The Tao of Physics. Fritjof Capra. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Fritjof Capra
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007378289
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between the various parts of the whole. These relations always include the observer in an essential way. The human observer constitutes the final link in the chain of observational processes, and the properties of any atomic object can only be understood in terms of the object’s interaction with the observer. This means that the classical ideal of an objective description of nature is no longer valid. The Cartesian partition between the I and the world, between the observer and the observed, cannot be made when dealing with atomic matter. In atomic physics, we can never speak about nature without, at the same time, speaking about ourselves.

      The new atomic theory could immediately solve several puzzles which had arisen in connection with the structure of atoms and could not be explained by Rutherford’s planetary model. First of all, Rutherford’s experiments had shown that the atoms making up solid matter consist almost entirely of empty space, as far as the distribution of mass is concerned. But if all the objects around us, and we ourselves, consist mostly of empty space, why can’t we walk through closed doors? In other words, what is it that gives matter its solid aspect?

      A second puzzle was the extraordinary mechanical stability of atoms. In the air, for example, atoms collide millions of times every second and yet go back to their original form after each collision. No planetary system following the laws of classical mechanics would ever come out of these collisions unaltered. But an oxygen atom will always retain its characteristic configuration of electrons, no matter how often it collides with other atoms. This configuration, furthermore, is exactly the same in all atoms of a given kind. Two iron atoms, and consequently two pieces of pure iron, are completely identical, no matter where they come from or how they have been treated in the past.

      Quantum theory has shown that all these astonishing properties of atoms arise from the wave nature of their electrons. To begin with, the solid aspect of matter is the consequence of a typical ‘quantum effect’ connected with the dual wave/particle aspect of matter, a feature of the subatomic world which has no macroscopic analogue. Whenever a particle is confined to a small region of space it reacts to this confinement by moving around, and the smaller the region of confinement is, the faster the particle moves around in it. In the atom, now, there are two competing forces. On the one hand, the electrons are bound to the nucleus by electric forces which try to keep them as close as possible. On the other hand, they respond to their confinement by whirling around, and the tighter they are bound to the nucleus, the higher their velocity will be; in fact, the confinement of electrons in an atom results in enormous velocities of about 600 miles per second! These high velocities make the atom appear as a rigid sphere, just as a fast rotating propeller appears as a disc. It is very difficult to compress atoms any further and thus they give matter its familiar solid aspect.

      In the atom, then, the electrons settle in orbits in such a way that there is an optimal balance between the attraction of the nucleus and their reluctance to be confined. The atomic orbits, however, are very different from those of the planets in the solar system, the difference arising from the wave nature of the electrons. An atom cannot be pictured as a small planetary system. Rather than particles circling around the nucleus, we have to imagine probability waves arranged in different orbits. Whenever we make a measurement, we will find the electrons somewhere in these orbits, but we cannot say that they are ‘going around the nucleus’ in the sense of classical mechanics.

      In the orbits, the electron waves have to be arranged in such a way that ‘their ends meet’, i.e. that they form patterns known as ‘standing waves’. These patterns appear whenever waves are confined to a finite region, like the waves in a vibrating guitar string, or in the air inside a flute (see diagram opposite). It is well known from these examples that standing waves can assume only a limited number of well-defined shapes. In the case of the electron waves inside an atom, this means that they can exist only in certain atomic orbits with definite diameters. The electron of a hydrogen atom, for example, can only exist in a certain first, second or third orbit, etc., and nowhere in between. Under normal conditions, it will always be in its lowest orbit, called the ‘ground state’ of the atom. From there, the electron can jump to higher orbits if it receives the necessary amount of energy, and then the atom is said to be in an ‘excited state’ from which it will go back to its ground state after a while, the electron giving off the surplus energy in the form of a quantum of electromagnetic radiation, or photon. The states of an atom, i.e. the shapes and mutual distances of its electron orbits, are exactly the same for all atoms with the same number of electrons. This is why any two oxygen atoms, for example, will be completely identical. They may be in different excited states, perhaps due to collisions with other atoms in the air, but after a while they will invariably return to exactly the same ground state. The wave nature of the electrons accounts thus for the identity of atoms and for their great mechanical stability.

      Tendencies to exist, particles reacting to confinement with motion, atoms switching suddenly from one ‘quantum state’ to another, and an essential interconnectedness of all phenomena—these are some of the unusual features of the atomic world. The basic force, on the other hand, which gives rise to all atomic phenomena is familiar and can be experienced in the macroscopic world. It is the force of electric attraction between the positively charged atomic nucleus and the negatively charged electrons. The interplay of this force with the electron waves gives rise to the tremendous variety of structures and phenomena in our environment. It is responsible for all chemical reactions, and for the formation of molecules, that is, of aggregates of several atoms bound to each other by mutual attraction. The interaction between electrons and atomic nuclei is thus the basis of all solids, liquids and gases, and also of all living organisms and of the biological processes associated with them.

      In this immensely rich world of atomic phenomena, the nuclei play the role of extremely small, stable centres which constitute the source of the electric force and form the skeletons of the great variety of molecular structures. To understand these structures, and most of the natural phenomena around us, it is not necessary to know more about the nuclei than their charge and their mass. In order to understand the nature of matter, however, to know what matter is ultimately made of, one has to study the atomic nuclei which contain practically all of its mass. In the 1930s, after quantum theory had unravelled the world of atoms, it was therefore the main task of physicists to understand the structure of nuclei, their constituents and the forces which hold them together so tightly.

      The first important step towards an understanding of nuclear structure was the discovery of the neutron as the second constituent of the nucleus, a particle which has roughly the same mass as the proton (the first nuclear constituent)—about two thousand times the mass of the electron—but does not carry an electric charge. This discovery not only explained how the nuclei of all chemical elements were built up from protons and neutrons, but also revealed that the nuclear force, which kept these particles so tightly bound within the nucleus, was a completely new phenomenon. It could not be of electromagnetic origin since the neutrons were electrically neutral. Physicists soon realized that they were here confronted with a new force of nature which does not manifest itself anywhere outside the nucleus.

      An atomic nucleus is about one hundred thousand times smaller than the whole atom and yet it contains almost all of the atom’s mass. This means that matter inside the nucleus must be extremely dense compared to the forms of matter we are used to. Indeed, if the whole human body were compressed to nuclear density it would not take up more space than a pinhead. This high density,