The Billionaire's Borrowed Baby. Janice Maynard. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Janice Maynard
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
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He shoved her so hard, she stumbled into the wall. Her head hit with a muffled thud, and she saw little yellow spots.

      He lunged for her again, but before his meaty fists could make contact, Luc exploded down the hallway, grabbed the intruder by the neck and put a chokehold on him. Eddie’s face turned an alarming shade of purple before Hattie could catch her breath.

      Luc was steely-eyed. “Call the cops.”

      “But I don’t want …”

      His expression gentled. “It’s the right thing to do. Don’t worry. I’m not leaving you to deal with this alone.”

      The response to the 911 call was gratifying. Just before the two uniformed officers arrived, Luc stuck his face nose to nose with Eddie’s. “If I ever see you near my fiancée again, I’ll tear you apart. Got it?”

      Eddie was drunk enough to be reckless. “Fiancée? Yeah, right. If she was telling my daddy the truth about you and her, then where’s the fancy diamond ring?”

      “I had to order it,” Luc responded smoothly. “It happens to be in my pocket even as we speak. But some jackass has ruined our romantic evening.”

      The conversation ended abruptly as Hattie opened the door to the police. They took Luc’s statement, handcuffed Eddie and were gone in under twenty minutes.

      In the sudden silence, Hattie dropped into a chair, her legs boneless and weak in the aftermath of adrenaline. Thank God the baby hadn’t been awakened by all the commotion.

      Luc crouched beside her, his eyes filled with concern. “Let me see your head.” He parted her hair gently, exclaiming when he saw the goose egg that had popped up.

      She moved restlessly. “I’m fine. Really. All I need is some Tylenol. And a good night’s sleep.”

      Luc cursed under his breath. “Don’t move.” After bringing her medicine and water with which to wash down the tablets, he created a makeshift ice bag with a dish towel and pressed it to the side of her head. “Hold this.” He lifted her in his arms and laid her gently on the ugly sofa. “Rest. I’ll fix us a couple of plates.”

      He was back in no time. The smells alone made Hattie want to whimper with longing. Her stomach growled loudly.

      He put a hand on her shoulder. “No need to get up yet. I’ll feed you.”

      “Don’t be ridiculous.” But when she tried to sit upright, her skull pounded.

      He eased her back down. “You don’t have to fight me over every damn thing. Open your mouth.” He fed her small manageable bites of chicken piccata and wild rice. While she chewed and swallowed, he dug into his own portion.

      Hattie muttered in frustration when one of her mouthfuls landed on the sofa cushion. “See what you made me do …”

      “Don’t worry,” he deadpanned. “A few stains could only help this monstrosity.”

      She eyed him, openmouthed, and then they both burst into laughter. Hattie felt tears sting the backs of her eyes. She told herself it was nothing more than delayed reaction. But in truth, it was Luc. When he forgot to be on his guard with her, she saw a glimpse of the young man she had loved so desperately.

      She wondered with no small measure of guilt if her long-ago defection had transformed the boy she once knew so well into the hard-edged, sardonic Luc. A million times over the years she had second-guessed her decision. It had been gratifying to establish a career and to stand on her own two feet. Her mother had been proud of Hattie’s independence and success in her chosen field.

      But at what cost?

      When the last of the food was consumed, the mood grew awkward. Luc gathered their empty plates. “Stay where you are. You have to deal with Deedee in the morning, so you might as well rest while you can.”

      She lay there quietly, wondering bleakly how her life had unraveled so quickly. Two months ago she’d been an ordinary single woman with a circle of friends, a good job and a pleasant social life. Now she was a substitute parent facing a custody battle and trying to combat a tsunami of feelings for the man who had once upon a time been her other half, her soul mate. Was it any wonder she felt overwhelmed?

      A trickle of water from melting ice slid down her cheek. She sat up and sucked in a breath when a hammer thudded inside her skull. The food she had eaten rolled unpleasantly in her stomach.

      Luc frowned as he rejoined her, pausing only to take the wet dish towel and toss it on a kitchen counter. “We probably should make a trip to the E.R. to make sure you don’t have a concussion.”

      “I’ll be fine.” She knew her voice lacked conviction, but it was hard to be stoic with the mother of all headaches.

      Luc put his hands on his hips, his navy polo shirt stretching taut over broad shoulders and a hard chest. “I’ll stay the night.”


      Hattie gaped. “Oh, no. Not necessary.”

      “We have the baby to think of, too. You probably won’t rest very well tonight, and you’ll likely need an extra hand in the morning. I’ll sleep on the couch. It may be ugly as sin, but it’s long and fairly comfortable. I’ll be fine.”

      Hattie was torn. Having Luc in her small apartment was unsettling, but the encounter with Eddie had shaken her emotionally as well as physically, and she was dead on her feet.

      She shrugged, conceding defeat. “I’ll get you towels and bedding.” She brushed by him, inhaling for a brief instant the tang of citrusy aftershave and the scent of warm male.

      When she returned moments later, he was on the phone with Ana, letting her know he wouldn’t be home that evening. It touched her that he would be so considerate of people who were in his employ. He was a grown man. He had no obligation to let anyone know his schedule or his whereabouts.

      But wasn’t that what had drawn her to him in the beginning? His kindness and his humor? Sadly, his personality had an edge now, a remoteness that had not existed before.

      She began making up the sofa, but he stopped her as soon as he hung up. “Go to bed, Hattie. I’m not a guest. I don’t need you waiting on me. I can fend for myself.”

      She nodded stiffly. “Good night, then.”

      He lifted a shoulder, looking diffident for a moment. “May I see her?”

      “The baby?” Well, duh. Who else could he mean?


      “Of course.”

      He followed her down the short hallway into the bedroom. A small night-light illuminated the crib. Luc put his hands on the railing and stared down at the infant sleeping so peacefully. Hattie hung back. Her chest was tight with confused emotions. Had things gone differently in the past, this scene might have played out in reality.

      A couple, she and Luc, putting their own daughter to bed before retiring for the night.

      Luc reached out a hand, hovered briefly, then lightly stroked Deedee’s hair. She never stirred. He spoke softly, his back still toward Hattie. “She doesn’t deserve what has happened to her.”

      Hattie shook her head, eyes stinging. “No. She doesn’t. I can’t let Eddie take her. She’s so innocent, so perfect.”

      Luc turned, his strong, masculine features shadowed in the half-light. His somber gaze met her wary one, some intangible link between them shrouding the moment in significance. “We’ll keep her safe, Hattie. You have my word.”

      Quietly, he left the room.

      Hattie changed into a gown and robe. Ordinarily, she slept in a T-shirt and panties, but with Luc in the house, she needed extra armor.

      She folded the comforter and turned back the covers before heading for the bathroom. Well, shoot. She’d forgotten