chwiw (-iau) nf fit, attack, malady
chwiwgar adj fickle
chwychwi pron you yourselves
chwŷd, chwydiad nm vomit
chwydu vb to vomit, to spew
chwydd, chwyddi nm swelling
chwyddiant (-nnau) nm inflation; inflammation
chwyddo vb to swell, to increase, to magnify
chwyddwydr (-au) nm microscope
chwŷl (chwylion) nmf turn, rotation
chwyldro (-ion) nm rotation; orbit
chwyldroad (-au) nm revolution
chwyldroadol adj revolutionary
chwyldroadwr (-wyr) nm revolutionary
chwyldroi vb to whirl, to revolve, to rotate
chwyldrowr see chwyldroadwr
chwylolwyn (-ion) nf flywheel
chwyn (nm chwynnyn) coll n, npl weeds
chwynladdwr nm weed-killer
chwynnu vb to weed
chwyrligwgan (-od) nm spinning top, whirligig
chwyrlïo vb to whirl, to spin, to speed
chwyrlwynt (-oedd) nm whirlwind
chwyrn adj rapid, swift
chwyrnellu vb to whirl, to whiz
chwyrnu vb to hum; to snore; to snarl
chwyrnwr (-wyr) nm snorer; snarler
chwys nm sweat, perspiration
chwysfa (-feydd) nf sweating
chwysiant nm exudation
chwysigen (-igod) nf blister, vesicle
chwyslyd adj sweaty
chwystyllau npl pores
chwysu vb to sweat, to perspire; to exude
chwyswr (-wyr) nm sweater
chwyth, chwythad nm breath
chwythbib (-au) nf blowpipe
chwythbrenni npl woodwinds
chwythell (-i) nf jet
chwythiad (-au) nm blow, blast
chwythu vb to blow, to blast; to breathe; to hiss
chwythwr (-wyr) nm blower
da adj good, well ▶ nm (-oedd) good; goods; stock, cattle
dacw adv there is, are; behold there
dad-, dat- prefix un-, dis-, re-, back
da-da nm sweets
dadansoddi vb to analyse
dadansoddiad (-au) nm analysis
dadansoddol adj analytic(al)
dadansoddwr (-wyr) nm analyst
dadansoddydd (-wyr) nm analyser
dadchwyddiant (-nnau) nm deflation
dad-ddyfrio vb to dehydrate
dadebriad nm resuscitation
dadebru vb to resuscitate, to revive
dadelfeniad (-au) nm decomposition
dadelfennu vb to decompose; to refine
dadeni vb to regenerate, to reanimate ▶ nm rebirth, renascence, renaissance
dadfachu vb to unhook
dadfathiad nm dissimulation
dadfeiliad nm decay
dadfeilio vb to fall to ruin, to decay
dadflino vb to rest (after exertion)
dadl (-euon) nf debate; doubt; plea
dadlaith vb to thaw; to dissolve
dadlau vb to argue, to debate; to plead
dadleniad (-au) nm disclosure, exposure
dadlennol adj revealing, disclosing, exposing
dadlennu vb to disclose, to expose
dadleoli vb to dislocate
dadleoliad (-au) nm dislocation
dadleuaeth nf polemics, controversy
dadleugar adj argumentative
dadleuol adj controversial, polemical
dadleuwr (-wyr), dadleuydd (-ion) nm debater, controversialist; advocate
dadluddedu vb to rest (after exertion)
dadlwytho vb to unload, to unburden; to download
dadlygru vb to decontaminate
dadmer vb to thaw; to dissolve
dadnitreiddiad nm denitrification
dadolwch nm propitiation ▶ vb to worship, to seek forgiveness
dadorchuddio vb to unveil, to uncover
dadreolaeth nf decontrol
dadrewlifiant nm deglaciation
dadrithiad (-au) nm disillusionment
dadrithio vb to disillusion
dadsefydlu vb to disestablish