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      Adam of Bremen, Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum, tr. T. Reuter, History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen (New York, 2002), I. 39–41.


      Pactum Hlotharii I, in McCormick, ‘Carolingian Economy’, р. 47.


      G. Luzzato, An Economic History of Italy from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Sixteenth Century, tr. Р. Jones (London, 1961), рр. 35, 51–53; Phillips, Slavery, р. 63.


      McCormick, ‘Carolingian Economy’, рр. 48–49.


      Hudūd al-ʿĀlam, in The Regions of the World: A Persian Geography 372 AH – 982 AD, tr. V. Minorsky, ed. C. Bosworth (London, 1970), рр. 161–162.


      Ibn Faḍlān, ‘Book of Ahmad ibn Faḍlān’, р. 44; Ibn Khurradādhbih, ‘Book of Roads and Kingdoms’, р. 12; Martinez, ‘Gardīzī’s Two Chapters on the Turks’, рр. 153–154.


      Russian Primary Chronicle, tr. S. Cross and O. Sherbowitz-Wetzor (Cambridge, MA, 1953), р. 61.


      Annales Bertiniani, ed. G. Waitz (Hanover, 1885), р. 35.


      Masʿūdī, ‘Meadows of Gold’, рр. 145–146; Ibn Ḥawqal, ‘Book of the Configuration of the Earth’, р. 175.


      Ibn Ḥawqal, ‘Book of the Configuration of the Earth’, р. 178.


      R. Kovalev, ‘Mint Output in Tenth Century Bukhara: A Case Study of Dirham Production with Monetary Circulation in Northern Europe’, Russian History / Histoire Russe 28 (2001), рр. 250–259.


      Russian Primary Chronicle, р. 86.


      Там же, р. 90.


      H. Halm, Das Reich des Mahdi. Der Aufstieg der Fatimiden (875–973) (Munich, 1991); F. Akbar, ‘The Secular Roots of Religious Dissidence in Early Islam: The Case of the Qaramita of Sawad Al-Kufa’, Journal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs 12.2 (1991), рр. 376–390. О распаде халифата в этот период см. M. van Berkel, N. El Cheikh, H. Kennedy and L. Osti, Crisis and Continuity at the Abbasid Court: Formal and Informal Politics in the Caliphate of al-Muqtadir (Leiden, 2013).


      Bar Hebraeus, Ktābā d-maktbānūt zabnē, E. Budge (ed. and tr.), The Chronography of Gregory Abul Faraj, 2 vols (Oxford, 1932), 1, р. 164.


      Matthew of Edessa, The Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa, tr. A. Dostourian (Lanham, 1993), I. 1, р. 19; M. Canard, ‘Baghdad au IVe siècle de l’Hégire (Xe siècle de l’ère chrétienne)’, Arabica 9 (1962), рр. 282–283. См. здесь R. Bulliet, Cotton, Climate, and Camels in Early Islamic Iran: A Moment in World History (New York, 2009), рр. 79–81; R. Ellenblum, The Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean: Climate Change and the Decline of the East, 950–1072 (Cambridge, 2012), рр. 32–36.


      Ellenblum, Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean, рр. 41–43.


      C. Mango, The Homilies of Photius Patriarch of Constantinople (Cambridge, MA, 1958), рр. 88–89.


      Russian Primary Chronicle, рр. 74–75.


      Shepard, ‘The Viking Rus’ and Byzantium’, in S. Brink and N. Price (eds), The Viking World (Abingdon, 2008), рр. 498–501.


      См., например, A. Poppe, ‘The Building of the Church of St Sophia in Kiev’, Journal of Medieval History 7.1 (1981), рр. 15–66.


      Shepard, ‘Viking Rus’’, р. 510.


      T. Noonan and R. Kovalev, ‘Prayer, Illumination and Good Times: The Export of Byzantine Wine and Oil to the North of Russia in Pre-Mongol Times’, Byzantium and the North. Acta Fennica 8 (1997), рр. 73–96; M. Roslund, ‘Brosamen vom Tisch der Reichen. Byzantinische Funde aus Lund und Sigtuna (ca. 980–1250)’, in M. Müller-Wille (ed.), Rom und Byzanz im Nordern. Mission und Glaubensweschel im Ostseeraum während des 8–14 Jahrhunderts (Stuttgart, 1997), 2, рр. 325–385.


      L. Golombek, ‘The Draped Universe of Islam’, in Р. Parsons Soucek (ed.), Content and Context of Visual Arts in the Islamic World: Papers from a Colloquium in Memory of Richard Ettinghausen (University Park, PA, 1988), рр. 97–114. О текстильной продукции Антиохии после 1098 года см. T. Vorderstrasse, ‘Trade and Textiles from Medieval Antioch’, Al-Masāq 22.2 (2010), рр. 151–171.


      D. Jacoby, ‘Byzantine Trade with Egypt from the Mid-Tenth Century to the Fourth Crusade’, Thesaurismata 30 (2000), р. 36.


      V. Piacentini, ‘Merchant Families in the Gulf: A Mercantile and Cosmopolitan Dimension: The Written Evidence’, ARAM 11–12 (1999–2000), рр. 145–148.


      D. Goitein, A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza, 6 vols (Berkeley, 1967–1993), 4, р. 168; Jacoby, ‘Byzantine Trade with Egypt’, рр. 41–43.


      Nāṣir-i Khusraw, Safarnāma, tr. W. Thackston, Nāṣer-e Khosraw’s Book of Travels (Albany, NY, 1986), рр. 39–40.


      Jacoby, ‘Byzantine Trade with Egypt’, р. 42; S. Simonsohn, The Jews of Sicily 383–1300 (Leiden, 1997), рр. 314–316.


      M. Vedeler, Silk for the Vikings (Oxford, 2014).


      E. Brate and E. Wessén, Sveriges Runinskrifter: Södermanlands Runinskrifter (Stockholm, 1924–36), р. 154.


      S. Jansson,