Reports of the Committee on the Conduct of the War. Gooch Daniel Wheelwright. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gooch Daniel Wheelwright
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: История
Год издания: 0
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down their arms and running down the bluff. After the rebs got inside the white troops saw that there was no mercy shown, and they threw down their arms and ran down the bluff, too; and they were at the same time shot and butchered. I ran myself, but carried my gun with me down the bluff, and hid myself behind a tree close to the edge of the river. I staid there some time, and saw my partner shot, and saw men shot all around me. I saw one man shoot as many as four negroes just as fast as he could load his gun and shoot. After doing this he came to me. As he turned around to me, I begged him not to shoot me. He came to me and I gave him my gun, and he took my caps, saying he wanted them to kill niggers. I begged him to let me go with him, as I would be exposed there; but he said "No, stay there." He made me stay there, and would not let me go with him. Another man came along, and I asked him to spare my life, and he did so. I asked him to let me go with him, but he refused me and ordered me to stay with my wounded partner, who was lying in some brush. I crawled in the brush to him. He was suffering very much, and I unloosed his belt, and took his cartridge-box and put it under his head. Some rebels under the hill spied us moving in the brush and ordered us to come out. My partner could not come out, but I came out. They ordered me to come to them. I started after one of them, begging him at the same time not to shoot me. I went, I suppose, eight or ten steps, when he shot me. I fell there, and saw but little more after that. As I was lying with my face towards the river I saw some swimming and drowning in the river, and I saw them shoot some in the river after that.

      Woodford Cooksey, sworn and examined.

      By Mr. Gooch:

      Question. To what company and regiment do you belong?

      Answer. Company A, 13th Tennessee cavalry.

      Question. Were you in the fight at Fort Pillow?

      Answer. Yes, sir; from 6 o'clock in the morning until about 4 o'clock in the evening.

      Question. State what took place after the fort was taken by the rebels.

      Answer. There were a great many white men shot down, and a great many negroes.

      Question. That you saw?

      Answer. That I saw myself.

      Question. Were you wounded there?

      Answer. Yes, sir.

      Question. At what time?

      Answer. After 4 o'clock; after we gave up.

      Question. How came they to shoot you after you had surrendered?

      Answer. I can't tell; it was about like shooting the balance of them.

      Question. Do you know who shot you?

      Answer. It was a white man. He shot me with a musket loaded with a musket ball and three buck shot.

      Question. Did you have any arms in your hands when you were shot?

      Answer. No, sir.

      Question. Did the one who shot you say anything to you?

      Answer. I was lying down. He said, "Hand me up your money, you damned son of a bitch." I only had four bits – two bits in silver and two in paper. I handed it up to him. He said he had damned nigh a notion to hit me in the head on account of staying there and fighting with the niggers. He heard a rally about the bank and went down there. They were shooting and throwing them in the river. A part of that night and the next morning they were burning houses and burying the dead and stealing goods. The next morning they commenced on the negroes again, and killed all they came across, as far as I could see. I saw them kill eight or ten of them the next morning.

      Question. Do you know whether any wounded soldiers were burned in any of those buildings?

      Answer. I do not. I was not in any of the shanties after they were fired.

      Question. Did you see them bury any of the dead?

      Answer. No, sir; I was lying outside of the fort.

      Question. Did they bury the white and black together, as you understood?

      Answer. Yes, sir; they were burying pretty much all night.

      Question. How many whites and blacks do you suppose were killed after they had surrendered?

      Answer. I had a mighty poor chance of finding out. But I don't think they killed less than 50 or 60, probably more; I cannot say how many. It was an awful time, I know.

      Question. How many did you see killed?

      Answer. I saw them kill three white men and seven negroes the next morning.

      Question. Did you see them shoot any white men the day after the fight?

      Answer. No, sir. I saw one of them shoot a black fellow in the head with three buck shot and a musket ball. The man held up his head, and then the fellow took his pistol and fired that at his head. The black man still moved, and then the fellow took his sabre and stuck it in the hole in the negro's head and jammed it way down, and said "Now, God damn you, die!" The negro did not say anything, but he moved, and the fellow took his carbine and beat his head soft with it. That was the next morning after the fight.

      Lieutenant McJ. Leming, sworn and examined.

      By Mr. Gooch:

      Question. Were you in the fight at Fort Pillow?

      Answer. Yes, sir.

      Question. What is your rank and position?

      Answer. I am a first lieutenant and adjutant of the 13th Tennessee cavalry. A short time previous to the fight I was post adjutant at Fort Pillow, and during most of the engagement I was acting as post adjutant. After Major Booth was killed, Major Bradford was in command. The pickets were driven in just before sunrise, which was the first intimation we had that the enemy were approaching. I repaired to the fort, and found that Major Booth was shelling the rebels as they came up towards the outer intrenchments. They kept up a steady fire by sharpshooters behind trees, and logs, and high knolls. The major thought at one time they were planting some artillery, or looking for places to plant it. They began to draw nearer and nearer, up to the time our men were all drawn into the fort. Two companies of the 13th Tennessee cavalry were ordered out as sharpshooters, but were finally ordered in. We were pressed on all sides.

      I think Major Booth fell not later than 9 o'clock. His adjutant, who was then acting post adjutant, fell near the same time. Major Bradford then took the command, and I acted as post adjutant. Previous to this, Major Booth had ordered some buildings in front of the fort to be destroyed, as the enemy's sharpshooters were endeavoring to get possession of them. There were four rows of buildings, but only the row nearest the fort was destroyed; the sharpshooters gained possession of the others before they could be destroyed. The fight continued, one almost unceasing fire all the time, until about three o'clock. They threw some shells, but they did not do much damage with their shells.

      I think it was about three o'clock that a flag of truce approached. I went out, accompanied by Captain Young, the provost marshal of the post. There was another officer, I think, but I do not recollect now particularly who it was, and some four mounted men. The rebels announced that they had a communication from General Forrest. One of their officers there, I think, from his dress, was a colonel. I received the communication, and they said they would wait for an answer. As near as I remember, the communication was as follows:

      "Headquarters Confederate Cavalry,

      "Near Fort Pillow, April 12, 1864.

      "As your gallant defence of the fort has entitled you to the treatment of brave men, (or something to that effect,) I now demand an unconditional surrender of your force, at the same time assuring you that they will be treated as prisoners of war. I have received a fresh supply of ammunition, and can easily take your position.

      "N. B. FORREST.

      "Major L. F. Booth,

      "Commanding United States Forces."

      I took this message back to the fort. Major Bradford replied that he desired an hour for consultation and consideration with his officers, and the officers of the gunboat. I took out this communication to them, and they carried it back to General Forrest. In a few minutes another flag of truce appeared, and I went out to meet it. Some one said, when