Druidcraft: The Magic of Wicca and Druidry. Philip Carr-Gomm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Philip Carr-Gomm
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007555833
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light around it. Now come into the home and open your eyes and look around you. Say out loud:

      O Great Spirit (or Goddess and/or God), I ask for your

      blessings on this my home, my hearth, my household.

      Then light the incense or candle and say:

      O Brighid, Goddess of hearth and home, I ask that this

      incense/flame might be blessed in your name, that it may purify and cleanse this home, this place.

      Then walk through your home waving the smoke from the incense, or the light from the candle, around the perimeter of each room, working sunwise (clockwise if you are in the northern hemisphere, or anticlockwise if you are in the southern hemisphere), around the home, and around each room. Then pick up the bowl of water and say:

      O Brighid, Goddess of the well and the flame, I ask that

      this water might be consecrated in your name, that it may cleanse, purify and bless this home.

      Then walk through your home sprinkling water from the bowl around the perimeter of each room, again always sunwise, around the home and every room. (If you want to be really traditional, and you can get all around your house outside, then you can sprinkle around the house nine times, returning to the hearth to light the fire.) Then say:

      O Brighid, please bless this house: from site to stay, from

      beam to wall, from end to end, from ridge to basement, from balk to roof-tree, from found to summit, from found to summit.

      Then come to the place that feels most like the centre, the hearth of your home, and sit down and read, or say out loud, the following blessing. And as you do so, imagine that blessings are flowing from Brighid or from Spirit through you, to your house. Feel this energy of blessing actively radiating out into the world through you, as you say:

      A blessing upon this home,

      A blessing upon this hearth A blessing upon this . . .

      (If you have created a sacred space or sanctuary inside or outside your home now is the time to mention it. Use whatever term appeals to you, such as Sanctuary, Sacred Space, Sacred Circle or Place of Transformation/Meditation/Devotion.)

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