1.9. Egregor views
For a celebration it is malicious it is not necessary anything, except inactivity of kind people. E.Berk
1.9.1. The first: the Homogeneous Egregor
Arises from моно the nations (one type of the nation) has average lines of the concrete nation, it and is good and bad. Badly that such Egregor and the nation have small potential for development. And this Egregor is often the most aggressive among other views. The homogeneous Egregor also is strongly keen on narcissism, and all other nations considers below itself, it often telescopes theories about the superiority over other people. It can begin war, and will come off second-best almost always.
1.9.2. Second: the Composite Egregor
Arises from the several people living together, in one territory. At this Egregor usually high potential for the development and the people of its components. As all qualities of the various people are alloyed together it is gained that at it major possibilities for development (it does not speak about binding assimilation of the people, is simple each nation does the contribution to a coin box of the State Egregor). And this Egregor not aggressive, in difference of the homogeneous Egregor. But can be and aggressive if some nations have strongly expressed aggressive line and they dominate over other builders (other nations). The Vivid example of the USA. Force and power of the Egregor very strongly depends on quality of unities of carriers of reason, and sometimes separate carriers of reason can strengthen so strongly intellectual power and complexity of a component – Ein, without reduction of Es, a force Egregor. As a result the State Egregor becomes improbably strong. Again an example of the USA. They unlike others (petty and not far-sighted) the governments, have created all requirements. That people with an elevated mind and intelligence could apply and implement them the уменья and talents at them – in the USA. As a result each country from for the nonsense, loses billions money, and also colour of the nation. The most ridiculous, it that all of them understand it and know. And in the performances about it so seriously mourn and distressed. But they do nothing, and anything will not do, and never, and the parents are known for all. And here the USA, do: US president Bush (when it was on this post, the senior) has passed the law: that any citizen, any country (if it is the expert in the kernel and theoretical physics) having stepped from a plane gangway into territory of the USA, to become automatically the citizen of the USA. Bush knew that did, after all it knowingly was the director of CIA. One more example: it is Singapore. Whether JU. Was outstanding the politician, it has carried out clever language to the policy in which effect national Egregors have amplified and have strengthened the State Egregor, and also has revealed separate unities of reason (which had a high potential), and has given them development, as a result they have incremented quantity of medial unity of the carrier of reason. The result is known: from poor, hungry, without resources and industrial structures and powers, Singapore became the developed country, one of four Dragons of Asia.
1.9.3. The third: Schistose the Egregor
It is the Egregor consists as though of stratums. For example: Wood: stratums of trees, bushes, grasss, hearts, insects, birds, animal, mushrooms, ants. That is each stratum self-maintained and during too time makes a part of a blanket Egregor of Wood. It benevolent, quiet and at it uncertain age. Other example of a schistose Egregor: – community of inhabitants of coastal waters on coral reeves. Where components it: fishes, Crustacea, plants, insects and other views.
1.9.4. The fourth: the Seasonal Egregor
Arises (clears up) on a certain season of time. Flight of birds, migrations of animals. The command on awakening is given, most likely, by the Planetary Egregor. This Egregor too quiet while it do not touch.
1.9.5. A periodic Egregor
It is an awful and terrible Egregor. The command on its start is given by the Sun. An example: the harmless grasshopper, after a command, changes colour and it has exterior changes. And then it begins the cruel and terrible activity. Not all periodic Egregors do major harm, of course, there are exceptions.
1.9.6. Spontaneously – the Emotional Egregor
It arises at stadiums, on meetings and as a result deliberate provocations, on religious and national motives. Reason very much poor quality and it works for such Egregor on low frequencies, rough and low emotions. Also can bear only fracture. It can be transient or have the long-term continuance if throw up fire wood and there is an inconvertible soil for continuation. Hostile Egregors operates through mass-media, the Internet and especially through social networks which are initiated by the hostile states, on disorder of the progressive and stable states. To tell the truth, all social networks do mankind enormous harm, to It it is too much examples! The most part “decent” a society in any country, almost always is in the service of (rich) Hostile Egregor. They write articles, books, textbooks, telecasts, banks of enemies always give them credits. Connect to it, social networks (through which will organise pressure and distribution of false opinion on the state and its leaders). And further there is an elimination (physical) any progressive leaders of this country. Cause nationalist mood in this country, and then its disorder and plunder. Look around where it is already made, and more many other states, and on turn stand even more. Nationalism uprise in any country conducts it to degradation and destruction. Patriotism and nationalism is terrain clearancely different things and concepts.
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