Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963. Walter Hooper. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Walter Hooper
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007332670
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has no characters to compare with Fosco50 and it involves some excessive improbabilities. But it has the true Collins atmosphere and no dull parts. Thank you very much.

      Since you can write like that, then, though of course exactly the same type wouldn’t do, you must introduce the same precision into your factual works.

      Give my love and duty to June.

      Yours ever


      Dănăe but Mōīrāī


      Magdalen College

      Oxford, England Feb. 27. 1953

      Dear Mr. Stone

      With v. many thanks and all good wishes.

      Yours sincerely

      C. S. Lewis



      Magdalen College

      Oxford Feb 27. 53

      My dear Arthur

      I wd. love to come away with you this year again but it couldn’t be earlier than last year. I have been put on to examine this year which will keep me busy at Oxford into the first week of August. My jaunt with W. could be made to come after my jaunt with you instead of before it if you wish, I expect. I hope this doesn’t spoil things for you?

      Someone has given me Armadale. It is clearly not so good as the famous two but well worth reading.

      I’m in such pain with sinusitis today I can’t think straight: so if any of this letter doesn’t make sense you’ll understand! I’m not lecturing at Queen’s.





      Magdalen College

      Oxford ii/iii/53

      My dear Bles

      6. ‘She found she could lie on her back.’ No real sense of wind in it. Her hair ought to be blowing straight forward. 8. ‘Leaning one hand’ etc.

      10. The poet. Not our idea of a blind bard at all!

      17. The stone-throwing giants. Has its merits, but the travellers ought to be carrying packs, not parcels in their hands like trippers!

      36. The gnome. I think better of this than you do but he is too like a human brat out of Dickens’s London, and since we must cut some, this is a good candidate.

      39. The Dance. Her dances are usually lovely, but this is not one of her best.

      42. The Centaurs.

      That’s as many as I can find it in my heart to turn down.

      In 19, could the shield be painted out in Chinese White & then obliterated? Knights didn’t wear shields on the right arm.

      2 wd. be lovely in colour if it cd. be afforded.

      You will hear with mixed feelings that I have just finished the seventh & really last of the Narnian stories. That means there are 3 more. Are you still game? If so, tell me when to send you the next.


      C. S. Lewis



      Magdalen College,

      Oxford 3/iii/53

      My dear Palmer