Christmas Bride For The Boss. Kate Hardy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kate Hardy
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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was going to be strictly business.

      * * *

      ‘So Jamie actually said yes?’ Eva asked.

      Sophie lifted both hands in a ‘whoa there’ sign. ‘It all hinges on whether Sienna likes me.’


      ‘He’s got a nanny crisis. The deal is, if Sienna likes me, I’ll be her temporary nanny until her real nanny’s broken leg has healed. And in return he’ll buy you out.’

      Eva frowned. ‘So what about Plans & Planes? Are you hiring a temp to replace you?’

      ‘No. I’m borrowing two members of his team to help with the workload,’ Sophie said. ‘I’ll be here when Sienna’s at nursery, and I can catch up with paperwork in the evening.’

      ‘Well, that explains why he asked me about you and kids when he called. I thought he just wanted to double-check that you were a safe bet in business,’ Eva said thoughtfully.

      ‘What did you tell him?’ Sophie asked.

      ‘That I’ve known you since our first day at uni, and if Aidan hadn’t been headhunted we’d still be business partners when we’re really old, and you have a niece and nephew that you see all the time,’ Eva said.

      Sophie relaxed. ‘Okay. Well, you certainly helped. I just have to hope that Sienna likes me—or I’ll have to start dreaming up a plan C.’

      ‘But you’re going to be working stupid hours, if you’re being a nanny on top of what you do here,’ Eva said, looking worried.

      Sophie shrugged. ‘It’s not for ever, just for a couple of months, maybe. I’ll manage.’

      She hoped.

      ‘So, to save me putting my foot in it, what actually happened to your cousin?’ she asked.

      ‘They were on holiday, two years ago, and Fran fell ill,’ Eva said. ‘She died before they could fly her home. It was so sad. She was only thirty-three.’

      ‘And that means Sienna was only two when it happened, so she’ll only know her mum through photos and videos. Poor little mite,’ Sophie said.

      ‘Jamie was devastated. I’m not sure he’s really recovered. Today was the first time I’d really spoken to him since the funeral,’ Eva said.

      ‘Didn’t his family rally round?’

      ‘One of his sisters lives in Cornwall and I think the other lives in Cumbria,’ Eva said.

      No wonder he’d said they were too far away.

      ‘And he said his parents can’t help, either,’ Sophie said. ‘So I’m guessing they’re either too frail or they’ve passed away.’

      ‘Oh, they could help, all right,’ Eva said, ‘but his mum would take over. Fran said Gwen was really overbearing and forever trying to organise their lives for them. The epitome of a difficult mother-in-law.’

      ‘Ouch.’ That might explain why Jamie’s sisters had moved so far away from London, Sophie thought. And why Jamie seemed to keep himself at an emotional distance.

      ‘Fran’s mum is lovely, but Fran looked so much like her, I think it just brings back what he’s lost every time Jamie sees her,’ Eva said. ‘Plus they live in Norfolk, so they’re a bit too far away for him to be able to ask them for help.’

      ‘Poor man,’ Sophie said. Now she was beginning to see what made Jamie Wallis tick. And he had an even better excuse than she did for avoiding relationships: he was still a grieving widower, whereas she’d simply lost trust in her own judgement of people.

      * * *

      When Jamie left his office at half-past two, his PA raised an eyebrow as he passed her desk. ‘Is everything all right?’

      ‘Nanny crisis. I’m getting the potential temp to meet me at the nursery school,’ he explained.

      Her face softened. ‘And how is Sienna?’

      ‘Fine. And hopefully she’ll get on with the temp.’ If he kept referring to Sophie as ‘the temp’, hopefully that was how he’d come to see her. And he was absolutely not going to think about her caramel hair and how it would be lit with gold in the sunshine. For pity’s sake. He didn’t have time to think like that about anyone.

      He called in at his house to pick up the file Cindy had left for the temporary nanny while she was on holiday, showing Sienna’s routine, then drove to Plans & Planes. Sophie’s office was very different from his own; the downstairs acted as the shop front for the travel agency, but when Mara showed him upstairs, where the event management side was based, he could see that the office was completely open plan, with two small rooms that he assumed were for client meetings.

      Eva, who was sitting at one of the desks, came over and greeted him with a hug. ‘You’re a lifesaver, Jamie. Thanks.’

      ‘Hopefully, Sophie’s going to be a lifesaver for me, too,’ he said.

      ‘That all depends on whether Sienna likes me. It’s the deal breaker,’ Sophie reminded him as she joined them.

      ‘Ready to go?’ he asked.


      He handed her the file when she got into the car. ‘Cindy put this together for when she was away. It’s Sienna’s routine plus a list of answers to the kind of questions she’d expect someone to ask.’

      ‘That’s useful. Thank you. I’ll read it on the way to nursery school, if that’s all right with you,’ she said. ‘And maybe you can answer any further questions I might have?’

      ‘Sure.’ He liked the fact that she was so businesslike.

      * * *

      Sophie’s misgivings increased as she skim-read the file. ‘Let me get this clear. You expect the nanny to get Sienna up in the mornings, then help her get her bathed and dressed and breakfasted?’

      ‘And help her clean her teeth, then drop her at nursery school,’ he finished.

      ‘Why don’t you take your daughter to nursery school yourself?’

      ‘Because I have a business to run. I need to be in the office quite a while before she needs to be at nursery school.’

      Sophie knew Jamie was a single father, but from what she could see the work-life balance just wasn’t there. When did he get to spend quality time with his daughter? According to this file, he didn’t even eat with her in the evenings. There was a menu of what looked like typical nursery food, which clearly she would be expected to cook. Did Sophie eat on her own, or with the nanny? Sophie’s heart sank.

      Fran had died two years ago, so surely Jamie should be smothering his daughter in cotton wool rather than using his work to avoid the little girl? It sounded more and more as if he was a cold workaholic who put his business first, second and third.

      Sophie could remember what it felt like to be the daughter of a workaholic, one who’d missed every school performance and every parents’ evening because he was always too busy. Her father had never had the chance to put things right because he’d died of a heart attack when she was ten. She was so aware of all the things they’d missed out on; even though her mother had remarried six years later and Sophie loved her stepfather dearly, she still missed her father and wished they’d had the chance to share things.

      Maybe, she thought, she could change things for Sienna so the little girl didn’t grow up with that same hole in her life, that same sense of loneliness and wondering secretly if something was wrong with her because her dad didn’t spend time with her the way her friends’ dads did. And, even if seeing Sienna reminded him of what he’d lost, at least Jamie still had his daughter.

      Jamie Wallis didn’t just need a nanny, he needed someone who could help him