In writing this book, its author was largely assisted and supported by many enthusiastic Russian people who love their country. Among them were Professor A. N. Malafeev, PhD in Economy, Professor B. M. Bolotin, PhD in Economy, Director of the Economic and Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, General A. V. Ponidelko, Professor V. I. Kornyakov, Yu. N. Zabolotsky, E. V. Gilbo, L. P. Akaeva and many others who assisted the author in this work and helped this book become a reality. And last, but not least, my wife and my son, without whom this book would not have been born. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those mentioned here.
I. General theory of harmonious economy
No experiment has any meaning at all unless it is interpreted by the theory10.
Max Born
Chapter 1. Economics as a science
§1.1. Culture and Economics
Governance is inefficient unless it takes into account the traditions of the people, its culture, specific perception of the non-economic values, unless governance is “submerged’ in culture.
The Book of Lord Shang, an ancient Chinese treatise
1.1.1. Place of economics in the world knowledge system
Wisdom is a flower for the bee to make honey of, while the spider is a poison; thus, every one follows his nature.
Unknown author.
To define the nature of a phenomenon and determine its role in the global world order, one should start with comprehending the entire space where this phenomenon exists. That is why the highest level of abstraction is required to overview the economic system. So, let us start with studying the world on the macro scale.
It has been demonstrated that only three basic, global sciences exist in Nature, and they are the foundation of the entire bulk of knowledge in the world. One of them is the study of the quantitative laws of the world. The name of this science is philosophy, and it embraces ontology and gnosiology, logic and culture, art and cosmology, medicine, occultism and theology, history, ethic, and aesthetic. These and numerous other disciplines study the origins of people and their environment, the expressions of the World unity in particular elements, the rules of the World, the respective roles of God and Man, their purpose and place in the Universe.
The foundation of modern philosophy was laid by the ancient knowledge once condensed in the sacred teachings of rishis’ Vedas, Orphism, alchemy, Cathars’ beliefs, and other philosophic movements. This knowledge was the essence of the Brahmanical, Eleusinian, Bacchic, Orphic, Pagan, Biblical, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, and other mysteries aimed at liberating the human nature of the burden of earthly ignorance. These philosophic doctrines became the bearers of the philosophic light based on intellectual, moral and ethical principles that ennobled the soul and gave a sense to the human existence.
Through dramatized shows and ritual games these mysteries educated the broad public in one way or the other, encouraged the from earthly interests to loftiness of the spirit. Thus, these activities laid the foundations of traditions, culture, arts, morality, and enlightenment. However, they completed this noble mission in a more delicate and efficient way than it is done today.
The ancient mysteries were at the source of all peoples of the world; they magnified the human spiritual essence and eliminated its mean, earthly nature while admitting their interdependence and similarity. Indeed, as Francis Bacon said, “A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion’11.
This is why philosophy shapes the deep human thinking, balances the sense and the sensibility, and prevents people from following unreasonable life principles. Philosophy studies the macro-world and micro-world structures, the general laws of Nature, society and individuals. Besides, it determines the similarity and the difference between the objective and the subjective, the being and the consciousness, the matter and the spirit.
Through philosophy we discover the expression of the particular in the general and vice versa, the difference between harmony and pathology, the Good and the Evil. Thus, we are able to distinguish power and justice, beauty and ugliness, form and contents, male and female, materialism and spirituality. To sum up, philosophy is present in every aspect of human existence. It is not by chance that up to recently physics was referred to as “natural philosophy’. Philosophy is universal notwithstanding the time and area of its application and is the expression of the spiritual component of the Universe.
The second basic science is mathematics, that is, the theory of quantitative patterns and spatial forms of the World. Mathematics lets us penetrates the mystery of the Universal order, understand the multiplicity, the grandeur, and the proportions of the bodies and objects. It is mathematics that studies the passage of quantity into quality, the correlation between the infinitesimal and the infinitely large, the particular and the general. This science establishes the possible and impossible types of quantitative correlations and spatial forms, and imposes natural limits within which philosophy functions. Mathematics tells us about the angles harmony and rhythm, and about the rules of universal organisation and order. It studies the numerical proportions of various bodies to demonstrate the difference between them, as well as the number of factors determining this difference. Mathematics serves as the foundation of the material component of the World. At the same time, the abstraction of mathematic methods renders them universal.
Back in the antiquity, philosophers noticed the common sources of philosophy and mathematics and understood the peculiarities of the quantitative and qualitative transformations of the matter and the spirit between their respective forms. The knowledge of mathematics, geometry and metrology was applied to symbols and shapes that were considered nothing but the images modifying various natural and spiritual phenomena: “The world was summoned from the Chaos by the Sound and the Harmony and built in accordance with the musical proportions’ (from the Pythagoreans’ theory). That is why door to the Platonic Academy read: “Let no one ignorant of geometry enter’.
The influence of antique knowledge on all aspects of the modern human life cannot be underestimated. Undoubtedly, this knowledge has been the foundation of the human culture, it has shaped the profound ethic, moral and aesthetic canons of the human behaviour, and it is, either consciously or unconsciously, referred to by people in search of explanation for all kinds of phenomena.
Finally, the title of the third basic science can be duly attributed to the economics, the study of the peculiarities of the human existence following the specific quantitative and qualitative laws of the World. In the end, it is economics that establishes the type and the principles of cooperation of people with each other, the God and the Universe. Besides, economics determines the evolvement of human communities and organisations, as well as shapes human behaviour and psychology.
In this light, economics as a science has, in essence, the objective of assuring the man’s harmonious integration into the Natural structure, into the Universe. This is quite logical, as the human being is not an isolated creature that lives without any aim or principle, entirely for its own pleasure or benefit. On the contrary, we are integrated with the World, the Nature, the Cosmos as a phenomenon executing its specific functions. We are not just individuals, but minds that have achieved the required balance between the matter and the spirit. It is through these minds that the Unconscious develops the Universe hoping to “achieve clear self-consciousness’’