It would seem that finding the necessary miracle would present no problem: undoubtedly millions of Catholics throughout the world turned their prayers to the deceased pontiff. But no such thing occurred! With great difficulty and after half a year the Vatican found just one such desired miracle. This was the healing, unexplainable from the point of view of medical doctors, of a nun who had been suffering from Parkinson’s disease. The healing of this nun, whose name was kept a secret, occurred soon after she prayed for John Paul II directly following his death. In March of 2007 the secret was revealed and the happy nun came forth with the story of her healing in a press conference, becoming a sensation.
However, one miracle is too little for canonization, proof of a second miracle is also necessary. Years of searching lead to the revelation of an incident in which a resident of southern Italy was healed of throat cancer. The healing occurred thanks to the prayers of the sick man’s wife, which were directed to John Paul II. The woman asserts that her husband began to recover immediately after she saw the deceased Pope in a dream, where he promised that the woman’s husband would surely be cured.
At the same time, thousands of famous cases of miraculous healing have occurred throughout the ages and in all countries. What’s more, some of these came about after believers turned to a certain saint or directly to God and others under other circumstances in no way connected to God.
Nobody disputes the numerous healings from appeals to icons or powerful saints, which are known to all, and as such we’re not going to dwell on them. But we need to focus a bit on non-divine healings, as they hold the key to understanding many phenomena of interest to us.
In Russia, and for that matter in many other countries, the methods of healing of Doctor Georgiy Sytin have received wide fame. Sytin is currently an honored academician, a scholar with a name known around the world and the author of dozens of books printed millions of times throughout the world. If the idea got into someone’s head to declare him a saint because of the miracles he has caused, the search would present no problem whatsoever; Sytin has performed miracles (from the point of view of traditional science) daily over the course of several dozens of years. Thanks to him thousands of people have been healed of various illnesses, and grievous ones at that.
On the cover of one of his books (The Thoughts, which Create a Man’s Youth) are included the words of Soviet Pilot and Cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union V. M. Zholobov: “I have been following the achievements of doctor and academician Georgiy Nikolaevich Sytin for many years. It’s clear to me that what he is doing can’t be done by entire institutes, by all of academic science, or by all of world medicine. It’s impossible to award him any sort of scientific degrees or medals, or any sort of awards.
What he’s doing is inconceivable. Medicine can be proud if after even a hundred years it comes close to the results regularly achieved by this genius” [22].
Who is this unique doctor? And what are these inconceivable miracles he performs? As an aside, they are considered miracles only by the ignorant; Doctor Sytin himself gives a completely different explanation. This explanation will be very useful for understanding how, in principle, a person’s wishes are fulfilled, regardless of whether or not they take the form of a prayer.
Doctor Sytin’s is a unique lot in life. At the time of the Second World War, he, a young soldier, received nine wounds, the last of which was especially severe. By the age of twenty he was severely disabled and suffered from memory loss, limited movement…
From 1944 onwards, Georgiy Sytin, having taken an interest in psychology, began to create affirmations for development of volitional quality and self perfection. His first experiments were, fittingly, performed on himself. In 1957, in front of a medical commission, he was pronounced completely fit for military service!
Forty years later, after comprehensive research at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Sytin received a report that despite a calendar age of 75, his biological age was that of a 35 year old! And all thanks to the affirmations that he actively employed all these years. At 68, he fathered a daughter, and at 70, a son. Doctor Sytin is currently 89 years old, but he’s never drawn a pension and continues to work.
The idea that thoughts influence physical reality, and as such the health of a person, naturally wasn’t understood in the Soviet Union. Furthermore, despite his impressive personal results, Sytin was arrested three times, put in prison and named an enemy of the people for their propaganda. But a half-century of harassment couldn’t break this man, who asserted that constructive thoughts are stronger than fate! They can save one from all troubles, illness and even old age, the most important thing is to correctly and positively think of oneself as a person who is talented, willful, strong and capable of anything.
“There are practically no sick patients that we can’t help,” announces Doctor Sytin, “we’ve learned how, without operations, to cure women of mastopathy, hysteromyoma, polycystic eggs and other malignant tumors; we’ve learned to cure men of prostate adenoma and impotence; we’ve also learned how to effectively cure not only victims of schizophrenia, but even of multiple sclerosis, how to quickly cure cardiac arrhythmia and other cardiovascular irregularities…”
Doctor Sytin worked out dozens of various verbal sayings, consisting of positive affirmations. Repeating them many times over, the patients committed these affirmations to their subconscious, which contains the physiological processes of an organism. And the patients recovered.
Here’s what Doctor Sytin himself has to say about this: “There’s no sort of mysticism, miracle, or charlatanism here. Everything is founded on strict science, on the teachings of Russian academician Ivan Pavlov about speech’s role as a second signaling system and its connections to a person’s subconscious, which directs the physiological processes in an organism. And if such a connection exists, then with the help of words it’s possible to exercise direct influence on the mind and through these processes restore and strengthen the functions of internal organs and activate self-regulation.”
In other words, we’re speaking of psychic energy, the possibilities and power of which Rhonda Byrne’s critiques and millions of other skeptics so fiercely deny.
Doctor Sytin’s affirmations are capable not only of healing the body, but also of strengthening the soul, faith in oneself and in one’s abilities. We’ll include short extracts from two of the affirmations:
“All my face muscles are relaxed, my whole face is smoothed out; I am completely calm; I am completely and absolutely at peace, like the mirror-smooth surface of a lake. I am, to my core, completely and absolutely at peace. All the blood-vessels in my body are completely open; my circulation is absolutely unobstructed. And my young, healthy, energetic blood flows through all the blood-vessels in my body in a quick, free-flowing stream…”
“I am capable of overcoming all difficulties and obstacles that I encounter in the course of fulfilling my work. I firmly know that if great and unforeseen difficulties arise, they will all the same be smashed by my powerful will.
My internal stability in life is ten times stronger, a hundred times stronger than all the difficulties and obstacles I might meet in the process of my work.
With each passing day I become a person who is more and more brave, evermore self-confident. With each passing day my will becomes ever stronger…” [22].
Now let’s take a look, what do the healing of a patient using Doctor Sytin’s affirmations, the recovery of the French nun, and the fulfilled wish for the naval dagger have in common?
Common to all these situations is unconditional faith in the result, plus the factor we wrote about above, that one needs to pray (desire) correctly.
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