On English Homophones. Bridges Robert. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Bridges Robert
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
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(fail), Miss.

      mew (cage), mew (bird), mew (of cat).

      mute (adj.), mute (of birds).

      muse (think), Muse, mews (stable), mews (fr. mew).

      mote, moat.

      mow (various senses), mot (French).

      mole (animal), mole (of skin), mole (breakwater).

      mould (to model), mould (earth), mould (rust).

      maul (disfigure), Mall (place), mahl (-stick).

      morn, mourn, and morning.

      moor (country), Moor (race)

      night, knight.

      none, nun.

      need, knead, knee'd.

      neat (s.), neat (adj.).

      no, know.

      not, knot.

      oar, ore, or, o'er, awe.

      augur, auger.

      all, awl, orle (heraldry).

      altar, alter.

      oral, aural.

      ought (zero), ought (pp. of owe), ort [obs.].

      par, pas (faus).

      pie (pica), pie (dish).

      pale (pole), pale (pallid), pail.

      pile (heap), pile (stake), pile (hair).

      pine (v.), pine (tree).

      pound (weight), pound (enclosure), pound (to bruise).

      pounce (v.), pounce (=pumice).

      pallet, palette, palate.

      paten, patten, pattern.

      pulse (beat), pulse (pease).

      punch (strike), punch (drink), Punch (and Judy).

      page (of bk.), page (boy).

      pane, pain.

      peck (measure), peck (v.).

      pelt (to throw), pelt (skin).

      pen (writing), pen (inclose).

      pair, pear, pare.

      pearl, purl (flow), purl (knitting).

      pique, peak.

      peal, peel.

      peep (to look), peep (chirp).

      piece, peace.

      peach (fruit), peach (impeach).

      peer (to look), peer (s.), pier.

      pill (ball), pill (to pillage).

      pink (a flower), pink (a colour), pink (to pierce).

      pip (a seed), pip (a disease), pip (on cards).

      pitch (s.), pitch (to fall, &c.).

      plight (pledge), plight or plite (to plait), and 'sad plight'.

      plat (of ground), plait.

      plum, plumb.

      plump (adj.), plump (to fall heavily).

      plane (tree), plain [both various].

      plot (of ground), plot (stratagem), + verbs.

      pole, poll.

      poach, (eggs), poach (steal game).

      pore (of skin), pore (top. over), paw.

      potter (v.), potter (s.).

      pall (v.), pall (cloak), pawl (mechanics).

      pry (inquisitive), pry (to prise open).

      prise, prize.

      pray, prey.

      prune (fruit), prune (s.).

      rye, wry.

      rime, rhyme.

      right, write, wright, rite.

      rabbit, rabbet (carpentry).

      rack [various], wrack.

      racket, racquet.

      rally (assemble), rally (=raillery).

      rank (s.), rank (rancid).

      rap, wrap.

      rash (s.), rash (adj.).

      ruff, rough.

      rum (queer), rum (drink), rhumb (naut.).

      rung (s.), and past pp. rung, wrung.

      rush (s.), rush (v.).

      rape (seed), rape (ravish), rape (divn. of county, obs.).

      race (family), race (root), race (that is run).

      rate (proportion), rate (to chide).

      rut (furrow), rut (of animals).

      rake (tool), rake (a prodigal), rake (of a ship).

      rail (fence), rail (bird).

      rain, reign, rein.

      raise, raze.

      reck, wreck.

      rent (paymt.), rent (s., tear), rent (fr. rend).

      rest (repose), rest (remainder), wrest.

      reed, read.

      reef (of rocks), reef (of sails).

      reek, wreak.

      reel (highland-), reel (cotton-).

      reach, retch.

      reave, reeve (naut.), reeve (bailiff, obs.).

      rifle (ransack), rifle (s.v., groove).

      rear (raise), rear (arrière).

      rig (of ship), rig (prank, riggish), rig (-s of barley).

      rick (of corn), rick wrick (strain).

      ring, wring.

      repair (mend), repair (resort, v.).

      row (oaring), row (s. of things in line), roe (of fish), roe (fem. deer).

      roll [various], rôle.

      rock (stone), rock (v.), roc.

      rocket (plant), rocket (firework).

      rue (plant), rue (v. of ruth).

      rude (adj.), rood (s.), rued (fr. rue).

      room, rheum.

      root, route.

      rout, route (military).

      sign, sine (trigonom.).

      site, sight, cite.

      size (magnitude), size (glue).

      sough, sow.

      sound (noise), sound (to fathom), sound (adj.), sound (strait of sea), sound (fish bladder).

      sack (bag), sack (to plunder), sack (wine).

      swallow (a willow), sallow (pale colour).

      sap (of trees), sap (mine).
