Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008191047
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hurry. Their home can be a valuable sanctuary for Tigers this year, but their domestic life does require good organization and a willingness to adjust as situations require.

      In general, the Ox year will have its awkward moments, but with patience and care, Tigers can do much to minimize its more troublesome aspects. It is a year for tact, patience and for Tigers to curb their sometimes rebellious tendencies. But, frustrating though some of the year may be, by adding to their skills, making the most of situations and spending time with those around them, Tigers can see their efforts being rewarded. While not an easy year, this one can nevertheless lay the foundations for better times ahead.

      Tips for the Year

      Proceed carefully, thinking through your actions and responses. Also, seize any chances to add to your skills and knowledge and involve others in your activities and plans. This may be a challenging year, but its lessons (and potential gains) can be manifold.

      Tiger Fortunes in the Year of the Tiger

      Many Tigers will feel excited about their own year and be keen to set about their plans with gusto. And, especially for those who have felt held back in recent years, this is a time to concentrate on the now rather than what has gone before. However, while Tigers will have high hopes for their year, to get the best from it they will need to remain disciplined and concentrate on key aims. With focus, planning and effort, this can be a successful and special time.

      At work, in view of their recent undertakings and the skills they have acquired, many Tigers will be excellently placed when opportunities arise. And they will. This is a year for progress. Pleasingly, too, many Tigers will have a greater chance to put their strengths to effective use. Their ideas and ability to think round problems or come up with new approaches can prove a real asset. By contributing and being involved, they can come into their own and greatly enhance their reputation.

      For those who start the year discontented in their present position or seeking work, again the year can bring important developments. By keeping alert for openings and being swift in making applications, these Tigers can benefit from some good opportunities. Initiative counts for a lot this year and extra effort can often make a difference. With perseverance, commitment and self-belief, a lot can be achieved. Tigers, take note.

      Progress at work can also help financially, and some Tigers will enjoy additional good fortune, perhaps through a profitable idea, a gift or a stroke of luck. Tiger years have their surprises and rewards. In addition, some attractive and timely purchases can be made. However, while Tigers can fare well in money matters, they should use any upturn to help their overall position. Whether reducing borrowings, adding to savings or making provision for the future, good management can benefit them both now and in years to come.

      In addition, with this being their own year, they should look ahead. Considering their hopes and future aspirations will not only give them something to strive towards but also make them more aware of what they need to do now. The Tiger year can be an important springboard for what lies ahead and is an excellent time to consider, plan and act. It is said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Now is the time to take some steps.

      With their enquiring nature, Tigers have wide-ranging interests and again can develop and enjoy them this year. Sometimes new equipment or contacts can open up fresh possibilities. And if a new pursuit tempts them, they should investigate. In their own year, benefits can follow on from many of their activities.

      The Tiger year can also bring excellent social opportunities and there will be a lot for Tigers to participate in. Tigers who would welcome new friends or have experienced recent personal difficulty can see their own year ushering in a new chapter, with some finding love and also creating a new social circle. Tiger years can brighten the situation of many.

      In their home life, too, Tigers will be keen to forge ahead with plans and, whether making purchases or home improvements or perhaps moving, by carefully considering and costing their options, they can see a lot happen. However, while keen to get things done, they do need to be wary of proceeding too hastily. By allowing additional time and planning, they will often be able to make more suitable decisions.

      In addition to the plans and activities Tigers instigate this year, they can also look forward some special moments, especially concerning personal news and family successes. Domestically, Tiger years are busy and gratifying.

      In so many ways, this will be an important year for Tigers. It is a time for moving ahead and benefiting from opportunities. Tigers will also benefit from the goodwill and support of others and their own year will give rise to many special occasions as well as allow them to widen their social circle. Tigers have a lot in their favour this year and should focus on their objectives. With purpose, they can enjoy many significant achievements.

      Tips for the Year

      Take the initiative. Opportunities can open up for you this year. Also, look ahead and give some thought to your future aims. What is started now can take root and in time become significant. Your own year is a special one for you.

      Tiger Fortunes in the Year of the Rabbit

      In this constructive year, Tigers can make good gains and build on recent achievements. However, while the aspects are encouraging, they will need to rein in the more restless side of their nature. Rabbit years favour consistency and proceeding along established lines, and Tigers who are inclined to rush or take risks will find obstacles in their way. Rabbit years favour thoughtful and more measured approaches.

      At work, Tigers will often have the chance to make more of their expertise. This could be through taking on a more specialist role, being offered new objectives or transferring to another position in their place of work. Many can take their career to new levels this year and see their previous commitment and proven skills recognized and rewarded.

      There will, though, be some Tigers who feel they could better themselves elsewhere. These Tigers, as well as those seeking work, should keep alert for openings but also talk to experts and contacts and consider other ways in which they could use their skills. With advice and some thought on how they would like to develop their career, they can find some good openings. Work-wise, these can be important and successful times, but they do require a disciplined approach. Tigers who are inclined to rush or ‘cut corners’, beware. Mistakes and lapses will often get picked up, especially as Rabbits, who are masters this year, are so keen on detail and doing everything right. Also, Tigers should not act in isolation this year. It is by working closely with colleagues that they will be able to demonstrate their qualities and potential.

      Tigers can fare well financially and many will benefit from a rise in income over the year or receive funds from another source. To make the most of any upturn, they need to plan key purchases and avoid succumbing to too many impulse buys. Here again, a disciplined and careful approach can make so much difference.

      Personal interests are favourably aspected and Tigers should set time aside for pursuits they enjoy rather than expect to be on the go all the time. Activities that allow them to get out of doors could be particularly appealing, as could developing new ideas and getting involved in creative activities. Tigers could find themselves on inspired form this year. In some cases, additional instruction or personal study could open up new possibilities.

      Their personal life can also bring them considerable pleasure this year. Existing romances, especially those started in the previous Tiger year, can often become more meaningful, while unattached Tigers will have excellent opportunities to meet others. This can be a special year for affairs of the heart.

      Rabbit years also favour social activity and Tigers will enjoy becoming involved in the myriad of events that are happening. Tigers are popular company and the social diaries of many will be busier than usual this year.

      Tigers will also enjoy sharing their thoughts and activities with family members. Domestically, the Rabbit year can be satisfying and constructive. Adjustments (including to routine) may need to be made as opportunities arise, but good communication will help. Sharing thoughts will also benefit everyone when major purchasing decisions need to be made or problems faced (all years have their share). The more that can be addressed collectively this year, the better. In addition,