Friendship Fails of Emma Nash. Chloe Seager. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Chloe Seager
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008221188
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there’s a possibility she might have had sex and might not have told me, because we tell each other everything.


      She definitely would have told me, right?! She would have discussed with me, if she was even thinking about it?


       posted by EditingEmma 17.07

       Must Leon be EVERYWHERE?! Even When He’s Not Technically In The Room?

      Just did my second designing session for the fashion show. Thankfully, this time **** was nowhere to be seen…but his friend Charlie was. He started talking to me when I came in.

      ‘Hey, can I ask your opinion, Button Queen?’ he said. ‘These or these?’ He held out two kinds of grey buttons.

      ‘Uh…’ I said.

      It was really nice being asked my opinion about a fashion thing, and I did want to talk to him about it… But also what popped into my head when he spoke to me was, I wonder if Leon’s spoken to you about me? I wonder what you know about Leon right now, that I don’t? etc., etc. And it’s unfair of me, I know, but even speaking to Charlie is a little bit of a reminder of the person I would much rather forget.

      ‘Those, I think,’ I eventually answered and sat down at my station.

      I’m not usually stand-offish, but if I’m really going to stop thinking about Leon, fraternizing with his friends just isn’t going to help. I must maintain a safe distance from all things Leon. I mean ****.

       posted by EditingEmma 18.03

       Why Did I Sign Up For This, Again?

      So, as part of my role on the social media team, it’s my job to create the event for the show. And now, sitting and staring at the blank event, I’m wondering why on EARTH I volunteered for this.

      ‘Steph! Help me!’ I shouted on the phone.

      ‘Uh huh.’

      ‘What do I say on the event description?’

      ‘Umm…’ I could hear her chewing on something. ‘Be super chill and casual. Like you’re doing this really fun thing people can come to, but ultimately you don’t really care whether anyone comes or not.’

      ‘OK. Got it. Chill and casual.’

      Hey you crazy cats. Some of us have been making some cool clothes and it would be great if you came to see our show. Or Not. Whatever. No pressure.

      Rang Steph back, and read it out to her.

      ‘“Crazy cats”?’ she repeated. ‘Crazy cats?! Since when do you live in the Fifties?

      ‘I was going for off-the-wall,’ I said.

      ‘Hmm, works for Crazy Holly, because she legit doesn’t care…not so much for you.’

      ‘All right all right, what else needs to go?’

      ‘Um, ALL of it.’

      ‘All right, fine, clearly I can’t do casual. I’m going for heartfelt.’

      Hello, everyone. We’re working really, really hard on this fashion show, and it would mean a lot to us if you came down to see the fruits of our labours. It’s for a good cause, so please think of the children.

      ‘Sounds vaguely threatening,’ said Steph.

      ‘All right, well…’

      ‘And a bit intense.’

      ‘OK, I’ll…’

      ‘And what is fruits of our labours? Now you sound like you’re in the nineteenth century.’

      ‘Oh my God, I GIVE UP. How does anyone write these things?!’

      ‘Look, you’re overthinking it. Go again. You’ll get there. I BELIEVE IN YOU.’

      Come to our super cool fashion show…

      ‘Hello, Desperate Paul.’

      Join us for a night of fun…

      ‘Exactly what Mr Morris would say.’

      Be there or be square…

      ‘Oh my God, Emma. I’ve stopped believing in you.’

       posted by EditingEmma 18.10

      It took three hours but I finally concocted a casual and fun-sounding event description (no thanks to Steph). Now I just have to ‘invite’ people.

      Oh my God. There are about five hundred people to invite.

      Hovering over the button…


      … And now there are literally five hundred people invited and one ‘attending’.


      OH MY GOD. What have I done?! Why didn’t I prepare?! Why didn’t I have Steph on standby to click attending immediately

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