Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H. Frederic Boase. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Frederic Boase
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
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reputation; founder of Pharmaceutical Society 1841, on which he spent a large sum; edited Pharmaceutical Journal July 1841 to death; M.P. for St. Albans 24 Dec. 1850 to 1 July 1852; contested Great Malvern 1852 and Marylebone 1854; collected at his house 15 Langham place, London a gallery of pictures many by Sir Edwin Landseer, the 13 best of which he bequeathed to the nation; F.L.S. 6 March 1832; author of Chemical and pharmaceutical processes and products 1852. d. Tunbridge Wells 12 June 1859. J. Bell and T. Redwood’s Historical sketch of progress of pharmacy (1880) 280–92; I.L.N. xviii, 299 (1851), portrait, xxxi, 4, 24 (1859), portrait.

      BELL, James Spencer. b. 1818; M.P. for Guildford 7 July 1852 to 21 March 1857. d. 1 Devonshire place, Portland place, London 22 Feb. 1872.

      BELL, John (only son of John Bell of Thirsk). b. 1809; M.P. for Thirsk 1 July 1841 to death; declared insane by a commission July 1849. d. Thirsk 5 March 1851.

      BELL, Rev. John. b. Snaith, Yorkshire; ed. at Douay, France; ordained priest at Crook hall, co. Durham 23 Dec. 1794; prefect general of Douay college Durham and professor of rhetoric and poetry 1794–1817, the college was moved from Crook hall to Ushaw 1808; appointed to mission of Samlesbury near Preston 1817 and to Kippax park Yorkshire 1828; author of The wanderings of the human intellect, or a new dictionary of sects 1814, 2 ed. 1838. d. Selby 31 May 1854 aged 87.

      BELL, John. Lived in Abyssinia 1842 to death; general in army of Ras Ali the ruler of Abyssinia 1848 who gave him the province of Diddim; taken prisoner by Kasai 1853 who deposed Ali and took title of Theodorus; minister and general in chief to Theodorus 1853 to death; killed in a battle fought against Garred at Waldabba near the western bank of the Taccazy river 31 Oct. 1860 after he had himself killed Garred.

      BELL, John. b. Newcastle 1782; Bookseller at Newcastle; land surveyor at Gateshead; one of founders of Society of antiquaries of Newcastle on Tyne, treasurer 6 Feb. 1813; author of Rhymes of northern bards 1812; contributed to Gent. Mag. d. Bentinck crescent, Newcastle 30 Oct. 1864.

      BELL, John. b. Ireland 1796; went to the United States 1810; author of On baths and mineral waters 1831; Practical dictionary of materia medica 1841; On regimen and longevity 1842; Dietetical and medical hydrology 1850. d. Philadelphia 1872.

      BELL, Sir John (son of David Bell of Bonytoun, Fifeshire). b. Bonytoun 1 Jany. 1782; ensign 52 Foot 15 Aug. 1805; served in Peninsular war; permanent assistant quartermaster general to 10 Nov. 1814; chief sec. of government at Cape of Good Hope 1828–41; aide de camp to the sovereign 6 May 1831 to 23 Nov. 1841; lieut. governor of Guernsey 24 Jany. 1848 to 30 June 1854; col. of 95 Foot 25 June 1850 and of 4 Foot 26 Dec. 1853 to death; general 15 June 1860; C.B. 4 June 1815, K.C.B. 6 April 1852, G.C.B. 18 May 1860. d. 55 Cadogan place, London 20 Nov. 1876. I.L.N. lxix, 541 (1876), portrait.

      BELL, John David (youngest son of George Joseph Bell, professor of law at Univ. of Aberdeen). b. 1823 or 1824; barrister M.T. 12 May 1848; practised at Calcutta 1850–58; founder and chairman of Positive Life Assurance Company 1870; standing counsel to government of India at Calcutta 1878 to death. d. Calcutta 15 Aug. 1880 in 57 year.

      BELL, John Gray (son of Thomas Bell of Newcastle 1785–1860). b. Newcastle 21 Sep. 1823; a bookseller in London 1848–54 and in Manchester 1854 to death; published a valuable series of Tracts on the topography history and dialects of the counties of Great Britain 1850; author of A descriptive and critical catalogue of works illustrated by Thomas and John Bell 1851; privately printed A genealogical account of the descendants of John of Gaunt 1855. d. Manchester 21 Feb. 1866.

      BELL, John Montgomerie. b. Paisley 1804; advocate in Edinburgh 1825; advocate depute 1847; sheriff of Kincardine 7 May 1851 to death; author of Treatise on law of arbitration in Scotland 1861; The martyr of liberty, a poem 1863. d. Linnhouse 16 Oct. 1862.

