executives from the factory, I expect,’ replied Adrian. ‘They’re mostly married men, with their families over here. As I’ve said, it’s a pretty dull affair.’

      ‘What on earth shall I wear?’ exclaimed Madeline suddenly.

      ‘You’ll think of something,’ replied Adrian, smiling. ‘I’d better give old Hetherington a ring tomorrow and find out what time we have to be there. I should hate us to arrive while they’re having dinner.’

      ‘Oh, yes,’ nodded Madeline. ‘You can let me know on Monday.’ She stretched lazily. ‘I’m tired. It’s been a long day.’

      ‘That’s my cue,’ murmured Adrian dryly, rising to his feet. ‘I’ll be off. Will I see you tomorrow?’

      ‘You can come round if you want to,’ said Madeline easily. ‘Please yourself. If not I’ll see you Monday morning.’

      ‘Right. Good night, then. Good night, Diana.’

      ‘Good night, Uncle Adrian,’ said Diana, kissing his cheek. ‘Mind how you go.’

      After Adrian had gone, Madeline carried the dishes into the kitchen and Diana followed her and picked up the tea towel to dry them.

      ‘Are you seeing Jeff tomorrow?’ asked Madeline, turning on the hot tap.

      ‘Yes. Why? Do you want me for something?’ Diana frowned.

      ‘Oh … er … no.’ Madeline smiled rather uncertainly at her daughter. ‘Where are you going then?’

      ‘Well, actually, just for a walk in the afternoon,’ replied Diana quietly.

      ‘Would you like to bring him back here for tea?’

      Diana’s eyes brightened. ‘Could I?’ Jeff had only been to tea once before at the flat and then Madeline had had a headache and had had to leave them to their own devices.

      She smiled now. ‘Of course. After tea, if Uncle Adrian comes round, we might play Monopoly or something.’

      Diana looked disgusted. ‘Oh, Mum, Jeff and I won’t want to play games!’

      Madeline shrugged. ‘All right. What will you do then?’

      ‘We might go to the Seventies Club.’

      Madeline frowned. She did not like the idea of Diana going to a place like that on a Sunday evening, but alternatively it was better to know they were there, rather than wandering round the streets.

      ‘All right,’ she said, ‘you do what you like.’


      DURING Monday, Madeline found her thoughts straying often to the evening ahead. It was quite an occasion for her to go out during the week. Now and then she and Adrian would take the train to London and go and see a show or listen to a concert at the Royal Festival Hall, but these outings were few and far between as Adrian was usually busy during the week, and besides, there was Diana to consider. She was still very young to be left too long alone and Madeline always put her first.

      On Sunday Adrian had come to high tea at the flat and met Jeff. They had had quite a good time together. Jeff was intelligent and could discuss topics with Adrian which neither of the women could have done. Madeline found him quite charming and wondered whether she was worrying unduly about Diana. After all, surely young people could be friendly without getting themselves into bother. He was a nice-looking boy and whatever his background he was able to take care of himself and act as politely as the next person.

      At lunchtime on Monday, Madeline went into the town centre. She had decided to treat herself to a new dress for the evening. She rarely indulged herself, except for necessities, and even Diana had gone as far as to say that this kind of affair did not happen every day. Madeline suspected that Diana was hoping for some development in her relationship with Adrian, and if so, Madeline knew she was going to be disappointed.

      She found what she wanted in a small dress shop in Gilesgate. It was more than she had expected to pay, but she couldn’t resist it after trying it on. It was a delicious shade of leaf green chiffon, an ankle-length dress with sequins studded on the bodice. The neckline was low and round and embroidered with tiny beads and it had long sleeves which ended in cuffs, also