Sadama ja silmapiiri vahel. Maailma merede ajalugu. Michael North. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael North
Издательство: Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU
Жанр произведения: История
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9789985343494
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Exchanges, Honolulu 2007; P. Horden / N. Purcell, The Mediterranean and «the New Thalassology». – American History Review 111 (2006), 722–740; A. Games, Atlantic History. Definitions, Challenges, Opportunities. – American History Review 111 (2006), 741–757; M. K. Matsuda, The Pacific. – American History Review 111 (2006), 758–780; P. N. Miller (Ed.), The Sea. Thalassography and Historiography, Ann Arbor 2013.


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Kus on teie ausambad, lahingud, märtrid? / Kus on teie hõimu mälu? Härrased, / seal hallis kambris. Meres. Meri / on nad vangistanud. Meri on Ajalugu. (Tlk)


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Homer, Od., 2, 415–434; Schadewaldt, Homer, 36.


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Päikesejumal Heliose 37 m kõrgune harkisjalgne pronkskuju, mis paiknes Rhodose sadamasuus. (Tlk)


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