Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies. David Hoffmann. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: David Hoffmann
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007388530
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throughout. As we move into the New Age, a great exploration of consciousness is under way, an exploration we are all involved in. The use of herbs can be a tool of growing consciousness, to recognise holism. In healing we must take the whole being of the patient into our awareness, including the context of their life. We ask patients to look at how to make their environment, habits and activities life-supporting, and by doing this we contribute to a change of consciousness. And we realise more and more that we have the capacity to create our reality and relationships consciously. As our awareness grows we contribute to the illumination of ourselves and of our world. Our planetary companions, the plants, offer themselves in service to humanity. Perhaps through the recognition of this gift, humanity will at last start to serve our planet appropriately, to bring healing and renewal. I write The Holistic Herbal in the light of this vision.

      The great work of today is the recognition of our wholeness, as individuals, as groups, as humanity and as a planetary whole. Perhaps the most exciting symbol of the birth of this vision of wholeness in the heart and mind of humanity was the first photograph of our world taken from space by the Apollo astronauts. This has been with us for over a decade now, acting as a ‘raising agent’ to leaven the consciousness of humanity.

      What this description implies is that our world is acting as a whole to create and maintain optimum conditions for life to thrive and evolve. An integral part of this development is the evolution of consciousness in its many forms. The opportunity before us now is consciously to recognise and to embrace our role within the greater being of Gaia. This realisation is not new to us; it has been embraced by the mystics of all religions for as long as humanity has searched for mystical truth. However, we have reached a point in the unfoldment of human culture where these insights are becoming the stuff of science, where the ‘spiritualisation of the mundane’ is truly happening.

      The revelation of our unity with Gaia provides a new context within which to view our world and our human actions. Whilst the details of our reality as such are not changing, this broadening of perspective changes everything as we become conscious of inter-relationships between parts within the whole. A parallel can be seen in what happened to physics when the theory of relativity was introduced; it did not change the laws of thermodynamics or the specifics of Newtonian physics, but these laws and world view came to be seen within a much wider and more encompassing perception of the world, the implications of which are still not fully grasped.

      The very ability to perceive the earth as living, as Gaia, is an indication of the expansion of consciousness that humanity as a whole is experiencing. Until recently, the only field of human endeavour that was inclusive and holistic enough to grasp the insights that point towards our unity has been that of mysticism and spirituality. Some of these ideas have permeated the teachings of spiritually-enlightened people, or the expression of poets, artists and musicians. It is now clear that even in that most materialistic science, physics, the limits of reductionism have been reached. To explore the nature of our world further it is necessary to expand parameters to embrace the whole of any system. The whole is always more than the sum of its parts. Analysing or reducing something to its constituent parts can only tell us so much, and to find out more, these parts need to be seen in a broader picture that includes function and relationship. Whether it be an atom, a daisy, a worker in a car factory, it can only be perceived and understood when seen in relationship to the greater whole of which it is a part. This is the heart of holism.

      This is the nature of our world and universe, an implicit unity and wholeness that is the basis and nature of creation. This perception also recognises the dynamic nature of the universe through the concept of the ‘holomovement’, by looking at the dynamic phenomena out of which all forms of the material universe flow. The focus of study has shifted from the structure of objects to the structure of movement revealing the order enfolded in the holomovement. Implicit in this perception of reality is the essential role played by consciousness. The correlation and interdependence of mind and matter is not a causal relationship. Mind and matter are mutually enfolded projections of a higher reality which are neither matter nor consciousness.

      It becomes clear that when one considers the whole topic of healing, whether medical or societal, one must view the needs of the individual, or the organ, in the context of the greater whole in which they exist. One must focus on the relationship between the individual and society, between organs and organism. This dynamic relationship between part and whole can be demonstrated as crucial in any field of endeavour and its implications for healing are explored in this book; but broader and more profound conclusions can be reached.

      It is becoming apparent that a fundamental change in perspective and context is occurring. The transition into the holistic world view is but a manifestation of a profound reorientation within human consciousness. It is perhaps a response to an inner change in the very fabric of humanity. If evolution is interpreted as the unfolding story of consciousness in our planet, then the point humanity has reached is the threshold of deep and profound expansions in the content