The words hung in the air with the flutter and whine of insects and the gutter of new torches in the rising wind.
‘Nithing turds,’ Ketil Crow growled, waving a dismissive hand. ‘I hate fucking Christ-men; they are not even worth killing.’
Hild laughed, high and crazed and cracked like a bell, and half of those who had already agreed to go almost changed their minds there and then, I saw. I was one.
For a moment I thought Aslaf would ruin it all, for his eyes narrowed and I could feel him flush from where I stood. If he fought, he would die, that was certain.
Then he relaxed, took two or three steps backwards, insultingly, until he was beyond range of a backstab, whirled and trotted into the night, back to the sprawling fires of the camp. With a brief wild look at each other, the other three did the same.
‘If Yaropolk doesn’t kill him,’ Einar growled to the uneasy stirrings around him, ‘then Sviatoslav will. If Starkad doesn’t get to them first, that is.’
The men round him growled with bare-toothed, savage delight at that, the fate these oath-breakers deserved. But it was the wolf-grin of the desperate.
There wasn’t much left now to bind us. Not oath, certainly – like a badly built hov, the roofbeams of which were splitting. For some, the lure of the hoard was still enough. For most it was the sick realisation that, unsteady as it was, the shrinking band of Oathsworn was the safest place to be for the moment.
And for me? There was only one reason I was going now. A son cannot leave his murdered father without taking revenge.
We moved out through the darkness, keeping the fires to our back until they disappeared. Then we turned east, with Steinthor questing ahead and Bagnose to our shield side.
Now the men knew of the plan, a few were cursing that they had left this or that behind, thinking they’d return. Short Eldgrim and Kvasir were the most loud and furious, since they’d bought a concubine between them and spent almost all they had on her only to have left her behind.
Most were as varjazi always had been. They wore all they possessed, carrying wealth in boot or under armpit. If you could not leave something behind in an eyeblink, you were a fool.
By dawn, the wind had risen to a snake-hiss and we trundled across short grass peeking from between stones, over endless, rolling hills, cut with steep-gulleyed streams, some dust-dry, some trickling with water and almost choked with eager growth.
It was well named, this Grass Sea, a great, undulating vastness unmarked as an ocean. When the city had shrunk behind us to a scab on the distant horizon, Einar put the wind at our back and headed us to the river. Now and then he spoke softly with Hild, but she made not a sound and no one wanted to go near her, not even me, for the Other rose off her like a sweat-stink and made the hairs on your arms stand up.
We spotted the first dust, whipped away like smoke on a sighing wind, as we tramped tiredly up to another of the steep gulleys, which those Novgorod Slavs among us called balkas. They were annoying, for the shelter let scrub and stunted trees spring up and the carts had to be manhandled over them. Even the tough little ponies were tiring.
Einar decided to rest for a while in one and wait for Steinthor and Bagnose to come back in. Sheltered from the wind, with water and some kindling, we got a couple of fires going and those with the skill for it boiled up meat into a gruel and made flatbread on a griddle.
Bagnose came in, loping like a weary dog, laid his bow and quiver down and took a swig from a horn that was offered. Then he made a face and spat. ‘Water, you arses!’
The men chuckled; Bagnose was a lift to the spirits, the one man who really did thumb his nose at the gods and never questioned that what he was doing was the way things should be. The whale road was as natural to him – and Steinthor – as if they were a pair of the great beasts it was named after.
He grabbed a bowl, hauled out a horn spoon from inside his tunic and sucked gruel into his mouth, chewing gobbets of tough gristle, spitting sideways. We all waited until he had finished, then Einar asked, ‘Well, Geir Bagnose?’
Bagnose wiped his glistening beard, stuffed flatbread in, washed it down with another swig of water and sighed, then belched. ‘Twenty, perhaps thirty horsemen, those little ones on little ponies. Moving north to east, circling us.’
‘Enemy?’ asked a voice and Bagnose snorted.
‘Arse! Every horseman is our enemy now.’
‘Those turds on their dog-horses are not fighters,’ said Flosi with a sneer and a spit. ‘You can fight them off armed with a bladder on a stick.’
Bagnose shook his head sorrowfully. ‘Tell me more when they shoot you full of arrows from a distance,’ he growled. ‘They’ll make you look like a hedgepig, then cut off your little bladder on a stick and shove it in your flapping mouth.’
More chuckles and Flosi acknowledged that they were, it had to be said, nasty with their little bows. But all of us had begged, stolen, bought – or, in my case, inherited – the thick underkirtle for mail. It made movement even harder, but kept the arrows off unless the little nithings got to close range, or you had Loki luck. I wore my father close to my skin and there was some comfort in that.
‘Steinthor in yet?’ asked Bagnose. Ketil Crow shook his head and Bagnose frowned, then shrugged and held out his wooden bowl for a refill. ‘Have you heard this one, lads? Stop me if you have. I flee the deep earth, there is no place for me on the ground, nor any part of the poles …’
His voice covered me like a blanket and I drifted off to it before I heard the answer – but I knew it already and it was apt enough. I lay watching the clouds scud in the wind until my eyes closed and I dozed until kicked awake. We moved out.
Two miles further on we found Steinthor. His head, at least, stuck on a short spear, straggled hair and beard matted with blood. A great black bird hopped off it, wiping its beak with quick sideways flicks and completely unconcerned.
Illugi Godi made a quick, chanting prayer, but Sighvat, whom we called Deep-minded and whose mother had been the same, gave a snort of scorn.
‘That’s a crow, a big hoodie,’ he said. ‘Any minute it will fly off, widdershins, not sunwise.’
As if in response, the bird flapped off to the left, sluggish with Steinthor’s eyes.
Sighvat felt our stares and looked at us, bemused. ‘What? All crows are left-handed.’
‘Crows don’t have hands,’ Ketil Crow replied, staring at Steinthor’s flesh-flaked head.
‘Nothing to do with these,’ snapped Sighvat, holding up his hands. ‘It’s all here,’ he went on and tapped his head. ‘Why do you think you are called Ketil Crow?’
And that was true enough. Ketil Crow was corrie-fisted, a left-hander and a fearsomely difficult man to fight.
Bagnose, however, said nothing at all, just stood by that head looking wildly round for the rest of the body. We all spread out and looked, too, but found nothing and it was my thought that he had been killed elsewhere and the head carried to where we could not fail to find it, as a warning.
Illugi Godi and Bagnose lifted the grisly thing off the spear and put it in a hole we dug. We mounded earth over it but, like the bigger mound we’d left far behind, I had a notion that scavengers would dig it up before we’d gone too far.
It was a poor thing for the likes of Steinthor and, for days afterwards, I kept hearing his voice telling the story of finding me with the white bear, in that other world where I had once been a boy whose biggest adventure was finding a gull’s nest with four eggs.
That done, we moved on, reaching the river as darkness