Titus Andronicus. Уильям Шекспир. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Уильям Шекспир
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Драматургия
Год издания: 0
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speedier course this lingring languishment

      Must we pursue, and I haue found the path:

      My Lords, a solemne hunting is in hand.

      There will the louely Roman Ladies troope:

      The Forrest walkes are wide and spacious,

      And many vnfrequented plots there are,

      Fitted by kinde for rape and villanie:

      Single you thither then this dainty Doe,

      And strike her home by force, if not by words:

      This way or not at all, stand you in hope.

      Come, come, our Empresse with her sacred wit

      To villainie and vengance consecrate,

      Will we acquaint with all that we intend,

      And she shall file our engines with aduise,

      That will not suffer you to square your selues,

      But to your wishes height aduance you both.

      The Emperours Court is like the house of Fame,

      The pallace full of tongues, of eyes, of eares:

      The Woods are ruthlesse, dreadfull, deafe, and dull:

      There speake, and strike braue Boyes, & take your turnes.

      There serue your lusts, shadow'd from heauens eye,

      And reuell in Lauinia's Treasurie

      Chi. Thy counsell Lad smells of no cowardise

         Deme. Sit fas aut nefas, till I finde the streames,

      To coole this heat, a Charme to calme their fits,

      Per Stigia per manes Vehor.


      Enter Titus Andronicus and his three sonnes, making a noyse with hounds and hornes, and Marcus.

        Tit. The hunt is vp, the morne is bright and gray,

      The fields are fragrant, and the Woods are greene,

      Vncouple heere, and let vs make a bay,

      And wake the Emperour, and his louely Bride,

      And rouze the Prince, and ring a hunters peale,

      That all the Court may eccho with the noyse.

      Sonnes let it be your charge, as it is ours,

      To attend the Emperours person carefully:

      I haue bene troubled in my sleepe this night,

      But dawning day new comfort hath inspir'd.

      Winde Hornes.

      Heere a cry of houndes, and winde hornes in a peale, then Enter Saturninus, Tamora, Bassianus, Lauinia, Chiron, Demetrius, and their Attendants.

        Ti. Many good morrowes to your Maiestie,

      Madam to you as many and as good.

      I promised your Grace, a Hunters peale

         Satur. And you haue rung it lustily my Lords,

      Somewhat to earely for new married Ladies

         Bass. Lauinia, how say you?

        Laui. I say no:

      I haue bene awake two houres and more

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