and Eloquence” (
Geschichte der deutschen Poesie und Beredsamkeit), vol. ix. p. 336, confirms the observations of Hallam, and lends additional testimony to the popularity of the Eulenspiegel. Adolf Rosen von Kreutzheim, in the Preface to his poem, the
Esel-König (Ass-King), alludes to the general dispersion of Eulenspiegel, Marcolphus, Katziporo, and other works, and abuses them in set terms as shameful, mischievous, and dangerous.
History of German Fiction, vol. ii. p. 298.
Jonson’s Works, p. 650.
An Howleglass is mentioned as being in the library of a Captain Cox. On which, see the Appendix, p. 221.
Carlyle, Miscellaneous Essays, Edition 1857, Vol. II. pp. 287–288.
Feasts of the Dedication. These feasts, common in Germany, were also not uncommon, even to the present century, in parts of England. They were held in the churchyard on the anniversary of the day of the parish church being dedicated for divine service. See in Tom Brown’s School Days (p. 30), a recent eloquent country-book, for a mention of this as applying to Berkshire.