• frequency response – частотная характеристика
• psychoacoustics – психоакустика
• range – диапазон
• installation – установка, инсталляция
• compose – составлять, компоновать
• approximately – примерно, приблизительно
• immersive – многонаправленный, с одновременным воздействием на человека посредством нескольких каналов восприятия (зрение, слух, осязание, обоняние); иммерсивный, создающий эффект присутствия
• sufficient – удовлетворительный
• the most common – наиболее употребляемый
• capability – способность
7. Scan the article and use the words in brackets to complete the statements.
1) By the early 1950s, the increasing popularity of the television became a… to the movies.
2) By the 1960s, home «hi-fi» schemes were all the rage. Stereo sound took the place of… as a standard.
3) In spite of being a progressive idea going ahead of its time, the usage of… failed, attacked by numerous technical, economic, and even aesthetic problems.
4) The 1970s featured intense development of both audio and…
5) By the mid – 1980s, …, which still remains the most widely used surround sound configuration, became a standard for 70 mm cinematic releases.
(5.1 system, real threat, video technologies, monaural, Quad)
8. Read the text in more detail and answer the questions.
1) What source of public entertainment threatened the cinema in the early 50s?
2) What did the film studios do in what seemed to be a losing battle with television? What technological advances were offered by audio engineers?
3) What sound system was accepted as a standard instead of the old one in the early 1960s?
4) What caused the first exploration into the consumer surround sound? What was its result?
5) When did the early digital audio devices appear at the marketplace?
6) What does «Dolby Stereo» consist of?
7) What does the». 1» stand for in the system 5.1?
9. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions in the text.
Основной источник в сфере развлечений; развитие (восхождение) телевидения; угроза кинематографу; прибыли в сфере киноиндустрии; одно техническое достижение за другим; уловки для привлечения зрителей; в конечном итоге преобразовались в значительные усовершенствования; достижение, которое стоит упомянуть; который располагался в зрительном зале; освоение этих технологий; скудные возможности систем с двумя динамиками; система объёмного звука для потребителя; идея, опережающая своё время; осаждённая многочисленными техническими, экономическими проблемами, и даже проблемами чувственного восприятия; конкурирующие, несовместимые форматы; набор задних колонок; динамический диапазон; кинематографические установки; приблизительно одна десятая частотного диапазона других каналов; определённая точка пространства.
Grammar revision: active and passive voice
We use the active voice to say what the subject of the sentence does:
In the 1970s, Dolby professionals made an introduction of a separate «boom» subwoofer channel, or so called the «LFE channel».
We use the passive voice to say that something happens to the subject:
However, mastering these technologies was limited by certain economic factors.
Here is some more information about the passive voice.
We use a passive verb
1) when what or who causes the action is unimportant, unknown or obvious from the context:
Two new studios have been built recently.
2) to sound more formal or more polite:
The letter hasn’t been sent. (Instead of: You haven’t sent the mail.)
3) when the action itself is more important than who or what does it (in technological processes, reports, newspaper headings, manuals, instructions, regulations etc.):
Dolby Stereo Digital was first encoded on the 1992 film Batman Returns.
4) to put more emphasis on the agent:
The new laboratory will be opened by the company president.
We form the passive voice with the verb to be and the past participle of the main verb:
be (is/was/have been etc.) + the past participle (made/ washed/done etc.)
10. Fill the gaps in the sentences with the verbs given. Use them in the correct tense either in the active or in passive voice.
Remain, influence, introduce, limit, evolve, fail, beset, receive, increase.
1) Some of these technological advances finally _______ into meaningful improvements.
2) The cinematic systems of that time were unable to produce loud low frequency signals without clipping, that’s why a subwoofer channel (also called the «LFE channel») _____ ______ by Dolby Laboratories.
3) Though the pioneering idea of the