Part III: Windows Apps
This section is about building applications with XAML – both Universal Windows apps and WPF. You’ll learn about the foundation of XAML in Chapter 29, “Core XAML,” with the XAML syntax, dependency properties, and also markup extensions where you can create your own XAML syntax. In Chapter 30, “XAML Styles and Resources,” you learn about styling your XAML-based apps. A big focus on the MVVM (model-view-view model) pattern is in Chapter 31, “Patterns with XAML Apps.” Here you learn to take advantage of the data-binding features of XAML-based applications, which allow sharing a lot of code between UWP apps and WPF applications. You can also share a lot of code for developing for the iPhone and Android platforms using Xamarin. However, developing with Xamarin is not covered in this book. After the introductory chapters covering both UWP apps and WPF applications, two chapters cover the specific features of UWP apps, and two chapters cover WPF applications. In Chapters 32, “Windows Apps: User Interfaces,” and 33, “Advanced Windows Apps,” you learn about specific XAML controls with UWP apps such as the RelativePanel and AdaptiveTrigger, the new compiled binding, and the application life cycle, sharing data, and creating background tasks. Chapters 34, “Windows Desktop Applications with WPF,” and 35, “Creating Documents with WPF,” go into WPF-specific features such as the Ribbon control, TreeView to show hierarchical data, WPF-specific data binding features, creating flow and fixed documents, and creating XML Paper Specification (XPS) files.
This section is concluded with deployment in Chapter 36 to deploy WPF applications using ClickOnce, and information to get UWP apps in the store.
Part IV: Web Applications and Services
In this section you look at web applications and services. You’ll find two chapters about ADO.NET in this section as well. Although you can use ADO.NET (Chapter 37, “ADO.NET”) and the Entity Framework (Chapter 38, “Entity Framework Core”) from client applications as well, typically these technologies are used on the server, and you invoke services from the client.
In Chapter 39, “Windows Services,” you can read how to create your own Windows services that run when the operating system is started.
The new version of ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core 1.0, is covered in Chapter 40. Here you can read the foundation of ASP.NET and get ideas on how ASP.NET MVC 6 is built using these foundations. The features of ASP.NET MVC 6 are covered in Chapter 41.
NOTE ASP.NET Web Forms are not covered in this book, although ASP.NET 4.6 offers new features for ASP.NET Web Forms. This book fully concentrates on the new version of ASP.NET technologies using ASP.NET Core 1.0. For information about ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC 5 you should read Professional C# 5 and .NET 4.5.1.
Chapter 42 covers the REST service features of ASP.NET MVC 6: ASP.NET Web API. Publish and subscribe technologies for web applications, in the form of using the ASP.NET technologies WebHooks and SignalR, are covered in Chapter 43. Chapter 44 discusses an older technology for communication with services using SOAP and WCF.
Again, like the previous section, this section concludes with deployment – deployment of websites running on Internet Information Server (IIS) or using Microsoft Azure to host websites.
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