Storm Runners. Jefferson Parker. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jefferson Parker
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Полицейские детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007387861
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are up against the Mara Salvatrucha. MS 13 has the good military guns from the United States but they don’t get our south-side action. Move ten of our San Antonio boys over to Dallas immediately. Shoot the Salvadorans on sight if they’re on our corners. Not a grain of mercy.

      At the end of his fifty minutes, Tavarez had passed on more information than he could send in a hundred handwritten, coded letters and kites. Which would take him a week and a half to write. And a week to get where they were going. And half would still be intercepted, diverted, destroyed – perhaps even passed on to La Nuestra Familia by people like Ken McCann.

      But with the computer he could write things once, in just a matter of seconds, then send his commands to a handful of trusted people, who in turn would send them down the line. His code was wireless and traveled at the speed of sound. It was practically untraceable and virtually indecipherable. It was clear, concise, and inexpensive.

      Pure, digital Nahuatl, thought Tavarez, beamed exactly where it was needed.

      All it had really cost him was a few months of subtle persuasion, then ten unsubtle grand to help the Post family through Tonya’s cancer.

      Tavarez turned off the computer, closed the screen, and set it back into the hollowed pages of the atlas of the world.

      Like an alert dog who hears his master stir, Lunce appeared from behind the G shelf, dangling the cuffs.

      ‘Looking at porn?’ he asked.


      ‘Are they cute as your whores?’

      ‘Not as cute.’

      ‘I don’t believe you. I think you’re running your business. La Eme business.’

      Tavarez just shrugged. He felt the cuffs close around his wrists.


      Tavarez lifted weights furiously that night, putting everything he had into the repetitions, increasing the weight until his muscles gave out, doing sit-ups and crunches between sets, panting and growling and sweating for nearly an hour. Lunce watched him work out and shower but Tavarez was hardly aware of him.

      By the time he was back in his cell, it was well past midnight. His body trembled from the exertion. He lay on his back on the bed and listened to the snoring and the distant wails from the ding wing – psych ward – and the endless coughing of Smith two cells down.

      He closed his eyes and thought back to when he was released from his first prison term and he’d moved into Ofelia’s apartment for six blessed weeks. All of the pent-up desire they’d felt for each other during her visits came charging out like water from ruptured dams. She was only seventeen, hopeful and innocent, a virgin. He was twenty-seven, the adopted favorite of La Eme kingpin Paul Zolorio, and suddenly free. He had been tasked by Zolorio to exact tribute from the Santa Ana street gangs for all drug sales – starting with his own Delhi F Troop. Zolorio had given him a mandate of one hundred percent compliance.

      There was nothing better, Tavarez had realized back then – than to be free, employed, and in love.

      His heart did what it always did when he thought of Ofelia – it soared, then hovered, then fell.

      He pictured her slender young fingers as they traced the Nahuatl symbols across the page in the Corcoran visitation room. He could hear her voice as she translated their sounds and meanings into Spanish and English for him. There was innocence in her smile and trust in her eyes, and luster in her straight black hair.

      He remembered the simple shock on her face when he told her, six weeks after moving into her cheerful little apartment, that he was going to marry Paul Zolorio’s niece from Guadalajara. He really had to, he explained, really, it wasn’t quite arranged in the old-fashioned way, but his marriage to Miriam would solidify the families and the business they did, it was practically his duty to Paul to…

      He remembered how softly she shut and locked the door when he left her apartment that night, and the heaviness in his heart and the painful clench of his throat as he drove south into the night. It was nothing like walking away from Hallie Jaynes and her insatiable desires, her murderous guerra selfishness. No, Ofelia was uncorrupted, untouched except by him. She was drugless and guileless and had the purest heart of anyone he had ever known, and the wildest beauty to her smile.

      One year after he had married Miriam, shortly after she had given birth to John, Tavarez secretly traveled to Nayarit to find Ofelia.

      With doggedness and patience he was able to learn that she had joined a convent in Toluca, Mexico’s highest city. It took him another day to fly to Mexico City, then rent a car for the drive up to Toluca.

      Sister Anna of the Convento de San Juan Bautista scolded him for coming here unannounced with such a request. She said Ofelia never wanted to see him again, after what he had done to her. Yes, she was healthy and happy now in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was not a love given and taken away according to lust, commerce, or advancement. She looked at him, trembling with disgust.

      Tavarez set five one-hundred-dollar bills on the desk between them. ‘For the poor,’ he said in Spanish.

      ‘They don’t need your money,’ Sister Anna said back.

      He counted out five more. ‘Let the poor decide.’

      ‘I have decided for them.’


      Tavarez rose, leaned across the desk, and grabbed the holy woman by her nose. He pulled up hard and she came up fast, chair clacking to the tile floor behind her. He told her to take him to Ofelia or he’d yank it off.

      ‘You’re the devil,’ she said, tears pouring from her eyes.

      ‘Don’t be silly,’ said Tavarez, letting go of Sister Anna’s nose. ‘I’m trying to see an old friend, and help the poor.’

      She swept the cash into a drawer, then led Tavarez across a dusty courtyard. The other sisters stopped and stared but none of them dared get close. Sister Anna walked quickly with her fist up to her mouth, as if she’d just been given unbearable news.

      The vesper bells were ringing when Sister Anna pushed open the door of Ofelia’s tiny cell. It was very cold, and not much larger than the one he’d spent five years in, noted Tavarez. She had a crucifix on the wall. His cell had pictures of Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio.

      Ofelia rose from the floor beside her bed. She looked up at Tavarez with a stunned surprise. She was thinner and pale, but her eyes still held the innocent wonder that he had loved. She was not quite nineteen.

      In that moment he saw that she loved him helplessly, in the way that only the very young can love, and that the greatest gift he could give her would be to turn around and walk away. It would mean denying himself. Denying his desires, his instincts, his own heart. It would mean giving her life.

      He reached out and put his hands on her lovely face. Sister Anna flinched.

      ‘Love your God all you want, but come with me,’ he said.

      ‘We’ll both go to hell,’ she said, her breath condensing in the freezing air.

      ‘We’ve got three days and a lifetime before that.’

      ‘What about your wife?’ asked Ofelia.

      ‘I have a son too. Accommodate them. I love you.’

      Tavarez watched the struggle playing out in Ofelia’s dark eyes but he never doubted the outcome.

      ‘I don’t have much to pack,’ she said.

      Sister Anna gasped.

      Tavarez looked at her and smiled.


      Even now, ten years later, Tavarez thought of that moment and smiled.

      But finally – as always – he remembered what Matt Stromsoe had done to Ofelia. And with this memory Tavarez canceled her image as quickly and totally as someone