The Fame Game, Starstruck, Infamous: 3 book Collection. Lauren Conrad. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lauren Conrad
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Детская проза
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007534548
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to that manipulative ratings hound. All she’d needed was a foot in the door, because once she was in, she knew she would blow them away. That was the thing: Everyone assumed she’d just decided on a whim to be an actress, and that she’d get bored and flit on to wanting to be a fashion designer or have her own record label or whatever. They didn’t realize she’d been taking acting classes for years, had always gotten the lead in school plays (except the musicals), and sometimes spent Saturday nights reading Shakespeare so she could parse the words and get at the emotions behind them.

      The cameras had naturally accompanied her to the audition, and she’d tried not to show how nervous she was. She kept biting her lip, though, until Laurel texted her: EAT SANDWICH, NOT OWN MOUTH.

      As she entered the bungalow, flanked by the PopTV cameras, she was surprised to find Madison in the waiting area, script in hand and her own camera in the corner. Madison looked up, and her brow furrowed almost imperceptibly. It would probably be a full-on frown if it weren’t for the years of Botox injections, Carmen thought. “Fancy meeting you here,” she said, sitting down across from her castmate.

      “Small world,” Madison said coolly. She was looking through an issue of Gossip, no doubt searching for some mention of herself in it.

      Carmen hadn’t ever imagined that Madison had thespian desires. But maybe it wasn’t so surprising. The girl would do anything to be famous, and if hosting a makeover show wasn’t doing it for her, maybe being on the big screen would. Well, Carmen wished her luck with that. She was pretty sure she’d need it.

      After a few more tense, silent moments, a short, gray-haired woman called her name, and Carmen went in to kick some acting ass. The cameras were relegated to the reception area.

      Another surprise? She’d be reading with Luke Kelly, who was looking gorgeously ragged as Roman, her character’s love interest. They hadn’t talked since the night at Whisper, but apparently he had the role sewn up. She wasn’t sure what happened with Luke and Kate last week, but if Kate wasn’t interested, maybe Carmen could have a little fun with him. She’d made out with him one night a few months ago and wouldn’t mind doing it again. He smiled at her as she sat down, so nervous at first that her palms were icy and damp. “Bryn’s going to have nothing on you, mate,” he’d whispered.

      She had hoped he was right.

      And, as it turned out, he was.

      “I mean, I could be crazy,” Carmen said, fiddling with the straw in her iced coffee. “Maybe I totally sucked.”

      Luke shook his head. “No. You were amazing. Seriously, I had chills.”

      “Oh please,” Carmen snorted. “They just had the AC up too high. Did you see my goose bumps?”

      “Hey now,” Luke said, nudging her elbow playfully. “You can talk about how great you were, but then when I try to back you up you pretend like I’m full of shit? That’s low, Curtis.”

      She laughed. “Sorry,” she said. “You know us actors. We’re all crazy.”

      “Speak for yourself,” Luke said, feigning offense. “You’re the one with a reality show, which is its own special brand of crazy, right? I’m as sane as they come.”

      “Whatever you say.” Out of the corner of her eye, Carmen could see a couple of girls staring openmouthed at Luke, trying to decide if he was in fact Doctor Rose, from Boston General. She wasn’t offended in the slightest that they didn’t seem to recognize her; in fact she preferred it that way. Carmen had always found it exhausting to be stared at by strangers. If it went on too long—whether it was in a grocery store or on a red carpet—she always felt the urge to run home and jump in the shower. Which, she knew, made her recent career choices somewhat suspect. “Don’t look now,” she said, “but I think you have some fans.”

      Luke hunched his shoulders a little, as if this could shield him from their adoring gazes. “Are they coming over here?”

      Carmen shook her head. “Don’t think so. They look kind of shy. I think they’re tourists.”

      “Good,” he said. “I’m not up for it today. Can you frown at them a little? Look, I don’t know, possessive and intimidating?”

      “I could kiss you again,” Carmen offered. “A little Roman and Julia reprise.”

      “Uh—” Luke said, looking uncertain.

      “What?” she demanded. “It’s not like we’ve never kissed before. Was it so horrible that you can’t bear to—?”

      “No, no. Not at all. It’s just . . .”

      “Wait! Oh my God, you’re blushing. You like someone!” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it happily. Her own love life was nonexistent, so she might as well live vicariously. (Making out with him would have to be strictly professional then.) “Tell me this instant or I will break your finger.”

      Luke hesitated, then spoke. “That friend of yours. Kate.”

      Carmen sat back and crossed her arms. “Shut. Up.”

      Luke shrugged. “She hasn’t said anything to you?”

      Carmen shook her head.

      “Maybe I kept her too busy this week. What can I say? We hit it off. She’s down-to-earth. She’s talented. She’s totally not a typical Hollywood girl. And she’s beautiful, too, but she doesn’t seem to have any idea. Which I appreciate.”

      “I will overlook the fact that she didn’t tell me and just be excited. Oh, this is awesome!” Carmen clapped her hands, genuinely thrilled. “I love her, and I totally put you guys together! You can just call me Carmen Cupid Curtis.”

      Luke laughed. “All right, Carmen Cupid Curtis. How do you know her, anyway?”

      Carmen looked at him in surprise. “She didn’t tell you?”

      “Tell me what?”

      Carmen was chewing an ice cube, and Luke tapped his fingers impatiently until she could speak again. “She’s on The Fame Game with me,” she said.

      Luke’s eyebrows shot up and disappeared under his dark bangs. “You’re kidding,” he said. “Wow.” He scratched at the scruff on his chin, looking confused and slightly perturbed. “Why didn’t she tell me that?”

      “I don’t know,” Carmen admitted. “Shyness? Embarrassment? Midwestern reticence?” She poked him with her straw. “You don’t mind, though, right?” she asked.

      Luke thought about this for a minute. “No,” he said finally. “I guess I don’t. But I still think it’s kind of weird that she didn’t say anything.”

      “Fine,” Carmen said. “It’s weird. But so is a platypus.”

      Luke shot her a look. “What in the world are you talking about?”

      Carmen laughed and reached out to pinch his cheek. She was pretty convinced that Luke was really no slicker than Kate when it came down to it. They could be wide-eyed foreigners in L.A. together, making a successful go of it but being slightly baffled the whole time. “I’m just saying, what seems weird to you seems fine to someone else. No doubt the platypus thinks a kitten looks totally bizarre.”

      “I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about,” Luke said. “Did they put something illegal in your coffee?”

      Carmen grinned. She was feeling punchy but it was from her post-audition adrenaline. “Nope. Just high on life. But hey, let’s get out of here. I need to hit the gym, and you, Doctor Rose, have got a few autographs to sign.” She paused. “And Kates to kiss. Get it? You know, Kiss Me, Kate?”

      Luke rolled his eyes. “You are crazy,” he said.

      Carmen sighed dramatically. “Yes, but you love me anyway.”