Game of Tag. Fantasy. Julia Syanova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Julia Syanova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Компьютеры: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449072146
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phone – is a history. But this, – reached for his pocket – will be a new century of the mankind.”

      On the table appeared a black, polished hemisphere, round, having the size of a coin.

      “What is it?!” – Lana falsettoed unexpectedly, even for herself.

      Alexei touched the sphere with his finger. And for all who saw this, it seemed like the sphere was made of water. Then he pulled the sphere to the right. And then it took the shape of an absolutely transparent “puddle’.

      “This is the first stage of the setup, the moment when you get acquainted with your personal encoder AOUA FONNI looks this way’ (smiles).

      On Lana’s face, a deep disappointment could be seen with the naked eye.

      “And what happens next?” – she has already decided that she will be the first to interview a person whose technological innovation will appear a failure of the century.

      “And then the user chooses a form convenient for him.”

      With the elusive and so habitual movement Alexey pointed his finger at the “puddle,” and it took the shape of a familiar phone. AOUA FONNI lit up, and in front of TV presenter, Lana, appeared her own face, only of earlier years. It was a focused projection or nanoimage. And no matter from what side you looked at this face, it seemed that it was looking at you.

      “You must forgive me; I have already chosen my avatar for the phone. And it’s YOU!”

      “Hello! Alexey, you have a meeting in one hour and forty-five minutes. Your deputy called; there are several messages from the members of the group. Would you like to listen? I am also glad to tell that at the moment the viewing of this TV show on the Internet reached a record spectators number!”

      “No, you do not need to play the records. It will be better if you show what you can do.”

      “Yes, I will conduct a training course for the new user of AOUA FONNI; you need to say the codeword for opening information into general access.”

      “What does it mean?” – Lana considered herself a professional in her business, she interviewed the heads of the states, but this upstart just left her open-mouthed, watching her image with a full copy of facial expressions and voice saying something.

      “This is the avatar of my phone. It completely replaces the functions of any communicative devices. The owner of such a device can choose any avatar of a person, an animal, a thing or a fictitious character, clear only to him. It does not matter.”

      All the time, while he was talking, the avatar of Lana blinked, smiled and waited for the code word.

      The pale face of the TV presenter was filled with a sincere surprise, and she tried to examine the avatar with her large unbelieving eyes and even to touch it with her finger.

      Alexey was at the peak of his nirvana. He is a winner, and this moment is only the beginning of a great victorious march, and nobody will hinder him. Nobody will be able to.

      “After selecting the avatar, the phone is already starting to function at the level,” he pointed at Lana’s phone, – of yours, but only ten percent of what my AOUA FONNI has to offer.” A full review of the training lectures is required. This is a very entertaining moment, since each time the program is already being adjusted to its owner.

      “But how can this phone ‘adjust’ to the owner? And where the SIM card and phone number are inserted into it?” – Lana, panting, began to shoot questions, afraid to miss something important.

      “And now the most interesting thing: it does not have a phone number or a SIM card in your understanding. If you allow (he began to smile again), I will go back a little to the history of technology. The inventor Don Tallips and his colleague futurist Coutrenin Robert were right about that Gordon Moore’s law was wrong. And we, indeed, with the help of nanotechnology maximized not only the transfer of data but also the growth of transistors. Ahem. Our scientists from Art. soul Holding group, led by your faithful servant, made a breakthrough: we introduced nanorobots into ordinary drinking water. Thus, with the help of some of our secret technologies, we obtained the original crystallized substance.”

      There was complete silence in the audience. Lana had no questions. She simply admired and at the same time was enraged about this arrogant genius.

      And he kept talking:

      “Water, indeed, is the carrier of information. But in order for me not to go into the jungle of scientific terms that are incomprehensible to everyone, I will describe the process. So, this technology allowed us to realize the following opportunities in mobile technologies. This phone really does not need to be charged, it does not have a battery, because it takes energy for work from completely different sources. It cannot be hacked or stolen. Since the owner with his first touch gives information about his DNA and RNA, this is the password for the entire information.”

      “Forgive me for interrupting, Alexey, tell me, do you want to say that this phone does not need to be charged? How is this possible?”

      “Yes, it is not necessary at all, it is charged from the sun, from the light of lamps, from the heat of your hand, from any sources of energy. And there are no restrictions in its use. To fix your broken AOUA FONNI, you need to put it in a bowl and pour water from a tap or bottle (laughs), and it will repair itself. This avatar replaces a lot of the most complicated applications: smart home, weather, Internet search engines, currency trading, moreover, at one touch it can indicate sugar in the blood, pressure and even milk tide for nursing mothers. Well, of course, all the settings are individual and absolutely secret, because there is no database in which you ‘put secrets’, all this is stored on this device. Access to which you define individually to each user, in addition to yourself.”

      The memory of one million fifty thousand terabytes allows you to play with the settings (smiles).

      “To say that I’m shocked is to say nothing.”

      He takes the phone in his hands, the avatar disappears immediately.

      “This is both a storage medium and a source of energy; we came to the conclusion that the technology of ‘chipping’ is outdated. There is no chip with information in it, it is a chip itself, there is no battery, because all energy is in all its constituent parts.”

      It seemed for the viewers for a while that this TV-show is simply a practical joke.

      “Perhaps, I will give a command about the beginning of publishing the information in the media and the beginning of PR-action and sales of this phone from tomorrow. So, the code word’ – the avatar came to, sparkled and smiled with a wide sincere smile, – “IIN number one, you’re free!”

      At that moment, hundreds of thousands press releases, video tutorials and annotations to the phone were sent all over the world, to all postal addresses.

      Alexey lightly pressed the screen and the avatar disappeared again. On the table were two transparent telephones, one seemed to be a child’s toy, the second was more massive and already obsolete. He touched the phone again, and it “gathered itself’ and again became a black hemisphere.

      “How much will this phone cost?”

      “Forty-five dollars.” Since our costs for this phone do not require expensive plastic, metal and other alloys.

      The applause blew up the studio. Nobody expected such a low cost of a new toy.

      “I prepared a surprise for you, Lana, and I’ll give you such a phone.” Only, please, do not make my picture an avatar of your phone, I’m not as beautiful as you! Your AOUA FONNI encoder is already waiting in your office.

      Cries of favor and applause reappeared in the audience.

      “Oh! I am very grateful to you! It will be very interesting.

      Now my director