Inspector Alleyn 3-Book Collection 5: Died in the Wool, Final Curtain, Swing Brother Swing. Ngaio Marsh. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ngaio Marsh
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007531394
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you don’t!’ Alleyn began, but the cook turned until his face was pressed into the bosom of his friend, and by slow degrees slid to the ground.

      ‘Now see what you done,’ said Albie Black.



      The cook being insensible and, according to Fabian, certain to remain so for many hours, Alleyn suffered him to be moved and concentrated on Albert Black.

      There had been a certain spaciousness about the cook but Albert, he decided, was an abominable specimen. He disseminated meanness and low cunning. He was drunk enough to be truculent and sober enough to look after himself. The only method, Alleyn decided, was that of intimidation. He and Fabian withdrew with Albert into the annexe.

      ‘Have you ever been mixed up in a murder charge before?’ Alleyn began, with the nearest approach to police station truculence of which he was capable.

      ‘I’m not mixed up in one now,’ said Albert, showing the whites of his eyes. ‘Choose your words.’

      ‘You’re withholding information in a homicidal investigation, aren’t you? D’you know what that means?’

      ‘Here!’ said Albert. ‘You can’t swing that across me.’

      ‘You’ll be lucky if you don’t get a pair of bracelets swung across you. Haven’t you been in trouble before?’ Albert looked at him indignantly. ‘Come on, now,’ Alleyn persisted. ‘How about a charge of theft?’

      ‘Me?’ said Albert. ‘Me, with a clean sheet all the years I bin ’ere! Accusing me of stealing! ’Ow dare yer?’

      ‘What about Mr Rubrick’s whisky? Come on, Black, you’d better make a clean breast of it.’

      Albert looked at the piano. His dirty fingers pulled at his underlip. He moved closer to Alleyn and peered into his face. ‘It’s methylated spirits they stink of,’ Alleyn thought.

      ‘Got a fag on yer?’ Albert said ingratiatingly and grasped him by the coat.

      Alleyn freed himself, took out his case and offered it, open, to Albert.

      ‘You’re a pal,’ said Albert and took the case. He helped himself fumblingly to six cigarettes and put them in his pocket. He looked closely at the case. ‘Posh,’ he said. ‘Not gold, though, d’you reckon, Mr Losse?’

      ‘Well,’ Alleyn said. ‘How about this whisky?’

      Albert jerked his head at the piano. ‘So he got chatty after all, did he?’ he said. ‘The little bastard. OK. That lets me out.’ He again grasped Alleyn by the coat with one hand and with the other pointed behind him at the piano. ‘What a pal,’ he said. ‘Comes the holy Jo over a drop of Johnny Walker and the next night he’s fixing the big job.’

      ‘What the hell are you talking about!’ Fabian said violently.

      ‘Can – you – tell – me,’ Albert said, swaying and clinging to Alleyn, ‘how a little bastard like that can be playing the ruddy piano and at the same time run into me round the corner of the wool-shed? There’s a mystery for you, if you like.’

      Fabian took a step forward. ‘Be quiet, Losse,’ said Alleyn.

      ‘It’s a very funny thing,’ Albert continued, ‘how an individual can be in two places at oncst. And he knew he oughtn’t to be there, the ruddy little twister. Because all the time I sees him by the wool-shed he keeps on thumping that blasted pianna. Now then!’

      ‘Very strange,’ said Alleyn.

      ‘Isn’t it. I knew you’d say that.’

      ‘Why haven’t you talked about this before?’

      Albert freed himself, spat, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. ‘Bargain’s a bargain, isn’t it? Fair dos. Wait till I get me hands on the little twister. Put me away, has he? Good oh! And what does he get? Anywhere else he’d swing for it.’

      ‘Did you hear Mrs Rubrick speaking in the wool-shed?’

      ‘How could she speak when he’d fixed her? That was earlier: “Ladies and gentlemen.” Gawd, what a go!’

      ‘Where was he?’

      ‘Alleyn, for God’s sake –’ Fabian began, and Alleyn turned on him. ‘If you can’t be quiet, Losse, you’ll have to clear out. Now, Black, where was Cliff?’

      ‘Aren’t I telling you? Coming out of the shed.’

      Alleyn looked through the annexe window. He saw a rough track running downhill, past the yards, past a side road to the wool-shed, down to a narrow water race above the gate that Florence Rubrick came through when she left the lavender path and struck uphill to the wool-shed.

      ‘Was it then that you asked him to say nothing about the previous night when he caught you stealing the whisky?’ Alleyn held his breath. It was a long shot and almost in the dark.

      ‘Not then,’ said Albert.

      ‘Did you speak to him?’

      ‘Not then.’

      ‘Had you already spoken about the whisky?’

      ‘I’m not saying anything about that. I’m telling you what he done.’

      ‘And I’m telling you what you did. That was the bargain, wasn’t it? He found you making away with the bottles. He ordered you off and was caught trying to put them back. He didn’t give you away. Later, when the murder came out and the police investigation started, you struck your bargain. If Cliff said nothing about the whisky, you’d say nothing about seeing him come out of the shed?’

      Albert was considerably sobered. He looked furtively from Alleyn to Fabian. ‘I got to protect myself,’ he said. ‘Asking a bloke to put himself away.’

      ‘Very good. You’d rather I tell him you’ve blown the gaff and get the whole story from him. The police will be interested to know you’ve withheld important information.’

      ‘All right, all right,’ said Albert shrilly. ‘Have it your own way, you blasted cow,’ and burst into tears.


      Fabian and Alleyn groped their way down the hill in silence. They turned off to the wool-shed, where Alleyn paused and looked at the sacking-covered door. Fabian watched him miserably.

      ‘It must have been in about this light,’ Alleyn said. ‘Just after dark.’

      ‘You can’t do it!’ Fabian said. ‘You can’t believe a drunken sneak-thief’s story. I know young Cliff. He’s a good chap. You’ve talked to him. You can’t believe it.’

      ‘A year ago,’ Alleyn said, ‘he was an over-emotionalized, slightly hysterical and extremely unhappy adolescent.’

      ‘I don’t give a damn! Oh, God!’ Fabian muttered, ‘why the hell did I start this?’

      ‘I did warn you,’ Alleyn said with something like compassion in his voice.

      ‘It’s impossible, I swear – I formally swear to you that the piano never stopped for more than a few seconds. You know what it’s like on a still night. The cessation of a noise like that hits your ears. Albie was probably half-tight. Good Lord, he said himself that the piano went on all the time. Of course it wasn’t Cliff that he saw. I’m amazed that you pay the smallest attention to his meanderings.’ Fabian paused. ‘If he saw any one,’ he added, and his voice changed, ‘I admit that it was probably the murderer. It wasn’t Cliff. You yourself pointed out that it was almost dark.’

      ‘Then why did Cliff refuse to talk about the whisky?’