The Reckless Love of an Heir: An epic historical romance perfect for fans of period drama Victoria. Jane Lark. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jane Lark
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008139834
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if they did not entirely desert her.

      Although it was as if they were; they had left home at ten o’clock and would most likely only return in time to retire to bed. The days were not yet long.

      Henry remained in dishabille for dinner.

      He had a sickly pallor.

      Susan watched as Alethea took his plate to cut up his food so that he could eat with one hand. His expression became awkward, and there was no glint in his eyes for her kindness and attention—not even a smile. Perhaps he did not feel at all well?

      Yet whether he did or not, it was not Susan’s concern.

      She looked at Christine who was sitting beside her and opened a conversation. Yet Susan’s gaze was repeatedly drawn back to Henry as he spoke to Alethea, and she could not stop noticing the small indent at the base of his throat and the dark hairs visible on his chest due to the v formed by his open shirt as she recalled the bruises his shirt hid.

       Chapter Four

      Susan walked down the stairs, carrying her bonnet, with her cloak hanging over her forearm. Her bonnet bounced against the skirt of her dress with the pace of her steps as she held it by the ribbons.

      Alethea stood in the hall below, already wearing her bonnet, but she was not looking up to chase Susan into hurrying, but looking down at a letter.

      “What is it?” Susan called.

      “It is from Sarah,” Alethea looked up and met Susan’s gaze. “We cannot go. She says Henry intends to remain in his rooms and so he said it would be a waste of time for me to come.”


      “He is feeling too ill, he does not wish to dress, but merely lay abed and rest his shoulder.”

      “He did look pale yesterday.”

      “I know. I felt so sorry for him. I would sit by his bed and keep him company but I suppose it is not the thing is it?”

      “And if he has taken laudanum he will probably wish to sleep.”

      “I suppose.”

      But Susan had been looking forward to going over to Farnborough to continue her painting and the carriage had already been called.

      “Mama!” Alethea called across the hall when their mother appeared from the drawing room. “We cannot go. Henry is feeling too unwell.”

      “But I would like to go to paint, Mama.” Susan said as she stepped from the bottom stair. “Do you think I might? I was looking forward to painting again today and Uncle Robert said he did not mind my using the library at all for a whole fortnight.”

      Her mother smiled. “If you wish to go, Susan, there will be no harm in it I am sure.”

      Susan looked at Alethea, awaiting an offer to accompany her… There was still Sarah and Christine to visit, and after all Susan had only begun her painting project to accompany Alethea.

      Alethea turned away and walked towards the drawing room, with Sarah’s letter held tightly in her hand.

      Susan looked at her mother. Her mother was very like Alethea in temperament and she always gravitated towards her most exuberant daughter. She turned to Alethea, lifting a comforting arm to offer reassurance. “Alethea. Dear. I am sure he will be well enough to see you again soon.”

      Susan loved her mother dearly but they had never understood one another particularly. Susan was more like her father in nature.

      She turned to their butler. “Dodds, do not send the carriage away, I will be going but will you call for a maid.”

      Dodds bowed slightly. “Shall I help you with your cloak, Miss.” He held out a hand.

      She passed it over as her mother’s and Alethea’s conversation grew more distant.

      She put on her bonnet and tied the ribbons, then turned so that he could set her cloak across her shoulders. She secured it herself while Dodds opened the door for her.

      “Susan…” Her father entered the hall from a door leading out to the rear of the house and the stables. “Where is Alethea, is she not ready? I would have thought she’d be galloping with excitement to call on Henry.”

      “He is too unwell for callers. I am going so I may continue to paint.”

      His bushy white, eyebrows lifted, and the ends of his waxed moustache twitched. “Alone?”

      “It is only to Uncle Robert’s. It is only a couple of miles and I am taking a maid.”

      His forehead furrowed while he considered the idea.

      Susan held her breath.

      “And Susan is responsible enough to manage herself, Casper, let her go it will do no harm.” Susan looked at her mother who had come back out of the drawing room and stood just before the open door.

      Only days before her mother had been afraid of highway men, obviously Susan’s responsible nature would frighten them away. Or perhaps it was the ridiculous anomaly she presented. She heard the words in Henry’s voice.

      Her hand lifted and her fingers slid her spectacles farther up her nose.

      Her father looked at her. “Very well, you may go.”

      “Thank you, Papa.” She walked over and wrapped her arms about his neck.

      His arms came about her, knocking her bonnet loose, so it tumbled off her head and rolled down to hang from the ribbons about her neck.

      “Enjoy your day,” he said into her ear.

      “I shall immensely.” They let each other go. “And at the end of the fortnight I shall show you my endeavours. I am quite pleased with myself.”

      “Bless you.” His fingertips touched her cheek.

      She turned away, without putting her bonnet back on, and walked out through the open door. Dodds was standing outside, speaking with one of the footmen. She had a sense that he had bestowed a warning for the men escorting her to take greater care as she travelled alone with only a maid to guard her reputation. The maid had already taken her place on the seat beside the coachman.

      She smiled at Dodds when he opened the door of the carriage, accepted his hand and climbed up.

      Within the carriage she righted her bonnet as Dodds shut the door. Then they were away.

      She had not travelled in the carriage alone before.

      Her heart pulsed quickly as she stared out of the window watching the passing view around the brim of her bonnet.

      The tall remains of the walls of the ruined abbey in Farnborough’s grounds peaked above the trees in the distance. The Abbey marked the border of Uncle Robert’s land and Henry’s cousin’s, Rob’s, property. She had known Rob since her childhood too, his father was also a friend of her father’s.

      She had always liked Rob. He was quieter than Henry and he’d never been self-obsessed. She liked Rob’s wife too. Caro was also quiet, and friendly, though, she shied away from crowds and strangers. They therefore never attended the local balls but Susan saw them frequently at her parents’ and Aunt Jane’s dinner parties.

      The road followed a wall which surrounded Uncle Robert’s estate. The wall stretched for miles, but they were not following it all. It broke at the main gateway and the carriage turned to pass between the open iron gates and the giant lion statues guarding the entrance.

      The carriage slowed when the gatekeeper came out of his lodge, but he looked at her father’s emblem on the side and waved them on.

      The drive to the house from the gate seemed nearly as long as the journey had been from