      BELL, Jonathan Anderson (2 son of James Bell, advocate). b. Glasgow 1809; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; spent some years with Messrs. Rickman and Hutcheson of Birmingham, architects; an architect in Edinburgh 1838 to death; sec. to Royal Association for the promotion of the fine arts in Scotland May 1839 to death; author of Poems. Privately printed 1865. d. Edinburgh 28 Feb. 1865. Poems by J. A. Bell (1865) v-xi.

      BELL, Sir Joshua Peter. b. co. Kildare 1826; owner with his father and brothers of a splendid station called Jimbour near Dalby, Queensland where they became great wool growers; M.P. for Dalby in Queensland parliament 1863 to March 1879; colonial treasurer 1871–74; pres. of legislative council March 1879 to death; K.C.M.G. 24 Nov. 1881. d. Brisbane 20 Dec. 1881. Illust. sporting and dramatic news xvi, 405 (1882), portrait.

      BELL, Lady Marion (2 dau. of Charles Shaw of Ayr). b. Edinburgh 1787. (m. 3 June 1811 Sir Charles Bell, F.R.S., celebrated physiologist b. Nov. 1774 d. 28 April 1842). Granted a civil list pension of £100 for her husband’s services to science 14 Sep. 1843; published The letters of Sir Charles Bell 1870. d. 47 Albany st. Regent’s park, London 9 Nov. 1876.

      BELL, Matthew. b. 18 April 1793; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox.; sheriff of Northumberland 1816; M.P. for Northumberland 1826–31 and for South Northumberland 1832–52; lieut. col. of Northumberland and Newcastle yeomanry cavalry 1826–63. d. Woolsington near Newcastle 28 Oct. 1871.

      BELL, Oswald Home. M.R.C.S. Edin. 3 Feb. 1863; professor of medicine in Univ. of St. Andrews 1863 to death; dean of the medical faculty. d. The Scores, St. Andrews 24 June 1875 in 39 year.

      BELL, Rev. Patrick (son of George Bell of Mid Leoch farm, parish of Auchterhouse near Dundee). b. Mid Leoch farm April 1799; ed. at Univ. of St. Andrews, LLD. 1867; ordained 1843; minister of Carmyllie, Arbroath Dec. 1843 to death; invented a reaping machine 1826 being 7 or 8 years before the earliest American inventors; presented by Highland Society with sum of £1000 1868. d. The manse of Carmyllie 22 April 1869. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 473 (1869); I.L.N. lii, 225 (1868), portrait.

      BELL, Robert (son of Benjamin Bell, surgeon). b. 1782; ed. at high school Edinburgh; advocate 1809; sheriff of Berwickshire 1842–60; procurator to Church of Scotland 1842 to death; member of Bannatyne club; made a fine collection of Rembrandt etchings. d. 15 Great Stuart st. Edinburgh 27 April 1861. Crombie’s Modern Athenians (1882), portrait.

      BELL, Robert (youngest son of John Bell of Cork). b. Cork 16 Jany. 1800; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin where he originated the Dublin Historical Society; settled in London 1828; edited the Atlas weekly paper many years, the Monthly Chronicle and the Home News a monthly journal; author of History of Russia 3 vols. 1838; Lives of the English poets 2 vols. 1839; Wayside pictures through France, Belgium and Holland 1849, 2 ed. 1858; Hearts and altars 3 vols. 1852; The ladder of gold 3 vols. 1856; The annotated edition of the English poets 24 vols. 1854–57, and of 3 five-act comedies, Marriage 1842; Mothers and daughters 1843, 2 ed. 1845 and Temper 1847. d. 14 York st., Portman sq. London 12 April 1867.

      BELL, Venerable Robert. Ordained 1831; Inc. of Tipperary 1866 to death; archdeacon of Cashel 1872 to death; canon of St. Patrick’s cathedral, Dublin. d. rectory Tipperary 10 Jany. 1883 in 75 year.

      BELL, Robert Charles. b. Edinburgh 1806; Engraved a series of Scottish views and a number of vignette portraits, also many plates for the Royal Scottish Association; his largest and most important work was an engraving of Sir William Allan’s Battle of Preston Pans which he completed in 1872; several of his best plates appeared in the Art Journal 1850–72. d. Edinburgh 5 Sep. 1872. Art Journal (1872) 284.

      BELL, Sir Sydney Smith (9 son of Wm. Bell, of London, banker). b. 1805; ed. at Univs. of Edin. and Glasgow; barrister I.T. 3 May 1839; puisne judge at Cape of Good Hope 7 Feb. 1851, and first puisne judge May 1858; chief justice of supreme court and pres. of legislative council of Cape of Good Hope 16 Dec. 1868 to 1879; knighted by patent 9 Oct. 1869; author of Cases decided in the House of Lords on appeal from the courts of Scotland 7 vols. 1843–52; Colonial administration