История России в гендерном измерении. Современная зарубежная историография. О. В. Большакова. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: О. В. Большакова
Издательство: Агентство научных изданий
Серия: История России (ИНИОН)
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 2010
isbn: 978-5-248-00519-2
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in revolution. – L., 1975; Stites R. The women’s liberation movement in Russia: Feminism, nihilism and bolshevism, 1860–1930. – Princeton, 1978. Подробнее см. библиографию в книге Н.Л. Пушкаревой (7).


      The family in imperial Russia: New lines of historical research / Ed. by Ransel D. – Urbana, 1978; Women in Russia / Ed. by Atkinson D., Dallin A., Lapidus G. – Stanford, 1977.


      Russia’s women: Accommodation, resistance, transformation / Ed. by Clements B.E., Engel B.A., Worobec C.D. – Berkeley, 1991.


      Glickman R. The Russian factory woman: Workplace and society, 1880–1914. – Berkeley, 1984.


      Engel B.A. Between the fields and the city: Women, work, and family in Russia, 1861–1914. – Cambridge, 1994; Russian peasant women / Ed. by Farnsworth B., Viola L. – N.Y., 1992; Worobec C. Peasant Russia: Family and community in the post-emancipation period. – Princeton, 1991 и др.


      Ransel D. Mothers of misery: Child abandonment in Russia. – Princeton, 1988; Wagner W.G. Marriage, property, and law in late Imperial Russia. – Oxford, 1994.


      Bernstein L. Sonia’s daughters: prostitutes and their regulation in imperial Russia. – Berkeley, 1995; Engelstein L. The keys to happiness: Sex and the search for modernity in fin de siиcle Russia. – Ithaca, 1992; Johanson C. Women’s struggle for higher education in Russia, 1856–1900. – Kingston, 1987.


      Lindenmeyr A. Poverty is not a vice: Charity, society, and the state in imperial Russia. – Princeton, 1996; Ruane C. Gender, class, and the professionalization of Russian city teachers, 1860–1914. – Pittsburgh, 1994.


      Attwood L. The new Soviet man and woman: Sex-role socialization in the USSR. – Bloomington, 1990; Bridger S. Women in the Soviet countryside: Women’s roles in rural development in the Soviet Union. – N.Y., 1987; Buckley M. Women and ideology in the Soviet Union. – Ann Arbor, 1989; Lapidus G.W. Women in Soviet society: equality, development, and social change. – Berkeley, 1978; Women, work, and family in the Soviet Union / Ed. by Lapidus G.W. – Armonk, 1982; Sacks M. Women’s work in Soviet Russia: Continuity in the midst of change. – N.Y., 1976; и др.


      Attwood L. Creating the New Soviet woman: Women’s magazines as engineers of female identity, 1922–1953. – L., 1999; Goldman W.Z. Women, the state and revolution: Soviet family policy and social life, 1917–1936. – Cambridge, 1993; Ilič M. Women workers in the Soviet interwar economy: From «protection» to «equality». – L., 1999; Naiman E. Sex in public: The incarnation of early Soviet ideology. – Princeton, 1997; Wood E.A. The baba and the comrade: Gender and politics in revolutionary Russia. – Bloomington, 1997 и др.


      Heldt B. Terrible perfection: Women and Russian literature. – Bloomington, 1987; Andrew J. Women in Russian literature, 1780–1863. – Basingstoke, 1988; Barker A.M. The mother-syndrome in the Russian folk imagination. – Columbus, 1986; Hubbs J. Mother Russia. The feminine myth in Russian culture. – Bloomington, 1988; De Maegd-Soлp C. The emancipation of women in Russian literature and society. – Gent, 1978; Women writers in Russian modernism / Ed. and transl. by Pachmuss T. – Urbana, 1978, etc.


      Andrew J. Narrative and desire in Russian literature, 1822–1849: The feminine and the masculine. – N.Y., 1993; Gender and Russian literature: New perspectives / Ed. by Marsh R. – Cambridge, 1996; Gender restructuring in Russian studies / Ed. by Liljestrom M. et. al. – Tampere, 1993; Kelly C. A history of Russian women’s writing, 1820–1992. – N.Y., 1994; A plot of her own: The female protagonist in Russian literature / Ed. by Hoisington S. – Evanston, 1995; Russia–women–culture / Ed. by Goscilo H., Holmgren B. – Bloomington, 1996; Schuler C. Women in Russian theatre: the actress in the silver age. – L., 1996; Sexuality and the body / Ed. by Costlow J.T., Sandler S., Vowles J. – Stanford, 1993; Wigzell F. Reading Russian fortunes: Print culture, gender a. divination in Russia from 1765. – Cambridge, 1998; Women and Russian culture: Projections and self-perceptions / Ed. by Marsh R. – N.Y., 1998; Women in Russia and Ukraine / Ed. and transl. by Marsh R. – N.Y., 1996; Women writers in Russian literature / Ed. by Clyman T., Greene D. – Westport, 1994, etc.


      The «Domostroi». Rules for Russian households in the time of Ivan the Terrible / Transl. and ed. by Pouncy C.J. – Ithaca, 1994.


      Kivelson V. Autocracy in the provinces. The Muscovite gentry and political culture in the seventeenth century. – Stanford, 1996; Levin E. Sex and society in the world of the orthodox Slavs, 900–1700. – Ithaca, 1989; Pushkareva N.L. Women in Russian history: From the tenth to the twentieth century / Transl. a. ed. by Levin E. – Armonk, 1997.


      Kollmann N.Sh. By honor bound. State and society in early modern Russia. – Ithaca, 1999.


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