This belief is strikingly shown by the comment of the Republican press. For example, just before Marshall delivered his opinion, a correspondent of the
"The efforts of
"Politics are more improper and dangerous in a Court of Justice, if possible, than in the pulpit. Political charges, prosecutions, and similar modes of official influence, ought never to have been resorted to by any party. The fountains of justice should be unpolluted by party passions and prejudices.
"The Court must be defeated and retreat from the attack; or march on, till they incur an impeachment and removal from office. But our
"The will of the nation, deliberately and constitutionally expressed, must and will prevail, the predictions and exertions of
Marshall's opinion was delivered February 24. It took two weeks of fast traveling to go from Washington to Boston. Ordinary mail required a few days longer. The article in the
Dodd, in
As President of the Court of Appeals of Virginia he later challenged Marshall and brought about the first serious conflict between the courts of a State and the supreme tribunal of the Nation; and as a pamphleteer he assailed Marshall and his principles of Nationalism with unsparing rigor. (See vol. iv, chaps. iii, and vi, of this work.)
For example, in Fletcher
It seems probable, however, that it was generally understood by the leading men of the Convention that the Judiciary was to exercise the power of invalidating unconstitutional acts of Congress. (See Corwin:
In the Constitutional Convention, Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts asserted that the judicial function of expounding statutes "involved a power of deciding on their Constitutionality." (
On the other hand, Franklin declared that "it would be improper to put it in the power of any Man to negative a Law passed by the Legislature because it would give him the controul of the Legislature." (
Madison felt "that no Man would be so daring as to place a veto on a Law that had passed with the assent of the Legislature." (
George Mason of Virginia said that the Judiciary "could declare an unconstitutional law void… He wished the further use to be made of the Judges of giving aid in preventing every improper law." (
Gouverneur Morris of Pennsylvania – afterwards of New York – dreaded "legislative usurpations" and felt that "encroachments of the popular branch … ought to be guarded agst." (
Gunning Bedford, Jr., of Delaware was against any "check on the Legislative" with two branches. (
James Wilson of Pennsylvania insisted that power in the Judiciary to declare laws unconstitutional "did not go far enough" – the judges should also have "Revisionary power" to pass on bills in the process of enactment. (
Luther Martin of Maryland had no doubt that the Judiciary had "a negative" on unconstitutional laws. (
John Francis Mercer of Maryland "disapproved of the Doctrine that the Judges as expositors of the Constitution should have authority to declare a law void." (
John Dickinson of Delaware "thought no such power ought to exist," but was "at a loss what expedient to substitute." (
Charles Pinckney of South Carolina "opposed the interference of the Judges in the Legislative business." (
The above is a condensed
See vol. i, 452, of this work.
The Virginia Resolutions.
Address of the Minority, Jan. 22, 1799,
Jay to Iredell, Sept. 15, 1790, enclosing statement to President Washington,
Jefferson to Meusnier, Jan. 24, 1786,
Jefferson to Meusnier, Jan. 24, 1786,
For instance, the Legislature of Rhode Island formally declared Independence almost two months before Congress adopted the pronouncement penned by Jefferson, and Jefferson used many of the very words of the tiny colony's defiance. In her Declaration of Independence in May, 1776, Virginia set forth most of the reasons stated by Jefferson a few weeks later in similar language.
For these cases and references to studies of the question of judicial supremacy over legislation, see Appendix C.
See vol. i, 323, of this work.
Until very recently Justices of the Supreme Court often came to the Senate to listen to debates in which they were particularly interested.
John Jay had declined reappointment as Chief Justice because among other things, he was "perfectly convinced" that the National Judiciary was hopelessly weak. (See