The road was winding round the headland now, and below the labouring engine of the Mini the ground fell away to the ragged rocks that scarred the coastline. Surging white foam gave a lacy illusion of innocence to jagged crags which, as the tide fell away, revealed themselves as savage denizens of this wild and beautiful shore. It was bleak and desolate, cruel even, but its very isolation appealed to Sara’s mood. Diane had been right when she said she could find release here, away from the rough and tumble of everyday living, and Sara was grateful for whatever grain of compassion had compelled the woman to offer her the house for the two weeks she could afford to stay.
Sara’s relationship with Diane Tregower was a curious one. As an editor in a small publishing house, she had few opportunities to meet members of the theatre world, but Lance Wilmer was her father’s cousin, and occasionally, if he needed an extra guest for his dinner parties, he invited Sara along to make up the numbers. It was on one such occasion, at the beginning of their relationship, that Sara had been introduced to Diane Tregower.
From the start Diane had been attracted to her. The fact that Sara’s blonde good looks had appeared like a pale copy of herself might have had something to do with it, or maybe her weakness had aroused her sympathy, or perhaps at that time Diane had been feeling a little unsure of herself, and Sara’s evident admiration had been a salve to her ego. Whatever the reasons, they had become friends, and Sara, seven years her junior, became her sometimes unwilling confidante. Yet for all that, she was fond of Diane, although her attempts to interfere with Sara’s life were not always welcome. Even so, it was Diane who had revealed Tony in his true colours, and Diane who had arranged for her to get away on her own for a while …
Her jaw shook for a moment at the remembrance of that particular revelation. She had not been able to believe it at first. Tony had seemed so sure of himself, of his love for her, he had told her so a dozen times. They had even discussed getting married. But then Diane had accidentally mentioned that Sara had a heart condition, and Tony had started finding excuses why they could not meet …
A few drops of rain speckled the windscreen, and determinedly she thrust her disturbing thoughts aside and concentrated on the road ahead. They were descending now, a hazardous hairpin descent towards a cluster of cottages that appeared to be clinging to the cliff-face above a rocky inlet. Nearer, she could see a harbour wall, and fishing boats drawn within its sheltering arm, and then the road was ascending again towards a headland where, through the now driving rain, she could see a house standing alone and unguarded.
It had to be Ravens Mill, she realised, the thought banishing her earlier depression from her mind. Diane had described the area in some detail, and it fitted exactly her description of bleakness and isolation. What Diane had not told her was its size, and its formidable appearance, and she gazed in trepidation at the stark stone walls that rose above her.
A stone gateway gave access to a weed-strewn drive that had to lead to the house, and pulling her mouth down at the corners, Sara stood on her brakes. This wasn’t the sort of place one could spend a couple of weeks in privacy, this was no country cottage where one might regain one’s peace of mind, she thought in dismay. It was a country seat, a family pile, the kind of place where half a dozen servants were needed just to keep down the dust. Diane had given her her key, and picturing a house of reasonable proportions, Sara had equipped herself with a sleeping bag for using until she had tidied the place out and aired bedding, etc, but that seemed ludicrous now. Diane had said a Mrs Penworthy came in now and then to open windows and so on, but sitting there, Sara began to doubt the truth of that statement. Did one open up such a place, just for airing? Could one? There would be so many rooms—reception rooms, sitting rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms …
Hunching her shoulders, she looked at the square masculine watch on her narrow wrist. It was already after five. It would be dark in a couple of hours, and although she did not look forward to driving back to the nearest town over those roads in this weather, the prospect of spending the night alone in this gloomy mansion did not appeal.
Glancing behind her, she surveyed the pile of baggage that overloaded the back seat of the Mini and spilled on to the floor. As well as her sleeping bag and pillows there were suitcases containing her clothes, fresh linen and food enough for a couple of days—and the briefcase containing the first draft of her novel. Compressing her lips, she sighed. The book—it was an adventure story for children—needed a lot of work, but in her professional opinion it had the makings of a publishable novel. She had planned to re-write it during these unexpected weeks of freedom. It had been her goal and, she hoped, her salvation, and maybe, with a published book behind her, she would have more confidence in herself and her future.
She shifted round again in her seat. If she left now, she would never re-write the book: she was sure of that. Back in London, work would overtake her, no matter how understanding her boss had been in allowing her to take her holiday so early, and there was always the possibility that she would give in to phoning Tony again and lose what little self-respect she had.
The storm suddenly dispersed as quickly as it had appeared, and a watery sun filtered through the clouds. April showers, thought Sara wryly, watching the amber rays strike gold on blank panes. The upper floors of the house were visible between the yews that marked the drive, and on impulse she decided to take a look. After all, it was foolish coming all this way without even venturing inside, and now that the sun had come out its aspect was so much less forbidding. On the contrary, Sara could see that with care and attention Ravens Mill could become a most attractive dwelling place, and she could well imagine Diane’s sense of triumph when she first became mistress of the house.
The drive had a slight curve that successfully cut off any prying eyes from the road, but the lodge that stood at its gates was unoccupied. Someone, perhaps the boys from the village, had broken several of the windows in the lodge, but so far the house seemed to have avoided accident.
The gravel of the drive itself sprouted weeds and crab grass, and the yews, left untended, had lost all shape and design. The lawns, that had once swept to the edge of the cliff itself, were no less neglected, and only a scythe would make any impression on such rampant vegetation.
Blinds were drawn at all the windows at the front of the house, and Sara thought, rather imaginatively, that it seemed to be presenting a guarded face to the world. It was a shame that no one could afford to live here any more, she reflected, wondering if there was anything more melancholy than an empty house.
She stopped the Mini, switched off the engine, and climbed out. Immediately the chill wind off the ocean caught her breath, and she quickly reached into the car for the jacket of her jersey pants suit which she had discarded during the journey. Pulling it on over the matching brown silk shirt, she was glad of its high collar and the warmth it engendered as she rummaged in her handbag for the key Diane had given her.
The heavy studded door swung inward surprisingly easily on its hinges as she inserted the key, with none of the creaking and groaning she had been expecting. Half smiling at her own ghoulish imagination, she saw with relief that the sun was filtering through the blinds that shuttered the windows on either side of the door, and she was able to close it against the elements without fear of being unable to see. Nevertheless, she opened one of the blinds as soon as the door was shut, and looked about her with less confidence than curiosity.
She was standing in the hall of the house, she saw, with an enormously high ceiling arching away above her head. Directly ahead of her, twin staircases curved to a central flight that rose to the first floor, and in the dust-moted shafts of sunlight she could see the square portrait of a man that faced the first floor landing. To right and left, closed doors indicated the sitting rooms and drawing rooms that Sara had envisaged, while in the well of the stairs, a square oak chest shone with the patina of years. Shone …