A History of Chinese Literature. Giles Herbert Allen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Giles Herbert Allen
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Критика
Год издания: 0
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my lovely one, is lost,

      And I am left, in hopeless anguish tossed.”

      A good many anonymous poems have come down to us from the first century B.C., and some of these contain here and there quaint and pleasing conceits, as, for instance —

      “Man reaches scarce a hundred, yet his tears

      Would fill a lifetime of a thousand years.”

      The following is a poem of this period, the author of which is unknown: —

      “Forth from the eastern gate my steeds I drive,

      And lo! a cemetery meets my view;

      Aspens around in wild luxuriance thrive,

      The road is fringed with fir and pine and yew.

      Beneath my feet lie the forgotten dead,

      Wrapped in a twilight of eternal gloom;

      Down by the Yellow Springs their earthy bed,

      And everlasting silence is their doom.

      How fast the lights and shadows come and go!

      Like morning dew our fleeting life has passed;

      Man, a poor traveller on earth below,

      Is gone, while brass and stone can still outlast.

      Time is inexorable, and in vain

      Against his might the holiest mortal strives;

      Can we then hope this precious boon to gain,

      By strange elixirs to prolong our lives?..

      Oh, rather quaff good liquor while we may,

      And dress in silk and satin every day!”


      Women now begin to appear in Chinese literature. The Lady Pan was for a long time chief favourite of the Emperor who ruled China B.C. 32-6. So devoted was his Majesty that he even wished her to appear alongside of him in the Imperial chariot. Upon which she replied, “Your handmaid has heard that wise rulers of old were always accompanied by virtuous ministers, but never that they drove out with women by their side.” She was ultimately supplanted by a younger and more beautiful rival, whereupon she forwarded to the Emperor one of those fans, round or octagonal frames of bamboo with silk stretched over them,9 which in this country are called “fire-screens,” inscribed with the following lines: —

      “O fair white silk, fresh from the weaver’s loom,

      Clear as the frost, bright as the winter snow —

      See! friendship fashions out of thee a fan,

      Round as the round moon shines in heaven above,

      At home, abroad, a close companion thou,

      Stirring at every move the grateful gale.

      And yet I fear, ah me! that autumn chills,

      Cooling the dying summer’s torrid rage,

      Will see thee laid neglected on the shelf,

      All thought of bygone days, like them bygone.”

      The phrase “autumn fan” has long since passed into the language, and is used figuratively of a deserted wife.




      So far as China is concerned, the art of writing history may be said to have been created during the period under review. Ssŭ-ma Ch’ien, the so-called Father of History, was born about B.C. 145. At the age of ten he was already a good scholar, and at twenty set forth upon a round of travel which carried him to all parts of the empire. In B.C. 110 his father died, and he stepped into the hereditary post of grand astrologer. After devoting some time and energy to the reformation of the calendar, he now took up the historical work which had been begun by his father, and which was ultimately given to the world as the Historical Record. It is a history of China from the earliest ages down to about one hundred years before the Christian era, in one hundred and thirty chapters, arranged under five headings, as follows: – (1) Annals of the Emperors; (2) Chronological Tables; (3) Eight chapters on Rites, Music, the Pitch-pipes, the Calendar, Astrology, Imperial Sacrifices, Watercourses, and Political Economy; (4) Annals of the Feudal Nobles; and (5) Biographies of many of the eminent men of the period, which covers nearly three thousand years. In such estimation is this work justly held that its very words have been counted, and found to number 526,500 in all. It must be borne in mind that these characters were, in all probability, scratched with a stylus on bamboo tablets, and that previous to this there was no such thing as a history on a general and comprehensive plan; in fact, nothing beyond mere local annals in the style of the Spring and Autumn.

      Since the Historical Record, every dynasty has had its historian, their works in all cases being formed upon the model bequeathed by Ssŭ-ma Ch’ien. The Twenty-four Dynastic Histories of China were produced in 1747 in a uniform series bound up in 219 large volumes, and together show a record such as can be produced by no other country in the world.

      The following are specimens of Ssŭ-ma Ch’ien’s style: —

      (1.) “When the House of Han arose, the evils of their predecessors had not passed away. Husbands still went off to the wars. The old and the young were employed in transporting food. Production was almost at a standstill, and money became scarce. So much so, that even the Son of Heaven had not carriage-horses of the same colour; the highest civil and military authorities rode in bullock-carts, and the people at large knew not where to lay their heads.

      “At this epoch, the coinage in use was so heavy and cumbersome that the people themselves started a new issue at a fixed standard of value. But the laws were too lax, and it was impossible to prevent grasping persons from coining largely, buying largely, and then holding against a rise in the market. The consequence was that prices went up enormously. Rice sold at 10,000 cash per picul; a horse cost 100 ounces of silver. But by and by, when the empire was settling down to tranquillity, his Majesty Kao Tsu gave orders that no trader should wear silk nor ride in a carriage; besides which, the imposts levied upon this class were greatly increased, in order to keep them down. Some years later these restrictions were withdrawn; still, however, the descendants of traders were disqualified from holding any office connected with the State.

      “Meanwhile, certain levies were made on a scale calculated to meet the exigencies of public expenditure; while the land-tax and customs revenue were regarded by all officials, from the Emperor downwards, as their own personal emolument. Grain was forwarded by water to the capital for the use of the officials there, but the quantity did not amount to more than a few hundred thousand piculs every year.

      “Gradually the coinage began to deteriorate and light coins to circulate; whereupon another issue followed, each piece being marked ‘half an ounce.’ But at length the system of private issues led to serious abuses, resulting first of all in vast sums of money accumulating in the hands of individuals; finally, in rebellion, until the country was flooded with the coinage of the rebels, and it became necessary to enact laws against any such issues in the future.

      “At this period the Huns were harassing our northern frontier, and soldiers were massed there in large bodies; in consequence of which food became so scarce that the authorities offered certain rank and titles of honour to those who would supply a given quantity of grain. Later on, drought ensued in the west, and in order to meet necessities of the moment, official rank was again made a marketable commodity, while those who broke the laws were allowed to commute their penalties by money payments. And now horses began to reappear in official stables, and in palace and hall signs of an ampler luxury were visible once more.

      “Thus it was in the early days of the dynasty, until some seventy years after the accession of the House of Han. The empire was then at peace. For a long time there had been neither flood nor drought, and a season of plenty had ensued. The public granaries were well stocked; the Government treasuries were full. In the capital, strings of cash were piled


The folding fan, invented by the Japanese, was not known in China until the eleventh century A.D., when it was introduced through Korea.