The Vicar’s Wife’s Cook Book. Elisa Beynon. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elisa Beynon
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007494989
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measures approximately 26cm × 22cm and layer the potato and celeriac in alternate layers, sprinkling some garlic and salt and pepper over each layer. Finally, pour the cream into a measuring jug and make it up to 600ml with the milk. Pour the milk and cream over the vegetables, dot with the remaining butter, and bake for 2½ hours at 150°C/Gas Mark 2.



      I chose to make a celeriac and potato gratin, as I have two ovens, but if you only have one, a celeriac and potato mash would do just as well.



      1kg floury maincrop potatoes, such as King Edwards or Maris Piper

      500g celeriac

      70g butter

      3 tablespoons double cream

      6 tablespoons full-fat milk

      salt and pepper



      Peel the potatoes and the celeriac and cut them evenly into medium-sized chunks. Pop them into separate pans of boiling salted water and cook until soft. The celeriac should take around 15 minutes, the potatoes, 20–25 minutes. Meanwhile, heat up the butter, cream and milk in another pan.



      When the vegetables are ready, drain them in a colander, add to the hot dairy-fest in the other pan and mash together, adding salt and pepper to taste. The mash can be whisked with an electric whisk to make it light and fluffy, if you wish.



      2 tablespoons olive oil

      30g butter

      12 large turnips, cut into 2cm cubes

      2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed

      2 teaspoons coriander seeds, crushed

      3 leeks, cleaned and chopped into 2cm lengths

      2 tablespoons light soy sauce

      1 tablespoon runny honey

      salt and pepper



      Heat the oil and butter in a large pan and toss in the turnips, stirring so that they are evenly coated in the hot fat. Cook the turnips for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, then add the garlic and coriander seeds. When the turnips are virtually soft, add the leeks and put a lid on the pan.



      Cook for around 8 minutes more – you want the leeks to be soft, not crispy. Finally, add the soy sauce and honey and stir to coat the vegetables. Season, but don’t go wild with the salt as the soy sauce is quite salty anyway.



      Easy peasy, this. Always a lover of the shortcut, I used bought puff pastry and it tasted just fine, indeed, far better than any I could have attempted, I’m sure. Feel free to be flexible with the fruit; just use whatever is around.



      5 apples, peeled, quartered and cored

      2 large pears, peeled, quartered and cored

      5 plums, halved and the stones removed

      4 tablespoons brown sugar

      1 tablespoon granulated sugar

      60g butter

      150g golden syrup

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