The King’s Buccaneer. Raymond E. Feist. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Raymond E. Feist
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Героическая фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007385393
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It’s why I’m disinclined to really punish him and Harry for their prank today. It’s one of the few times I’ve ever seen or heard of Nicholas taking a risk.’

      Amos signed as he leaned upon the low wall. ‘I haven’t given this a lot of thought, Arutha. Nicky’s a good enough lad – not full of pranks and troublemaking as his brothers were.’

      ‘Borric and Erland were such a pair of rogues that I welcomed Nicholas’s reserve. But now it’s become indecision and overcautiousness. And that is dangerous in a ruler.’

      Amos said, ‘You and I have been through a lot, Arutha. I’ve known you – what, twenty-five years? You worry the most about those you love. Nicky’s a good lad, and he’ll be a good man.’

      ‘I don’t know,’ came the surprising answer. ‘I know he hasn’t a mean or petty bone in him, but one can err on the side of caution as well as rashness, and Nicholas is always cautious. He’s going to be important to us.’

      ‘Another marriage?’

      Arutha nodded. ‘This goes no further than here, Amos. The Emperor Diiagái has let it be known that closer ties to the Kingdom are now a possibility. Borric’s marriage to the Princess Yasmine was a step in that direction, but the desert people are a tributary race in Kesh. Diiagái thinks it time for a marriage to a Princess of the true blood.’

      Amos shook his head. ‘State marriages are nasty business.’

      Arutha said, ‘Kesh has always been the biggest threat to the Kingdom – except for the Riftwar – and we need to treat with her gently. If the Emperor of Kesh has a niece or cousin of the true blood he wishes to marry to the brother of the future King of the Isles, we had better be very secure in our borders before we say no.’

      ‘Nicky’s not the only candidate, is he?’

      ‘No, there’s Carline’s two sons, but Nicholas might be the best – if I thought he was able.’

      Amos was silent awhile. ‘He’s still young.’

      Arutha nodded. ‘Younger than his years. I blame myself—’

      ‘You always do,’ interrupted Amos, with a barking laugh.

      ‘—for being too protective. The deformed foot … his gentle nature …’

      Amos nodded and again fell silent. Then he said, ‘So season him.’

      Arutha said, ‘How? Send him to the Border Lords as I did his brothers?’

      ‘That’s a little too much seasoning, I think,’ said Amos, stroking his beard. ‘No, I was thinking you might do well to send him to Martin’s court for a while.’

      Arutha said nothing, but from his expression Amos could tell the idea had struck home. ‘Crydee,’ said Arutha softly. ‘That would be a different sort of home for him.’

      ‘You and Lyam turned out well enough, and Martin’ll see the boy stay safe without coddling him. Around here no one dares raise a hand or even their voice to the “crippled son of the Prince.”’ Arutha’s eyes flashed at that term, but he said nothing. ‘Send Martin instructions, and he won’t let Nicky use his bad foot as an excuse for anything. Prince Marcus is about his and Harry’s age, so if you send that troublemaker along, there’ll be two companions of noble rank who are a little rougher than Nicky’s been used to. He might be able to command them, but he won’t cow them. The Far Coast is nothing like Highcastle or Ironpass, but it’s not so civilized that Nicky can’t be hardened a bit.’

      Arutha said, ‘I’ll have to convince Anita.’

      ‘She’ll understand, Arutha,’ said Amos with a chuckle. ‘I don’t think you’ll have to do much. As much as she wants to protect the boy, she’ll see the need.’

      ‘Boy. Do you realize I was only three years older than Nicholas when I took command of my father’s garrison?’

      ‘I was there. I remember.’ Putting his hand upon Arutha’s shoulder, he said, ‘But you were never young, Arutha.’

      Arutha was forced to laugh at that. ‘You’re right. I was a serious sort.’

      ‘Still are.’

      Amos turned to leave, and Arutha said, ‘Are you going to marry Anita’s mother?’

      Amos turned in surprise. Then he put his fists upon his hips and grinned. ‘Now, who have you been talking to?’

      Arutha said, ‘Anita, and she’s been talking to Alicia. The palace has been thick with gossip about you two for years now: the Admiral and the Dowager Princess. You’ve got the rank and the honors. If you need another title, I can arrange it with Lyam.’

      Amos held up his hand. ‘No, rank has nothing to do with it.’ He lowered his voice. ‘I’ve lived a dangerous life, Arutha. And every time I board a ship, there’s no guarantee I’d be back. I can be a mean man, and no more than when I’m at sea. There was always the chance I’d get myself killed out there.’

      ‘You thinking of retirement?’

      Amos nodded. ‘Since I was about twelve I’ve lived on ships, save that bit of scuffling around I did with you and Guy du Bas-Tyra during the Riftwar. If I’m to wed, I’ll stay at home with my lady, thank you.’


      Amos said, ‘I don’t know. It’s a difficult choice; you’ve seen some of what the sea can do.’ Both remembered their first voyage together, as they braved the Straits of Darkness in the winter many years ago. Arutha had been changed by the journey, for not only had he faced death on the sea and survived, he had come to Krondor and met his beloved Anita. Amos continued, ‘To leave the sea is difficult. Perhaps one last voyage.’

      Arutha said, ‘Martin’s requested some aid in preparing the nw garrison at Barran, up the coast from Crydee. The Royal Eagle is in the harbor, ready to sail with enough weapons and stores to outfit two hundred men and horses for a year. Why don’t you captain it? You can carry Nicholas to Crydee, continue up the coast to the new garrison, then visit with Martin and Briana awhile before you head back.’

      Amos smiled. ‘A last voyage, back to where my cursed luck began.’

      ‘Cursed luck?’ asked Arutha.

      ‘To meet you, Arutha. Since we’ve met, you insist on ruining my fun every way you can.’

      It was an old joke between them. ‘You’ve done well enough for an unrepentant pirate.’

      Amos shrugged. ‘Well, I’ve done the best I could.’

      Arutha said, ‘Go pay court to your lady. I will join mine shortly.’

      Amos clapped Arutha upon the back once, then turned and left. When he was gone, Arutha continued to watch the distant lights of the harbor, lost in thoughts and memories.

      Arutha’s reminiscences were interrupted by an unexpected presence at his side. He turned to find the odd little Isalani standing next to him, regarding the city below.

      Nakor said, ‘I needed to spend a moment with you.’ Arutha said, ‘How did you get past the guards in the hall?’

      Nakor shrugged. ‘It was easy’ was all he said. Then he stared out over the water, as if seeing something distant. ‘You’re sending your son on a voyage.’

      Arutha turned sideways, eyes fixed upon the Isalani. ‘What are you: seer, prophet, or wizard?’

      Nakor shrugged. ‘I’m a gambler.’ He produced a deck of cards seemingly out of nowhere and said, ‘That’s how I get money most times.’ He twisted his wrist and the deck vanished. ‘But sometimes I see things.’ He fell silent for a moment, then said, ‘Years ago, when I met Borric, I felt drawn to him, so that when he befriended me, I stayed with him.’

      He paused