An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore. Jacky Newcomb. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jacky Newcomb
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007396030
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might starve to death, but God promised them food: ‘…there in the wilderness, fine flakes appeared, fine as hoar-frost on the ground. When the Israelites saw it, they said to one another, “What is it?” because they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, “That is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat…”’ (Exodus 16:13-15).

      Metatron is the angel in charge of human sustenance.

       Do all angels have names?

      No, and they do not recognize the need for names at all. Angels are distinguished for their abilities and roles, and it is only the human need to name things which is the reason they have attracted names as we know and understand them.


       ‘Angels are spirits, but it is not because they are spirits that they are angels. They become angels when they are sent, for the name angel refers to their office, not their nature. You may ask the name of this nature, it is spirit; you ask its office, it is that of an angel, which is a messenger.’


       How do I find out the name of my angel?

      Angels have no problem with us using names, however, and are just happy to be noticed and utilized. We can call our angels anything at all – whatever feels right for us. If you prefer, you can ask for a name in meditation or just before going to sleep at night. Take the first name that comes to you.

       If angels exist, why can’t we see them more often?

      Angels’ roles are to work ‘behind the scenes’. Our dense atmosphere on the earth plane makes it difficult for them to manifest physically for any length of time – although they do make appearances occasionally in subtle ways.

      Angels also appear in dreams, and sometimes when we are ‘crossing over’ or during near-death experiences. It is during these times when our own consciousness has moved away from the earth plane (when we are asleep or unconscious) that angels can appear to us physically.

      The sudden visual appearance might frighten most of us, I’m sure. If you take a look at the majority of angel appearances in the Bible, those who came in contact with the celestial being were struck with terror!


       ‘The guardian Angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us.’


       Why do some people see colours when they see angels?

      Angels produce colour as part of their energy field, as beings of ‘white light’. White of course splits into all the colours of the rainbow. During near-death experiences, when people feel themselves leave the physical body, they sometimes see colours that do not exist on the physical plane (our sphere of existence).

      The colours that each angel shows make up part of their personality. Colour is also connected to sound and is an indication of a sound frequency.

       Can we ask for angels to help others?

      Yes we can, although our call will only be answered if it is for the highest good of that person, or with the consent of that person’s higher spirit or higher self.

      Angels long to be called into service, so it is always worth asking for help on behalf of another person, with the proviso ‘…with the will of God and the highest possible outcome for the progression of the spirit [of the individual concerned]’. Don’t worry if you forget. As long as your intention is pure!

      Many believe that the angels have more power to help if we invite them to do so. Asking for help isn’t going to hurt anyway!

       Are they extra-dimensional or extra-terrestrial beings?

      Angels are not extra-terrestrial insomuch as they do not ‘live’ on other planets. It would be more correct to call them ‘inter-dimensional beings’, as they move between worlds or spiritual planes.

       Are they eternal?

      With God’s will, yes.

       Do they age?

      Not in the way that we would age, no. As angels do not have bodies, and passage of time has no meaning in heaven, age is of no relevance.

       Are they still being formed? (Is Michael older than other angels?)

      The angels were created at different times, or not, depending on which source you read! Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel (or Ariel) are usually said to have been formed at the same time, though. Are angels still being formed? I think that only God knows the answer to that one, but spirit is being created continuously so I don’t see why not.

       Are the ‘Fab Four’ (Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael) the strongest, or just the most popular?

      Michael and Gabriel are given ‘leader titles’ in many texts. They are the most well known of angels, which may make them seem the most popular. Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael are also thought to have guardianship over the Earth and so are ‘our’ angels.

       Can people become angels, or just saints?

      Angels have been named saints, but people are not made into angels (in most traditions). Having said that, there are two archangels who are said to be the ascended spirits of humans: Archangel Metatron was given the role of an angel (having once walked the earth as Enoch) for his services to God whilst in human form. Other sources say that the Archangel Sandalphon (recognized as the twin of Archangel Metatron) was once the prophet Elijah.

      These two are certainly exceptions to the rule, because the spirit mat resides in the human body is of a different form and type to that which is angel.


       ‘Every man contemplates an angel in his future self.’



       ‘I have been on the verge of being an angel all my life, but it’s never happened yet.’



      The Mormons recognize the angel Moroni, who visited their founding prophet Joseph Smith. Moroni was said to be once human and the son of the prophet Mornon, and to have become an angel after his death, and there is a statue of Moroni on top of most Mormon temples.

      Kabbalists (followers of a Jewish mystical tradition) also believe that as well as being created by God special humans can also develop into angels.

       Have angels ever incarnated?

      As far as we know, only Enoch and Elijah have ever been human, although angels do make brief appearances in human form.


       ‘Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for therby some have entertained angels unawares.’

      HEBREWS 13:2

       How would I be able to contact angels?

      In any number of simple ways beginning