The Red Fairy Book. Lang Andrew. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lang Andrew
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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discreet, then?’

      But Michael was silent.


      Lina’s sisters had seen her talking to the little garden boy, and jeered at her for it.

      ‘What prevents your marrying him?’ asked the eldest, ‘you would become a gardener too; it is a charming profession. You could live in a cottage at the end of the park, and help your husband to draw up water from the well, and when we get up you could bring us our bouquets.’

      The Princess Lina was very angry, and when the Star Gazer presented her bouquet, she received it in a disdainful manner.

      Michael behaved most respectfully. He never raised his eyes to her, but nearly all day she felt him at her side without ever seeing him.

      One day she made up her mind to tell everything to her eldest sister.

      ‘What!’ said she, ‘this rogue knows our secret, and you never told me! I must lose no time in getting rid of him.’

      ‘But how?’

      ‘Why, by having him taken to the tower with the dungeons, of course.’

      For this was the way that in old times beautiful princesses got rid of people who knew too much.

      But the astonishing part of it was that the youngest sister did not seem at all to relish this method of stopping the mouth of the gardener’s boy, who, after all, had said nothing to their father.


      It was agreed that the question should be submitted to the other ten sisters. All were on the side of the eldest. Then the youngest sister declared that if they laid a finger on the little garden boy, she would herself go and tell their father the secret of the holes in their shoes.

      At last it was decided that Michael should be put to the test; that they would take him to the ball, and at the end of supper would give him the philtre which was to enchant him like the rest.

      They sent for the Star Gazer, and asked him how he had contrived to learn their secret; but still he remained silent.

      Then, in commanding tones, the eldest sister gave him the order they had agreed upon.

      He only answered:

      ‘I will obey.’

      He had really been present, invisible, at the council of princesses, and had heard all; but he had made up his mind to drink of the philtre, and sacrifice himself to the happiness of her he loved.

      Not wishing, however, to cut a poor figure at the ball by the side of the other dancers, he went at once to the laurels, and said:

      ‘My lovely rose laurel, with the golden rake I have raked thee, with the golden bucket I have watered thee, with a silken towel I have dried thee. Dress me like a prince.’

      A beautiful pink flower appeared. Michael gathered it, and found himself in a moment clothed in velvet, which was as black as the eyes of the little Princess, with a cap to match, a diamond aigrette, and a blossom of the rose laurel in his button-hole.

      Thus dressed, he presented himself that evening before the Duke of Beloeil, and obtained leave to try and discover his daughters’ secret. He looked so distinguished that hardly anyone would have known who he was.


      The twelve princesses went upstairs to bed. Michael followed them, and waited behind the open door till they gave the signal for departure.

      This time he did not cross in Lina’s boat. He gave his arm to the eldest sister, danced with each in turn, and was so graceful that everyone was delighted with him. At last the time came for him to dance with the little Princess. She found him the best partner in the world, but he did not dare to speak a single word to her.

      When he was taking her back to her place she said to him in a mocking voice:

      ‘Here you are at the summit of your wishes: you are being treated like a prince.’

      ‘Don’t be afraid,’ replied the Star Gazer gently. ‘You shall never be a gardener’s wife.’

      The little Princess stared at him with a frightened face, and he left her without waiting for an answer.

      When the satin slippers were worn through the fiddles stopped, and the negro boys set the table. Michael was placed next to the eldest sister, and opposite to the youngest.

      They gave him the most exquisite dishes to eat, and the most delicate wines to drink; and in order to turn his head more completely, compliments and flattery were heaped on him from every side.

      But he took care not to be intoxicated, either by the wine or the compliments.


      At last the eldest sister made a sign, and one of the black pages brought in a large golden cup.

      ‘The enchanted castle has no more secrets for you,’ she said to the Star Gazer. ‘Let us drink to your triumph.’

      He cast a lingering glance at the little Princess, and without hesitation lifted the cup.

      ‘Don’t drink!’ suddenly cried out the little Princess; ‘I would rather marry a gardener.’

      And she burst into tears.

      Michael flung the contents of the cup behind him, sprang over the table, and fell at Lina’s feet. The rest of the princes fell likewise at the knees of the princesses, each of whom chose a husband and raised him to her side. The charm was broken.

      The twelve couples embarked in the boats, which crossed back many times in order to carry over the other princes. Then they all went through the three woods, and when they had passed the door of the underground passage a great noise was heard, as if the enchanted castle was crumbling to the earth.

      They went straight to the room of the Duke of Beloeil, who had just awoke. Michael held in his hand the golden cup, and he revealed the secret of the holes in the shoes.

      ‘Choose, then,’ said the Duke, ‘whichever you prefer.’

      ‘My choice is already made,’ replied the garden boy, and he offered his hand to the youngest Princess, who blushed and lowered her eyes.


      The Princess Lina did not become a gardener’s wife; on the contrary, it was the Star Gazer who became a Prince: but before the marriage ceremony the Princess insisted that her lover should tell her how he came to discover the secret.

      So he showed her the two laurels which had helped him, and she, like a prudent girl, thinking they gave him too much advantage over his wife, cut them off at the root and threw them in the fire. And this is why the country girls go about singing:

           Nous n’irons plus au bois,

      Les lauriers sont coupes,’

      and dancing in summer by the light of the moon.


      ONCE upon a time there lived a King and Queen whose children had all died, first one and then another, until at last only one little daughter remained, and the Queen was at her wits’ end to know where to find a really good nurse who would take care of her, and bring her up. A herald was sent who blew a trumpet at every street corner, and commanded all the best nurses to appear before the Queen, that she might choose one for the little Princess. So on the appointed day the whole palace was crowded with nurses, who came from the four corners of the world to offer themselves, until the Queen declared that if she was ever to see the half of them, they must be brought out to her, one by one, as she sat in a shady wood near the palace.

      This was accordingly done, and the nurses, after they had made their curtsey to the King and Queen, ranged themselves in a line before her that she might choose. Most of them were fair and fat and charming, but there was one who was dark-skinned and ugly, and spoke a strange language which nobody could understand. The Queen wondered how she dared offer herself, and she was told to go away, as she certainly would not do. Upon which