The King’s Buccaneer. Raymond E. Feist. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Raymond E. Feist
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Героическая фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007385393
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      Nicholas blushed. ‘I really don’t know, Pug. Father said Nakor insisted, and for some reason Father felt compelled to honor his request. I’m on my way to Martin’s court at Crydee, to squire there for a while and … I guess get hardened on the frontier.’

      Pug smiled, and again Nicholas felt calmed by the smile. ‘Well, it’s rough compared to Krondor, but Crydee is hardly the frontier. The town is twice the size it was when I was a boy, I have been told. And the Jonril garrison is now a major town. There’s a growing duchy out there. I think you’ll like it.’

      Nicholas smiled and said, ‘I hope so,’ without a great deal of conviction. He attempted to keep his expression even, but for the last couple of days he had been visited by an unexpected homesickness. The novelty of the journey had worn off, and now the tedious voyage, with nothing to do but sit in his cabin or pace the deck, was taking its toll.

      ‘How are things at your father’s court?’ asked Pug.

      Nicholas said, ‘Quiet. And busy. The usual. No wars or plagues or other crisis, if that’s what you mean.’ Looking at Pug’s face, he saw a questioning look. Nodding, Nicholas said, ‘Your son is now Knight-Marshal of Krondor.’

      Pug nodded, his expression thoughtful. ‘William and I had a falling out over his choice to be a soldier. He has some strange and powerful gifts.’

      Nicholas said, ‘Father told me something about it, but I’m not sure I understand.’

      Pug’s smile returned. ‘I’m not sure I do, either, Nicholas. For all my skills, being a father – at least with William – may have been a little beyond me. I insisted he study at Stardock and he would have none of it.’ Pug shook his head and his expression turned rueful. ‘I was very demanding, and he left without my leave. Arutha gave him a commission because of his being a cousin. I’m glad to see he’s made something of himself.’

      ‘You should go see him,’ Nicholas said.

      Pug smiled again. ‘Perhaps.’

      Nicholas said, ‘I wanted to ask you something. Everyone calls William “Cousin Willie,” and I’ve heard you also referred to as a cousin. But I know my grandfather Borric had only three sons and no nephews …?’ He shrugged.

      Pug said, ‘I did your grandfather some service when I was part of his household. I was an orphan boy, and when he thought me lost, he added my name to the family archives in Rillanon. As I was not formally adopted as his son, the King couldn’t refer to me as a brother, so “cousin” seemed appropriate. I don’t speak of such things – no one here is concerned over matters of patents and titles – but I am considered a prince of one sort or another in the Kingdom.’

      Nicholas grinned. ‘Well, Highness, the other news is that your daughter has given birth to her third child.’

      Pug’s smile broadened. ‘A boy?’

      Nicholas said, ‘At last. Uncle Jimmy loves his two girls, but he really wanted a son this time.’

      Pug said, ‘I’ve not seen them since their wedding. Perhaps I am overdue at Rillanon for a family visit, if only to see my grandchildren.’ He looked at Nicholas with a friendly expression. ‘I’ll think about a visit to your father’s court on the way, and perhaps a stubborn father and his equally stubborn son can find something to say to each other.’

      Nakor and Ghuda appeared at the entrance to the garden, the fighter wearing a finely bordered shirt of silk and balloon trousers tucked into his battered old boots. His bastard-sword had been left in his room, but his dirks were prominently evident. The little gambler wore a short robe of bright orange, which looked garish to Nicholas, but which seemed to delight him. He hurried forward and bowed to Pug. ‘Thank you for the fine robe.’

      He caught sight of Ryana, and his eyes widened as his mouth opened in an O of amazement. He quickly spoke a few phrases in a language unknown to Nicholas. The woman’s green eyes widened, and she regarded Pug with an expression that Nicholas could only call alarm. Something the little man said had frightened her badly.

      Pug held up one finger to his lips in the gesture for silence, and Nakor glanced at Ghuda and Nicholas. With an embarrassed laugh, he said, ‘Sorry.’

      Nicholas looked at Ghuda, who said, ‘I never ask.’

      Pug said, ‘Amos and Harry should be here soon. We can move to the dining room.’

      The dining room turned out to be a large square room on the side of the central building farthest from the guest quarters. In the middle was a low, square table, with cushions on all sides. Pug spoke as Amos and Harry entered. ‘I prefer eating in the Tsurani fashion; I hope you don’t mind.’

      Amos said, ‘As long as it’s food, I’ll stand if I must.’ Seeing Ryana, he halted, while Pug made introductions.

      Harry couldn’t tear his eyes from the woman, almost falling over a cushion as he came to Nicholas’s side. Sitting next to the Prince, he whispered, ‘Who is that?’

      Nicholas spoke softly. ‘A sorceress, or at least a student of Pug’s. And don’t whisper; it’s impolite.’

      Harry flushed and fell silent as the two odd black men entered, carrying platters of food. They quickly set plates before everyone and left, returning a moment later with cups of wine.

      As dinner was served, Pug said. ‘I’m out of practice entertaining, so I apologize should you find anything lacking.’

      Amos spoke on everyone’s behalf. ‘We gave no warning of our approach, so nothing you offered would be lacking.’

      Pug said, ‘You are kind, Admiral.’

      Nicholas said, ‘I thought Father had some means to contact you.’

      Pug said, ‘In an emergency only, Highness, and then only at great need. He has not needed to use the device I gave him. The Kingdom has been peaceful since I left.’

      Conversation turned to gossip from court and other trivialities. Nakor was unusually silent, as was the Lady Ryana. Pug was a convivial host, able to draw the two boys into the conversation without making it obvious.

      Both Nicholas and Harry had been drinking wine with dinner since they were old enough to sit at their parents’ tables, but as with most noble children, theirs had been diluted with water. Tonight they were drinking a full-bodied Keshian red, and after two cups, both boys were in a celebratory mood, laughing loudly at two stories they had heard Amos tell many times before.

      As Amos started telling his third tale of adventure and wonder, Pug said, ‘If you will excuse me for a moment. Nakor, might I have a word in private with you?’

      The little Isalani jumped to his feet and hurried toward the door Pug had indicated. They entered another of the many gardens on the property, and Pug said, ‘I have been told that this visit was your idea?’

      Nakor said, ‘I never expected to meet …’

      Pug said, ‘How did you know?’

      The Isalani shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I just know.’

      Pug halted next to a low bench and said, ‘Who are you?’

      Nakor sat upon the bench, pulling his feet under him. ‘A man. I know things. I do tricks.’

      Pug studied him in silence for a long moment. Sitting upon the edge of a reflecting pool, he said at last, ‘Ryana’s people have come to trust me. She is the daughter of one I knew twenty years ago. They are among the last of their race, and most men think them legends.’

      ‘I saw one once,’ said the unabashed little man. ‘I was traveling the road from Toowomba to Injune, in the mountains. At sunset I saw one off in the distance, resting upon the peak of a mountain, in the sunlight. I thought it odd that he should be sitting there alone, but then I considered he might think it odd that I was also there alone; so, it being a matter of perspective, I decided not to disturb his meditations. But I watched