High-Stakes Inheritance. Susan Sleeman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Susan Sleeman
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
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when she saw him again.

      “I remember that look.” His trademark crooked grin lit his face. “Got it every time I messed up.”

      This was too much. He was here…in front of her. The guy who’d hurt her like every man in her life except Uncle Wally. And she wasn’t ready with the quick, witty comebacks she’d often visualized in her mind.

      “You okay?” he asked.

      “I’m fine.” Fine? She wasn’t fine. How was she going to get out of this situation?

      She took a step back and focused on the waffle pattern in his T-shirt. This wasn’t any better than peering into his eyes. The material stretched taut across his chest. A chest where she’d rested and received comfort after battles with her father.

      “I’m sorry to hear about Wally,” he said, filling the awkward space and bringing her gaze to his face. “I remember as a kid how I’d count down the days until he left Atlanta and came up here for the summer.” A soft smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. “All the kids around here loved his camp. Takes a special person to give so much time and money to help underprivileged kids like he did. I’m gonna miss him.”

      “Me, too,” she managed.

      Who was this woman taking over her body? Since their tumultuous breakup, she’d often visualized the strong woman she’d become, standing up to Ryan and releasing pent-up anger from the wounds he’d inflicted. Never did she see herself shying away like a terrified mouse.

      So what? Even if she pulled herself together, this wasn’t the time or place to get into their botched romance. Small towns had big ears and the last thing she needed was gossip about her served as the entrée on dinner tables tonight. She’d had enough of that in high school when she’d sparked the local gossip by rebelling against her father’s rigid control, skipping school and partying all hours of the night.

      Her best option was to cut this short. “If you’ll excuse me, I really need to get out to Pinetree and unpack.”

      In search of car keys, she used her hip to shift her leather purse closer as she transferred the threatening letter to the other hand already bulging with envelopes. Shaking fingers fumbled and upset the pile, sending it crashing to the floor.

      “Let me help.” He dropped down and reached for the alarming letter.

      No. He didn’t need to see the warning.

      She lunged toward the page, but his hand whispered softly over hers and snatched up the paper. While he scanned the message, she slid the avalanche of envelopes into a stack.

      “What’s this?” His head lifted and deep crevices of concern burrowed into his face. “You can’t seriously be thinking about going out there after receiving such a threat? We have to report this to the police, and you need to stay somewhere safe until they figure out who sent the letter.”

      How dare he express concern for her after the trauma he’d caused in her life!

      She snatched the page from his hands. “Don’t worry. Someone is just playing a practical joke.”

      Ignoring his confused expression, she bolted past him and into the crisp October morning. She didn’t need Ryan worrying about or trying to take care of her. She’d been self-sufficient for years, and she didn’t need a man—especially not this man—telling her what to do. She’d be fine.

      “Mia, wait,” he called after her. “You could be in danger.”

      Danger, ha! Talking to him was more dangerous than a vague warning. He’d hurt her once. She wasn’t going to give him the chance to do it again.

      Ryan watched as Mia charged away. After her reaction, his first instinct was to run in the other direction. Why bring up their past? Why not let things lie as they had for the last ten years?

      Because her eyes seared him, that’s why. Not with the guilt he deserved but with a vulnerability that tugged at his need to help a woman in distress. Now she was charging away from him into danger. He couldn’t let that happen.

      He rushed after the click-clack of the skyscraper shoes she wore echoing down the street and into the sweet, tantalizing fragrance lingering behind.

      Had his tomboy taken to wearing perfume?

      She’d definitely given up the ratty jeans and slogan-boasting T-shirts she used to favor. Today, tailored blue jeans and a leather blazer emphasized her long, lanky body. Perfect on the current Mia who’d traded her mass of red curls for a sleek style that gleamed in the brilliant sunlight. Her hands shook as she inserted a key into the door of a sweet, red Mustang, but she still managed to climb into the car in record speed.

      A car that would take her straight to Pinetree. She may not want anything to do with him, but he wouldn’t let her race into danger just to spite him. He breathed deep to control rising emotions and stopped next to the car. She ignored him and lowered the convertible roof.

      When the top cleared, he planted his hands on the door frame. “I get that you’re still mad at me, Mia, but don’t do something foolish just to get away from me.”

      She sat, rigid and unresponsive.

      He leaned into her space. “Just give me a minute and then if you still want to go, I’ll back off.”

      Her head slowly rose, and a shimmering strand of hair blew into her face. It would take some time for him to get used to her new look. Not that he didn’t like it. Layered hair curved softly around her face, giving her a sophisticated appearance that was all too appealing.

      He reached up to tuck the stray strand behind her ear, but she beat him to it and fixed tired eyes on his face.

      “You have exactly one minute.” She tapped her jeweled watch with a brightly painted nail.

      The anguish in her gaze almost stopped his words. Almost. But he had to keep her safe. “It’s crazy to go to Pinetree, sw—, Mia.” She didn’t seem to notice his near use of sweetheart, or maybe she didn’t remember or even care that he’d always called her that in high school. “You never know what the sender of this letter intends to do.”

      “I’m pretty sure it’s from my father. You know how melodramatic he can get. If I leave town during the year, Pinetree defaults to David. So—”

      “Wait. David gets Pinetree if you leave?” Ryan’s tone pierced through the air. “It’s got to be worth a bundle for the lakefront location. Seems like David is the logical person to want you to leave.”

      “I didn’t say I was certain about my father. David is a possibility, but I doubt it.” She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment as if she was humoring him. “David’s firm handles Pinetree’s finances so I’ve talked to him about the transition a couple of times in the last week. He said even though he was the older sibling, I deserved Pinetree because I was so much closer to Uncle Wally.”

      “How can you be sure he meant what he said? Maybe he was covering up his true feelings.”

      “His tone was sincere. Plus, he’s never done anything in the past to hurt me, but Dad…” She released another sigh. “He’s a different story. He always thought David was more deserving of everything, so why not this?” Her words were strong, but her voice trembled at the mention of her father and brother.

      Ryan wanted to stroke her hair in comfort as he used to do after one of her father’s many rampages, but he had no right. He’d seen to that.

      He fisted his hands and searched for the words that would keep her away from Pinetree. But what could he say to make her see the danger she could be in?

      Perhaps he had to paint a dire picture. “You may be right about the letter coming from your dad, but are you willing to risk your life on it?”

      She recoiled as if he’d slapped her. “Your minute is up.”

      She fired up the car, and he reluctantly stepped back.