cornant (-nentydd) nm brook, rill
cornboer nm phlegm
cornchwiglen (-chwiglod) nf lapwing
cornel (-i, -au) nfm corner
cornelu vb to corner
cornicyll (-od) nm lapwing, plover, peewit
cornio vb to horn, to butt; to examine with a stethoscope
corniog adj horned
cornwyd (-ydd) nm boil, abscess, sore
coron (-au) nf crown
coroni vb to crown ▶ nm coronation
coroniad nm coronation
coronog adj crowned
corrach (corachod) nm dwarf, pygmy
corryn (corynnod) nm spider
cors (-ydd) nf bog, swamp
corsen (-nau, cyrs) nf reed; stem, stalk; cane
cortyn (-nau) nm cord, rope
corun (-au) nm crown of the head; tonsure
corwg, corwgl (-yg(l)au) nm coracle
corws nm chorus
corwynt (-oedd) nm whirlwind
cosb (-au) nf punishment, penalty; cosb ddihenydd capital punishment
cosbadwy adj punishable
cosbedigaeth nf punishment
cosbi vb to punish
cosbol adj punitive, penal
cosbwr (-wyr) nm punisher
cosfa (-feydd) nf itch, itching; thrashing
cosi vb to scratch, to itch ▶ nm itching
cosmetigau npl cosmetics
cosmig adj cosmic
Cosofo nf Kosovo
cost (-au) nf cost, expense
costiad (-au) nm costing
costio vb to cost
costiwm (-tiymau) nmf costume
costog (-ion) nm mastiff; cur ▶ adj surly
costowci (-cwn) nm mastiff, mongrel
costrel (-au, -i) nf bottle
costrelaid (-eidiau) nf bottleful
costrelu vb to bottle
costus adj costly, expensive
cosyn (-nau, -nod) nm a cheese
côt, cot (cotiau) nf coat
cotwm nm cotton
Coweit nf Kuwait
cownter (-au, -i) nm counter
cowntio vb to count, to account, to esteem
crac (-iau) nm crack
cracio vb to crack
craciog adj cracked
crach npl scabs ▶ adj scabby; petty
crachach npl snobs
crachboer nm phlegm
crachen nf scab
crachfardd (-feirdd) nm poetaster
crachfeddyg (-on) nm quack doctor
crachfonheddwr (-wyr) nm snob
crafangio, crafangu vb to claw, to grab
crafanc (-angau) nf claw; talon; clutch
crafellu vb to grate
crafiad (-au) nm scratch
crafog adj cutting, sarcastic
crafu vb to scrape; to scratch ▶ nm itch
crafwr (-wyr) nm scraper
craff adj close; keen; sagacious ▶ nm hold, grip
craffter nm keenness, sagacity
craffu vb to look closely, to observe intently
craffus adj keen, sagacious
cragen (cregyn) nf shell
crai adj new, fresh, raw
craidd (creiddiau) nm middle, centre
craig (creigiau) nf rock
crair (creiriau) nm relic
craith (creithiau) nf scar
cramen (-nau) nf crust, scab
cramwythen nf pancake
cranc (-od) nm crab; y Cranc Cancer
crand adj grand
crandrwydd nm grandeur, finery
crap (-iau) nm hold; smattering
crapio vb to grapple; to pick up
cras (creision) adj parched, dry; harsh
crasiad nm baking
craslyd adj harsh, grating
craster nm dryness; harshness
crasu vb to parch, to scorch; to bake
crau1 (creuau) nm hole, eye, socket